London Police to Recruit 40% of Officers From Minority Backgrounds The Metropolitan Police also announced a review of all road traffic stops, as Commissioner Cressida Dick acknowledged that her force was “not free from racism or discrimination.” ......... The London Metropolitan Police will aim to hire 40 percent of new recruits from Black, Asian, and other minority backgrounds by 2022, Mayor Sadiq Khan said on Friday ......... the Metropolitan Police should be more inclusive; work more closely with local communities; and gain the trust of minorities, who are treated differently than white Londoners. ....... Mr. Khan said that the Black Lives Matter protests this summer had highlighted the need to change the perceptions of the police .... the goal was for 16 percent of the force to be from minority backgrounds by 2022, and 28 percent by 2030 ......... officers will also review footage from body cameras to identify potential patterns in the use of stop-and-frisk tactics, and how de-escalation methods could be used more frequently.
How Exercise Might Affect Immunity to Lower Cancer Risk Working out may enhance the immune system’s ability to target and eradicate cancer cells, a study in mice suggests. ........... highly active people were found to be much less likely to develop 13 different types of cancer than people who rarely moved.
Trump Remade His Party and the World He transformed both the Republican coalition and the way other countries see America. His legacy will be with us for generations.
Stacey Abrams on minority rule, voting rights, and the future of democracy In 2020, democracy is on the ballot.
Why Trump is suddenly replacing Pentagon officials with loyalists It seems scary, but the answer may be simpler than you think.
My Daughter’s New Friends (and Their Parents) Are Terribly Racist What should we do?
घरघरमा ‘अनियन्त्रित’ फैलिएको कोरोना संक्रमण : कहाँ चुक्यो नेपाल ? अब गर्ने के ? कतै वरदान त कतै अभिशाप बन्यो लकडाउन, के यो समयको बर्बादी मात्रै हो ?
Election Showed a Wider Red-Blue Economic Divide Some partisan differences were scrambled, but places with brighter future prospects swung toward Biden.
Biden Wants to Be the Climate President. He’ll Need Some Help From Xi Jinping. The U.S.-China relationship is at its lowest point in a half century, but there are also converging interests on global warming......... Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi, though, are locked in a very difficult relationship that makes climate cooperation a bit like a couple in divorce court trying to plan their child’s wedding. ............. The countries represent the two biggest economies, two leading military powers and the two biggest sources of the climate problem, together producing 40 percent of the greenhouse gases that currently go up into the atmosphere and heat the planet to dangerous levels. ............ and nudging other major emitters — India, Indonesia, Russia, and Brazil — to do their part. .......... There’s conflict over trade. China’s human rights abuses are hard for Washington to ignore, and growing nationalist sentiment in both countries makes diplomacy politically tougher. ........ climate change offered Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi a real opening to work together. .......... could spur healthy competition over clean energy technology and, in turn, drive down prices of renewable power for the rest of the world. ............. China would have to peak its carbon emissions by 2025, five years earlier than the country has promised, and phase out coal by 2040 in order to keep global temperatures close to the upper limits laid out in the Paris Agreement. ............. China’s addiction to coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel, which supplies the bulk of the country’s electricity despite its expansion of solar and wind power. ............. Four of the world’s top coal-plant builders are Chinese.
Just got a tornado warning... in Manhattan
— Andrew Solender (@AndrewSolender) November 16, 2020
2020 Shows Why the Electoral College Is Stupid and Immoral It doesn’t just distort presidential elections. It infects the entire political process.