Sunday, October 25, 2020

Much Too Much

Dry leaves 
Scavenged for fuel 
Tiny tracks to mud roads 
That wind down 
To engulf the village 
Into kerosene lamp dark 
That burts open into 
A rod red morning. 
Starry nights 
Time zones away from 
Big city lights 
That are a poor substitute. 
Hyperlinks that replace thoughts 
Stares that unblinkingly avoid 
The passersby 
The person next door 
And the coffee table mate 
Sitting across the table. 
When much is enough 
And much is too much 
Close your eyes and take a deep breath 
Of centering.


Coronavirus News (297)

This Is Why Republicans Fear Change The party’s survival depends on frozen politics. ............ the case for D.C. statehood is straightforward: American citizens deserve full representation in Congress .......... Puerto Rico, on the other hand, has routinely chosen Republicans for statewide office. ......... Republicans are hostile to greater democracy, where democracy means equal representation in a federal system of separated powers. ...........  The question of whether Democrats will abolish the filibuster or expand the courts or create new states, should they win power, is actually a question of whether Democrats will bring dynamism to the American political system. 

The Case Against Google A lawsuit with bipartisan support could herald a new era of trustbusting. ....... Why has Washington united against one of America’s most successful and popular companies, and how could the case change the internet as we know it? ........... Google now controls 88 percent of the U.S. search engine market, an unparalleled power the company uses to effectively prevent alternative search engines from competing. .......... Google, like Facebook, has argued that it doesn’t harm consumers, since its flagship product costs them nothing to use. ........  “The harm is to competition” ............. Google’s control over search means it can charge marketers higher fees for ads ........... “On too many queries, Google is more interested in making search lucrative than a better product for us.” .......... many news organizations have virtually no choice now but to depend on Google and Facebook to reach readers and fund their operations ........... two crises: a financial crisis, because advertising revenue that used to go to publishers is now captured by big tech intermediaries, causing the news industry to collapse; and an editorial one, because media’s dependency on a handful of platforms incentivizes virality and sensationalism over high-quality journalism. ................  “When a consumer uses Google, the consumer provides personal information and attention in exchange for search results,” the lawsuit reads. “Google then monetizes the consumer’s information and attention by selling ads.” ......... Google, the lawsuit claims, pays $8 billion to $12 billion a year to Apple in exchange for making Google the default search engine across all of its devices. That has made the two tech giants heavily reliant on each other to the exclusion of other search engines. ................... the Justice Department’s move could set off a cascade of similar lawsuits against big tech companies  

Why Does Trump Win With White Men? The gender gap probably deserves another name. ......... The electorate as a whole seems ready to cast out President Trump by a big margin. But not men. .......... Trump leading Mr. Biden among white men by a 12-percentage-point margin — 53 percent to 41 percent. ................... not flattering to men. Women tend to cast votes based on what they perceive as the overall benefit to the nation and their communities. Men are more self-interested. .......... “Women think about government in terms of the well-being of the country” ........ “Men are much more likely to think about it in terms of their wallet. Their bottom line is, how does this affect me?” ..............  “I think the gender gap reflects traditional differences in male and female values and personalities, differences such as men’s greater competitiveness and concerns with issues of power and control, and women’s greater compassion and nurturance, rejection of force and violence, and concern with interpersonal relations.” ............  Men’s political views were shaped by a more individualistic attitude ............  “We see it in poll questions that ask, “Is America getting too soft and feminine?” Dr. Deckman said. “Those who answer ‘yes’ lean strongly Republican.” ............ white college-educated men are beginning to vote more like women and people of color. ..... just 6 percent of Black women support Mr. Trump; for Black men, it was 11 percent. There was a bigger gap between Hispanic men and women: 23 percent of women were for Mr. Trump, and 35 percent of men. ...........  His boorish tone, inability to express empathy and unwillingness to admit mistakes are not qualities that most women find attractive. ........... when men and women pay attention to politics, they are looking at two different pictures. ...........   “Men consume more political news, but for a lot of them, especially younger men, it’s like a hobby and a sport” ......... The gender gap cannot be completely differentiated from rank misogyny. Some would argue that it is misogyny. ................  Trump might be fading so fast and hard that Mr. Biden could win the male vote — though not the white male vote. .......... a torrent of Trump-splaining ........ Republicans spent a full three decades tearing down Hillary Clinton, often in flagrantly sexist ways — criticizing her clothes, her tone of voice, her physical stamina, her “likability,” her response to her husband’s infidelity. It worked and she lost because a large proportion of the nation, including lots of women, viscerally disliked her. ......................  He said he believed every American family needed a tank in their garage.