Sunday, November 13, 2011

Occupy The World

Day 43 Occupy Wall Street October 29 2011 Shan...Image by david_shankbone via FlickrOccupy America has to be first and foremost about total campaign finance reform. I was Barack Obama's first full time volunteer in New York City. And I staunchly believe in the guy's reelection. But I have tried to see the Occupy movement for what it is and I have been open to options that might or might not be best for Barack Obama's political party. (A Multi Party System For America) But I believe 2012 has to be about The Agenda. The agenda is total campaign finance reform and progressive taxation (Sales Tax, Wealth Equity Tax) within 100 days of Barack Obama's second term. To that end giving him a second term, a super majority in the Senate and a majority in the House might be the best way. (Occupy Wall Street: My Idea Of Obama 2012) But that can be no blank check. The Occupy movement has to spell out the agenda by the summer of 2012.

Occupy China, Occupy Russia, Occupy Iran All Over Again

The Occupy movement can achieve globally what guns and tanks can not. The Occupy movement can end all wars for all times. You do that by turning all countries into democracies through peaceful protests. And once that goal is achieved, by achieving rule of law between countries. The UN General Assembly has to be reorganized and turned into a true global parliament.

Occupy Wall Street Could Legitimately Go Indoors
The Conversation Is The Revolution
Tahrir Square In America
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Sunday, November 06, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Could Legitimately Go Indoors

The corner of Wall Street and Broadway, showin...Image via WikipediaI say take it to a church basement nearby. Or two, or three. Cap the number of people that can spend the night there. 200 is good enough. Know who those 200 are. Have a line. Process people. Spending a night should be a badge of honor.

The glory is not in braving the winter outdoors. The glory is in channeling the online communication.

Occupy Wall Street is the national nerve center, it is the global nerve center for the movement. I think taking it indoors and getting it better organized would be a great move to make.

Come back out into the park in about four months or five.

Staying put in the park would be the best option. But moving it to a church basement would also be a legitimate option.

A Multi Party System For America
Occupy Wall Street: My Idea Of Obama 2012
Sales Tax, Wealth Equity Tax
The Conversation Is The Revolution
Tahrir Square In America
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