Monday, January 14, 2008

Barack's Fairytale Position On Iraq War, Fairytale Candidacy, Fairytale Lifestory, Fairytale Hairstyle

Inspired By Barack Not Britney

Bill Clinton said in New Hampshire that Barack's candidacy was the biggest fairytale he had ever seen. Then after the New Hampshire primary was over he backtracked a little. He said he was only referring to Barack's position on the Iraq War.

He started out by saying Barack's entire existence was a fairytale. The voting age population is not supposed to believe in Santa, not in fairytales. Those who believe in fairytales are kids. Boys. Boy Barack. Come hither, boy.

Bill Clinton is like me. He does not get the full grasp of what Barack means by hope, and new kind of politics. Newton's laws of motion have stood the test of time. Bill Clinton feels like his 1990s style of politics as permanent as Newton's laws of motion. He calls them Clinton's laws of politics. But then he never was a modest kinda guy.

I am 35. Many white folks routinely mistake me for someone much younger. I look younger, they say. To the brown people I look my age. To some white people, I am a fairytale.

When I took grave offense at what I perceived to be institutional racism when I was a newly elected SGA President at the college I went to in Kentucky, the college president came out saying, "That kid does not understand English!" That kid - skinny kid with a funny name - is a fairytale.

In The News

Obama Declares Truce FOXNews I’ve been a little concerned about the tenor the campaign has been going over the last couple of days ...... “I don’t want the campaign at this stage to degenerate into so much tit for tat back and forth that we lose sight of why we are all doing this,” he said.
Clinton, McCain lead among California voters Los Angeles Times Hillary Rodham Clinton holds a commanding lead over Barack Obama in California as the Democratic presidential contest heads toward the Feb. 5 primary, a new statewide poll has found. ..... the race remains extremely fluid, even as voters in the state are casting mail-in ballots. Six in 10 Republican primary voters said they might change candidates in the next three weeks. Among Democrats, four in 10 said they could change their minds. ....... Clinton leads Obama 47 percent to 31 percent ..... McCain was ahead with 20 percent. Mitt Romney was at 16 percent, Rudolph W. Giuliani at 14 percent and Mike Huckabee at 13 percent. ..... In the Bay Area, the most concentrated Democratic area in the state, Clinton led by a 31-point margin, which narrowed to 22 points in the state's second Democratic bulwark, the Los Angeles area. Over the weekend, Obama's campaign aides announced they would begin running television advertisements in the Bay Area.
Obama and 'the Race Card' Washington Post While the accusations against the Clintons by Obama supporters and African American political figures might have helped Obama in the short-term, and might also have been justified, they nonetheless threatened to destroy his candidacy in the long-run -- and possibly even fracture the Democratic Party itself. ...... appeal to whites and offer a "truce" in America's racial wars ...... If this becomes a campaign about race, Obama loses. .... (his candidacy is so attractive to many voters because they see it as an opportunity for racial healing). ...... I wish we could just shove all this toothpaste back in the tube, but something tells me that's wishful thinking. ..... Once white people start turning on Obama, black people may give up hope and either not vote or vote for their second choice, who is probably Hillary Clinton. ...... Given everything else that is going on in the world, this is a stupid side-show discussion, but Obama had better realize that if he doesn't return fire in some fashion, he'll be in a bodybag and carted off the field before he even knows it
Barack Obama gains with black Americans Following his victory in Iowa and close second-place finish to Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, the Illinois senator is now supported by 60 per cent of African Americans compared to 32 per cent for the former First Lady ....... many are increasingly ready to vote for the first black candidate with a realistic chance of being president. ..... Among likely voters in the Democratic Party primaries to chose a candidate for November's presidential election, Mr Obama is now only five points behind the New York senator, having been 30 points behind a month ago. ..... Clinton ahead by a bigger margin, with 42 per cent to Mr Obama's 27 per cent.
Obama says Clinton wasn't playing race card USA Today
Eugene Robinson / Clinton can't count on black vote
San Francisco Chronicle
Clinton courting Nevada Latinos to win California Newsday
Obama seeks to lower temperature
Baltimore Sun
A Negative Turn in a Dangerous Game for Clinton, Obama Washington Post
Clinton, Obama, hope, and promise Boston Globe
Poll: Clinton, McCain nab national leads USA Today Clinton is holding her ground with women voters, but rival Barack Obama has narrowed her lead by scoring major gains among African-Americans and young people. ...... McCain has vaulted to the top of the GOP field following his win in New Hampshire. ...... Giuliani, who led in every USA TODAY survey in 2007, is in third place. ..... Women voters are sticking with Clinton. The New York senator lost among female voters in Iowa but won them back in New Hampshire. She was supported by 50% of women in four USA TODAY surveys taken in November and December and by the same number now. Obama's support among women has climbed to 31% from 21%. ...... African-American voters are moving to Obama. Clinton led among blacks by 23 percentage points in late 2007, 56%-33%, but Obama now leads by 25 points, 57%-32%. ....... Young people also have shifted to Obama. Clinton led among voters 18-29 years old by 17 points in late 2007, 45%-28%. That has more than turned around: Obama leads in this age group by 57%-29%. ..... Overall, Clinton is at 45%, Obama 33% and former North Carolina senator John Edwards at 13%. .... McCain is at 33%, former Arkansas governor Huckabee at 19%

2.0 Penetrates DL21C

Martha Outed Kenton And Women With Issues
An Open Letter To Elizabeth Caputo
2.0 Screen Time, 5.0 Face Time, Of Racialism, Progressive Group Dynamics
I Want To Join The DL21C Steering Committee

Au Bon Pain
684 Broadway @ West 3rd Street


Urgent. Is it Jennifer who collected all the email addresses? Can you please pass me her email address?

This is what I am proposing. Sunday 11 to noon, same place, every Sunday. First five minutes people get to shape the agenda of what will be talked about and for how long. Next 55 minutes: talk. The entire hour gets videoblogged. Everybody who shows up will be entitled to membership to two online destinations:

(1) Public
(2) Private

The conversation never stops. And geography is irrelevant. I will be the cameraman. So someone could decide they don't want to show up every week, maybe only once a month, and that is okay, the entire hour will be in video online at the blog. If someone who showed up feels like they did not get to fully say what they wanted to say, the can blog it at the group blog. Those who don't want the world to know what they have to say use the private Google group.

I think we got something grand. This could go national.

And we should stick to one hour. At noon, it is officially over, although people will sure have the option to stick around.

I think we got a great, central location for the entire city. We should stick to it.

In The News

Obama, Clinton let elbows fly Chicago Tribune exchanged fiery comments about the role of a civil rights leader, the war in Iraq and each other's leadership capacity. ..... she said Obama's campaign is "deliberately distorting" what she has said about Martin Luther King's legacy. ..... "I have the greatest regard for rhetoric and particularly the ability that Sen. Obama has to, you know, lift our sights and our hearts with his oratory," Clinton said ..... "He didn't go to the floor of the Senate to condemn the war in Iraq for 18 months" ...... "an hour talking about me and my record in a way that was flat-out wrong." ........ "I stood up against the [Iraq] war when she was voting for it, at a time she didn't read the intelligence reports, or give diplomacy a chance," he said. "I have to say, she started this campaign saying that she wanted to make history and lately she has been spending a lot of time rewriting it." ........ "She made an ill-advised statement about Dr. King, suggesting that Lyndon Johnson had more to do with the Civil Rights Act," Obama said. "I did not make the statement. I haven't commented on the statement. For them to suggest that we're injecting race as a consequence of a statement she made that we haven't commented on is pretty hard to figure out."
Obama the target of dangerous code words Chicago Sun-Times Campaigns are about words. I am hearing some words that are tapping into the most dangerous part of the American psyche. ..... This nation was built on racism. Its economy blossomed from human cargo shuttled across the sea and sold into slavery. Our black ancestors were shackled, raped, brutalized. They were lynched, burned, bombed, hosed, executed. ..... We can't ignore our history. It is still with us. ..... Our women are called nappy-headed whores. ..... Biden noted that Obama was the first "mainstream" African-American candidate "who is articulate and bright and clean." ..... Bob Kerrey noted Obama's personal history in the Washington Post, singling out his full name: Barack "Hussein" Obama. ....... Obama is "the other." He is dangerous. He is hustling, criminal, back-alley black man. ....... Racial code words are not new to American politics. ..... A campaign ad starred a Playboy-esque blond bombshell beckoning to Senate candidate Harold Ford. George Allen had his "macaca" moment. ...... Listen to the words. "I just don't want to see us fall backward." Backward to what? To that black man. That black man who beat Hillary. That black man who made the white woman cry. White New Hampshire voters came to her rescue. Poor Hillary. Don't worry -- we will protect you. We will save you. Our racial wounds are deep, their impact subliminal. Words have consequences. In these sensitive times, they can activate our most unconscious fears and tap the deepest recesses of our ugly history. Every black man in America knows it. Especially Barack Obama.
Clinton and Obama unveil economic plans Guardian Unlimited Obama's plan is valued at $75bn. Released yesterday, it includes tax cuts for workers, a bonus to senior citizens, mortgage aid and expanded unemployment insurance. ...... "When the bills are stacking up, and you're just one pink slip away from losing everything you've got, the last thing you need is more talk. .... "In the face of rising global competition, our children's future is at stake. So we don't need more rhetoric, we need action." ...... bad news on the US economy mounted. ...... Evidence of a drop in consumer spending is growing, and consumer confidence in the economy is dropping.
Michelle Obama defends husband's record MSNBC "His opponents will say that he wasn't always against the war," she said today here. "I'm like, 'Where have you been?'" ...... "What they fail to tell you," she said, "is that where Barack was trying to get to the U.S. Senate." The tough Illinois primary race he faced, she added, made his opposition to the war all the more politically risky at the time. ...... "We have two choices: One, same old thing. Same thing that hasn't worked for my lifetime. Same people, same game, same thing. And then we have Barack. Those are our choices."