Saturday, October 27, 2007

Don't Count John Edwards Out Yet

Don't Count John Edwards Out Yet

I was not a John Edwards supporter in 2004, and I have not been this election cycle. But I must say I have been very impressed with the many union endorsements he has managed to get. He must have been doing something right to get all that.

John Edwards knows the Iowa dynamic and the magic of doing well in Iowa more than anyone else running. He was there in 2004. He rode the Iowa wave all the way to being Kerry's running mate. Could you have seen that at this stage in 2003? Nope.

John Edwards knows that and he is counting on it. I think that is why he has been going after Hillary Clinton so aggressively. He knows Hillary is only one Iowa defeat away from losing her so-called national lead in the polls. Edwards is the dog chasing the car. He hopes to catch it.

I mean, I like Edwards. It is just that I am with Obama: I like Obama more.

I am so proud of the entire Democratic field. I am too young to remember a more impressive Dem field. And I have read enough history to be able to say the Dems never had it this good. Something wonderful is going on.

John Edwards could pull a surprise and end up doing well enough in Iowa that he could be competing hard all through January. The dynamic will go from state to state. So state number four can not be predicted now or even after state number one. I don't know if Edwards will be the nominee - I hope not, I hope it is Obama - but I do know the guy has as intimate a knowledge as anyone as to how the dynamic will play out during the weeks of January. And so he is keeping his nose to the ground and is chugging along full express.

I think he has done a very good job of exposing Hillary's intimacy with the kind of life forms in Washington usually associated with corrupt, spoilt Republicans. Everybody and Harry Truman's cousins have had good ideas on health care. But this election cycle Edwards put it together in one place months before Hillary did.

And the guy basically lost in 2004 and camped in Iowa right after where he has practically been living since. That is someone who understands the importance of Iowa a little too well for his opponents.

Even if Edwards does not win, he is going to have had a major positive impact on the campaign. The eventual nominee is going to be better for having competed against Edwards. That is not to say I am taking Edwards lightly. He is very much in the race, and he is serious competition. Hillary knows that.

He apologized for his misguided 2002 vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq. Hillary never did. He also exhibited major integrity at one early debate when he said if there are people out there who will not vote for Barack because he is black, and for Hillary because she is a woman, he does not want their vote either. That was my favorite line coming from anybody in that particular debate. I admired him for saying that.

And it does not escape me that Joe Trippi of Dean 2004 fame is with Edwards.

The Neocon Fantassy Of A Five Minute Air Raid Of Iran

That is what they are peddling. They were saying a week or two will be enough to do the job in Iraq. You go in, take Saddam out, you get out. Mission accomplished. We know how that worked out.

Iran is a much larger, more complex country. It will retaliate. It has allies like Russia that are fundamentally opposed to military action, and Putin is likely to act strongly on Iran's behalf.

That is the fundamental chink in the neocon armor. To them war is a video game. If only it were that simple. They don't take into account the human dimension. They don't take into account the regional sentiments, or power dynamic. They don't take into account budgetary constraints. And they certainly are not even looking at the non military options.

They were wrong on Iraq. They are not doing any better on Iran.

Nuclear nonproliferation is a non-negotiable goal, but W does not know how to achieve that goal in a sane way.

On The Other Hand

If a five minute air raid can cure Iran of the ultimate evil it is portrayed to be, how much of an evil can it be in the first place?

In The News

Iranians Dismiss New US Sanctions New York Times as insignificant and said they would have no effect on the country’s nuclear policies ...... The decision raised the temperature in America’s confrontation with Iran over terrorism and nuclear weapons. ...... “Sanctions have been imposed on us for the past 28 years. The new sanctions, like those before, will have no effect on Iran’s policies.” ....... the Guard would respond to any attack “fiercely.”
Yet Another Photo of Site in Syria, Yet More Questions New York Times whether the Bush administration overlooked a nascent atomic threat in Syria while planning and executing a war in Iraq ..... North Korea’s suspected aid to Syria, suggesting that North Korea could have begun its assistance in the late 1990s. ....... the site that the Israelis struck in September. ..... a tall building about 150 feet wide on each side that analysts suspect might have sheltered a half-built nuclear reactor. Also visible is a pumping station on the Euphrates, which may be significant because reactors need water for cooling. .......... it was ironic that Syria might have been trying to build a nuclear program just as the United States was invading Iraq in the fear that Iraq was developing nuclear arms.
Merrill’s Chief Is Said to Consider a Bid to Merge the idea of a merger with a large bank, a foray that angered Merrill’s board and could cost him his job ....... O’Neal broached the possibility of a merger with Wachovia, the bank based in Charlotte, N.C., without first getting the approval of Merrill’s board, a major breach of corporate protocol ........ underscores how much the subprime mortgage crisis has rocked Merrill. ...... Merrill reported a third-quarter loss of $2.3 billion and announced it would take a write-down of $7.9 billion on subprime mortgages and complex debt instruments, far more than the $5 billion it had predicted weeks earlier. ....... Though less prominent, Wachovia has a higher stock market capitalization — about $86 billion, versus $52 billion for Merrill. ...... Merrill, with 15,000 retail brokers, and Wachovia, with 10,137 brokers
Mexicans Miss Money From Relatives Up North From 2000 to 2006, remittances grew to nearly $24 billion a year from $6.6 billion, rising more than 20 percent some years. In 2007, the increase so far has been less than 2 percent. ......... Last year, migrant workers worldwide sent more than $300 billion to developing countries — almost twice the amount of foreign direct investment. ......... the construction slump — along with a year-old crackdown on illegal immigration at the border and in the workplace, and mounting anti-immigrant sentiment in places — has made it even harder for Mexican migrants to reach the United States and land well-paying jobs. ........ New walls, new guards and new equipment at the border have dissuaded many from trying to cross and raised the cost for those who try to as much as $2,800. Workplace raids and stories of summary deportations stoke fears among Mexicans on both sides of the border. ......... “Psychologically, they lead you to save money in case of an emergency. You send less, you save more.” ....... Guanajuato state, remittances have created a peculiar economy in villages ...... few jobs, yet many houses have stereo systems, washing machines and three-piece living room sets. ......... An unskilled factory or construction job pays little more than $50 or $60 a week. With those prospects, the next generation — some of them as young as 15 — seemed to have few doubts about heading to the United States. ....... “Now they lock you up. Before, they grabbed you and sent you back.
Despite Progress, California Fires Still Pose Threat New York Times
Obama Fundraiser Defects to Clinton
The Associated Press Bob Farmer, who was a top fundraiser for several past Democratic presidential candidates, had served on Obama's national finance committee. ........ Obama spokesman Bill Burton said, "He was not a bundler. He didn't raise any money for us, but we wish him well." Bundlers had committed to raise at least $50,000 for the campaign. ...... Farmer was the finance chair of the Democratic National Committee during President George H.W. Bush's administration. He was a top fundraiser for Michael Dukakis in 1988, Bill Clinton in 1992 and John Kerry in 2004. Farmer served as Kerry's national treasurer in 2004, but when Kerry decided he would not seek the presidency in 2008, Farmer was one of several Kerry financial backers who chose to help Obama. ....... Farmer gave $2,300 to Obama in March, $2,300 to Edwards in June and $2,300 to Hillary Clinton in July.
Clinton Builds Her Firewall Washington Post Quietly but systematically, Hillary Clinton is building a firewall in New Hampshire. She can afford to lose the Iowa caucuses as long as she can win here. She can't afford to lose both states. ......... has built an organization with deep local roots. Although a victory by Barack Obama in Iowa could still propel him to triumph here, Clinton is setting herself up to withstand an Obama surge by using New Hampshire to become, if necessary, the second Comeback Kid. ......... "Barack seems flat ....... "The magic we experienced in December hasn't been sustained." ....... Obama's rock-star quality may actually be getting in his way. ......... The large crowds Obama draws hinder his ability to engage in traditional campaigning. "People here don't just expect you to be on the stage," Chynoweth said. "They expect you to be out in the audience among the people." ........... Obama's charisma causes him other problems. Arnesen said that while Clinton's message "is very much about the voters," Obama's is "very much about himself" and his personal capacity to create change. ......... instead of a campaign organized in opposition to Clinton, the fascination with Obama has, up to now, made her less of a target. ...... Clinton's claim that she can deal with the Republican "attack machine" rings truer to an angry party than Obama's call for an end to partisan polarization ....... The paradox for Obama is that catching up may require him to make Clinton -- and her views and electability -- more of an issue than he is. It may not come naturally, but "No More Mr. Nice Guy" may have to become his campaign anthem.
Obama faces dilemma in chasing Clinton Reuters barely two months before the first contests. ...... "The campaign has to develop a level of aggressiveness and intensity that I'm not sure we've seen yet. If he's playing to win, they are going to have to ratchet it up" ....... Obama's campaign dismisses the national polls as exercises in name recognition, pointing out Obama, Clinton and rival John Edwards are in a tight three-way race in Iowa, where an early win can immediately change the dynamics of the race. ....... What Obama needs to do now, he said, is "organize, organize, organize. Iowa is a three-way scramble right now, and Obama's strength is going to be his organization." ....... "Obama can allow Edwards and the rest to take Hillary on. He doesn't have to carry the load," Strother said. "He has the freedom to stay above the fray."
Obama: Don't pander to homophobes Salon
Cash flows in as Hillary Clinton turns 60
Uproar Over Obama's Gospel Tour Continues CBS News
Obama's New Politics, Exemplified Atlantic Online Thesis, antithesis and synthesis, the bringing together of political opposites, the breaking of old habits of minds; putting it more capitalistically, Obama, in his campaign bull sessions, sees his campaign as the prelude to a creative destruction of the current political system. ........ We believe that Barack Obama is constructing a tent big enough for LGBT Americans who know that their sexual orientation is an innate and treasured part of their being, and for African American ministers and citizens who believe that their religion prevents them from fully embracing their gay brothers and sisters. And if we are to confront our shared challenges we have to join together, build on common ground, and engage in a civil dialogue even when we disagree. ......... there is a fairly substantial degree of homophobia within parts of the black community.
Clinton vs. Obama on Iran
Washington Post
McCain Hits Clinton in 2nd Woodstock Ad The Associated Press
Crime Bosses Considered Hit on Giuliani New York Times In 1987, when Rudolph Giuliani was still the aggressive United States attorney in Manhattan, he came within single vote of having a contract put on his head by the leaders of the five New York organized crime families ....... prosecuted the five families as a single criminal enterprise. ...... John Gotti and Carmine Persico were in favor of the hit. The bosses of the Luchese and and BonnanoGenovese families rejected the idea ........ Carmine Persico is serving life in federal prison, and John Gotti died in prison in 2002.
Giuliani Resembles Bush on Terrorism The Associated Press Bush on steroids ...... The former New York mayor says the government shouldn't be shy about eavesdropping on citizens. He is prepared to use military force to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons and root out terrorists in Pakistan. And he opposes a U.S. pullout from Iraq. ...... the mind-set and commitment of both the president and Mayor Giuliani to stay on offense ...... Giuliani sounds more muscular. ...... "I will keep America on offense in the terrorists' war on us." He constantly accuses Democrats of being afraid to use the term "Islamic terrorists." ....... Giuliani's message is, "'I'm a tough SOB; you give me the power, and I'll protect you ....... "They might argue that it's necessary," Keene said. "He might argue that it's fun." ...... retired federal judge Michael Mukasey, a longtime friend of Giuliani's who was advising the campaign until Bush picked him to serve as attorney general. ........ he wasn't sure if waterboarding, which simulates drowning, is actually torture. ....... he didn't know if "liberal media" had accurately described the technique. ...... "we can't abandon aggressive questioning of people who are intent on coming here to kill us or killing us overseas ....... argues for bombing Iran to stop it from building a nuclear arsenal. ...... Iran, like Iraq and Afghanistan, is another front in the same war sparked by the Sept. 11 attacks. He calls this World War IV, the Cold War being World War III. ........ the calm, decisive leader ....... "I probably have one of the strongest arguments to make about executive experience and handling crisis and getting results" ...... he should never have put the city's emergency command center inside the World Trade Center when the complex was already a potential target for terrorists, and that he failed to make sure firefighters had working radios, making it impossible to learn the complex's towers were about to collapse. .......... Giuliani is exaggerating when he claims, as he often does, to have studied Islamic terrorism for 30 years
Security Council likely to extend UN's Mission in Nepal – envoy ReliefWeb
We must bomb Iran, says US Republican guru Iran be bombed using cruise missiles and "bunker busters" to set back Teheran’s nuclear programme by at least five years. ........ Norman Podhoretz, one of the founders of neoconservatism, who has also imparted his stark advice personally to a receptive President George W. Bush. ...... "None of the alternatives to military action - negotiations, sanctions, provoking an internal insurrection - can possibly work" ........ the former New York mayor whom he briefs daily ...... he takes part in weekly conference calls and is in daily email contact with the Giuliani campaign. ...... Daniel Pipes, who opposes a Palestinian state and believes America should "inspire fear, not affection" ......... sought a rare one-on-on audience with the US commander-in-chief. They met in New York’s Waldorf Astoria hotel in the spring. ........ World War IV: the Long Struggle Against Islamofacsism ....... spent about 35 minutes outlining his case for air strikes against Iran as Mr Bush’s then chief adviser Karl Rove took notes. ........ "He was very cordial. He was warm. He listened. He occasionally asked a question as I made the case but he was truly poker faced." ..... Podhoretz left the meeting unshaken in his belief that Mr Bush would attack Iran before he leaves office. ...... "The spirit of the questions was not to try to refute or contradict what I was saying. I didn’t get any negative vibes." ...... "the debate [over Iran] is secretly over and the people who are against military action are now preparing to make the case that we can live with an Iranian bomb". ....... either one would authorise military action once they were convinced Iran had passed the point of no return with its uranium enrichment programme. ........ with air strikes, we’ve got three carriers in the region and a lot of submarines ......... "I would say it would take five minutes. You’d wake up one morning and the strikes would have been ordered and carried out during the night. All the president has to do is say go."
Iran threatens 'decisive strike' if US attacks Iran has threatened to hit back with an "even more decisive strike" if the US bombs its nuclear installations, as international tensions rise following Washington's imposition of sanctions against Teheran. ....... Putin of Russia comparing the Bush administration to "mad people wielding razor blades" ...... Nicholas Burns, US assistant secretary of state, suggested that Russia and China are propping up President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's regime.
Analysis: Iran and US in political flux At present, the two countries are firmly set on the path towards confrontation. Iran continues to develop a nuclear programme which, it says, is nothing more than a grand scheme to generate electricity for a rapidly growing population, already exceeding 70 million. ....... In parallel with this, Britain and France are now pushing for the European Union to restrict trade and investment in Iran. ....... Deep divisions have emerged inside Iran's regime, with Mr Ahmadinejad installing his hardline allies in key positions. Parliamentary elections will take place next March and opponents of Mr Ahmadinejad have a good chance of winning a majority. ....... Divisions in Teheran are mirrored by those in Washington. Both Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, and Robert Gates, the defence secretary, are opposed to military strikes on Iran. Vice-President Dick Cheney is believed to be in favour. By imposing tough sanctions, Miss Rice and Mr Gates are trying to show there is an effective alternative to war.
18 October 2007: George Bush warns Putin over 'World War III' Feeling increasingly isolated and fearing an American attack, the Islamic republic received a major boost from the visit by Mr Putin, who said US military action against Iran would be wrong. At the same time, the Russian leader resisted Iranian pressure to set a firm starting date for the nuclear power plant that Russia is building at Bushehr. ........... intense speculation about possible US air strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities and other targets. ...... The Pentagon is known to have drawn up attack plans and Mr Bush's close advisers are divided between those who think Teheran needs to be taught a lesson and those who think bombing raids would hand Mr Ahmadinejad a propaganda victory. ......... "There is clearly an apocalyptic streak in his rhetoric, but his historical understanding is very limited. ....... it wouldn't be World War Three because Iran is not a major power. It would be more of a colonial style war." ...... "This is not my first rodeo," the president said.
10 April 2007: Iran is enriching uranium 'on an industrial scale' Teheran announced that it had started enriching uranium on an "industrial scale". ........ In a carefully orchestrated atmosphere of national celebration, Mr Ahmadinejad said: "I proudly announce that as of today Iran is among the countries which produce nuclear fuel on an industrial scale." ....... If uranium is enriched to three per cent purity, it can be used to fuel nuclear power stations. If it reaches 90 percent purity, then it becomes weapons-grade and can form the basis of a bomb. ........ Iran is believed to be using 3,000 centrifuges to enrich uranium. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) estimates that with this number of centrifuges it is about two years away from having enough weapons-grade uranium for one bomb. ........ It was billed as "good nuclear news" and came as the climax of a day of festivities marking what Iran called its first "National Nuclear Day". ......... Across Iran phones buzzed with text messages announcing that its nuclear programme had "reached a new stage." In Teheran, militia members formed a chain outside its Atomic Energy Agency chanting "death to America - death to Britain". ....... urged world powers to accept the "new reality" of Teheran's nuclear status. ..... today's developments will strengthen the hand of hawks in Washington who see military intervention as the only way to halt Iran's nuclear threat.
Scores of trains booked to ferry rally volunteers Gulf News nearly three dozen special trains to ferry supporters to Patna for a rally here on October 28. ...... his party was paying Indian Railways for booking the rally special trains.
Bihar attracting big investment India PRwire attracting funds worth Rs. 370 billion (over $9 billion) in the past two years. ....... big industrialists have been showing keen interest after Chief Minister Nitish Kumar initiated some measures to develop the state's infrastructure. ...... Most of the investments are in the power, sugar and cement sectors. ...... would provide direct employment to 90,000 people and indirect employment to nearly 500,000 people ...... roads, bridges and power .... The government has also prepared a land bank to make land available to investors.
UPDATE 1-US Senate OKs 7-year extension of Internet tax ban Reuters
A Missed Moment In Iraq
Washington Post would undermine the stability of the only part of Iraq where the United States is welcome. ..... could plunge Turkey into an Iraq quagmire of its own. ....... lack of imagination, incompetence and sheer lack of knowledge at the State Department has caused this impasse. ........ PKK, which has waged an insurrection for more than 20 years, has been using northern Iraq as a haven, training ground and headquarters. ........ headquarters is perched high in the Qandil mountains, near the Iranian border and safe from Turkish artillery. ....... Kurds, in search of cultural and political rights, have been in some form of rebellion or political agitation since the inception of the Turkish republic in the 1920s. ........ The civil-military discord has hampered Turkey's Iraq policy. ........ the PKK .... its leader, Abdullah Ocalan, in prison ...... a Kurdish north at peace with Turkey is the best antidote to separation from Iraq. ...... The only other thing to hope for is bad weather. With the onset of winter and dwindling military activities, Washington will perhaps have the diplomatic window of opportunity it almost closed. Three years late, it will be much harder to succeed.
Turks pressure leaders for military action Los Angeles Times
Fighting Escalates Near Stronghold of Pakistani Cleric
New York Times a suicide bomber killed 20 people, most of them border guards, in the same area. ....... The sharp rise in violence in the area, Swat Valley, which is relatively isolated from the lawless tribal areas on the Afghan border, demonstrates the growing strength of Islamists. ....... also known as Maulana Radio for his illegal broadcasts calling for Taliban-like Islamic law, and who is thought to have some 4,500 followers. ....... son-in-law of Sufi Muhammad, the founder of Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi, the Movement for the Implementation of Muhammad’s Law ........ The provincial government deployed 2,500 more border guards to the area on Wednesday. Retaliation was swift: the suicide attack on Thursday. ..... The four men, said to be in their mid-20s, all had their hands tied behind them ..... one of the militants as declaring shortly before the beheadings: “Let this serve as a warning to all those who spy for the government or extend help. The sons of Bush will meet similar fate.”
India-China ties: Tensions remain
Times of India rapid modernisation of the 2.5 million People's Liberation Army and military infrastructure build-up in Tibet to the ever-increasing "intrusions" by Chinese troops into Indian territory ..... China and its quest for more and more trans-border military capabilities ...... "differing perceptions" about the still unresolved 4,057-km Line of Actual Control (LAC) between the two countries
Putin Denounces US Missile Shield
New York Times Facing international pressure over human rights problems and restrictions on free speech in Russia, Mr. Putin proposed setting up a new joint institute, perhaps based in Brussels, that would examine human rights issues both in Russia and in the European Union. ........... neo-Nazism, ethnic tensions, minority rights and immigration could be put on the institute’s agenda. ...... “Analogous actions by the Soviet Union, when it deployed rockets on Cuba, provoked the Cuban missile crisis,” Mr. Putin said. ........... Putin, who is barred by the Russian constitution from seeking a third term in office, will instead strengthen the powers of the prime minister and then seek that post. But Mr. Putin brushed aside the idea today. ....... Putin had agreed to permit the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to monitor next year’s Russian elections. ....... Russia and the union had reached a stalemate over energy. ...... Europe’s relations with Moscow are in limbo ahead of next year’s presidential elections. ...... Nothing significant will happen before March 2008. ........ “Putin started out prioritizing Europe. But he ends his term arguing instead that Russia, India, China and Brazil’s economic growth should be transferred into political influence.” ......... “The clear message is: ‘We are back. We want to be involved in all international issues.’ ”
Putin: US risks new Cuban missile crisis Guardian Unlimited
Court frees US teen jailed 10 years for oral sex
Reuters for having consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old girl when he was 17 ...... a case that sparked a national campaign on his behalf. ...... was convicted in 2005 of aggravated child molestation for having oral sex at a New Year's Eve party in a hotel in Georgia. The act was captured on an amateur video. ....... the sentence constituted "cruel and unusual punishment" banned under the U.S. Constitution. ..... we must acknowledge that Wilson's crime does not rise to the level of culpability of adults who prey on children ...... Georgia's attorney general, Thurbert Baker, who challenged the lower court's ruling in June and thus kept Wilson in jail, said he accepted Friday's decision.
Wilson Spent Two Years in Prison for Consensual Oral Sex ABC News
Court ruling is legislating from the bench Atlanta Journal Constitution
Keeping Up the Hard Line on Cuba
TIME Few would argue that democracy and human rights are as rare in Cuba as meat and modern appliances. ...... "The socialist paradise is a tropical gulag" ....... Fidel said Bush's speech reflected the U.S.'s desire to "reconquer" Cuba. And the Castro brothers aren't exactly cowed by these traditional verbal assaults. They have thrived on it in the past: heated U.S. rhetoric usually bolsters their image at home as the island's anti-Yanqui defenders. ......... lifting the ban on U.S. travel to Cuba — something even most Cuban-Americans in Miami now favor, and which many Cuba watchers suggest the Castros actually fear ....... "American citizens have always proven the best ambassadors of freedom and democracy." ....... the Miami Cuban exile community — whose anti-Castro hardliners, with their dreams of resurrecting a pre-Castro Cuba, are as disliked by many Cubans on the island as the Castros themselves are. ....... Oswaldo Paya, an engineer who is the most prominent of Cuba's dissidents, says he is uncomfortable whenever the White House tries to co-opt him and his colleagues. He says it simply makes their goals more difficult to achieve.
Iran War Drumbeat Grows Louder The prospect of war with Iran is beginning to look real. The hardening of positions in both Tehran and Washington over the past week has brought relations to their lowest point since the Iran hostage crisis that began in 1979. ...... turning their differences into all-out regional power struggle. ...... Rice criticized Iran's "emboldened foreign policy" and "hegemonic aspirations," while asserting that the U.S. will continue to be engaged on economic, political and security issues in the Middle East. "We are there to stay" ........ Tehran and Washington are now engaged in a game of geopolitical chicken, which favors hard-liners on both sides, making compromise more difficult, escalation more likely and war — by accident, if not by design — a greater possibility than before. ......... "It looks like a slow-motion train wreck" ....... The showdown has elements of a perfect storm. The decline of U.S. fortunes in Iraq has been accompanied by a rise in Iranian assertiveness ........ Ahmadinejad abandoned Khatami's "dialogue of civilizations" for more confrontational rhetoric, calling for Israel to be "wiped off the map" and goading the West by denying the Holocaust. Iran enthusiastically backed Hizballah and Hamas in their confrontations with Israel, and denounced the U.S. occupation of Iraq. ........ Ahmadinejad has repeatedly pooh-poohed the idea that the U.S. might take military action against Iran, to the anger and alarm of others in the Iranian leadership structure, who accuse him of downplaying a real danger. Ahmadinejad says that he considers the U.N.'s case against Iran's nuclear program closed, and dismisses U.N. sanctions as "piles of paper." Bragging that Iran's uranium-enrichment efforts have succeeded in achieving "the capacity for industrial-scale fuel cycle production," he also recently withdrew a compromise Iranian proposal that would base its enrichment activities in an international consortium that would allow Western countries to participate in and monitor Iran's activities. "The proposal was based on the situation last year," Ahmadinejad explained. "New terms must be defined." ............... Last week, Ahmadinejad accepted the resignation of Ali Larijani, the pragmatic conservative chief negotiator who is a bitter political rival to the President. Although all Iranian leaders defend their right to uranium-enrichment technology for purposes of producing nuclear energy, Larijani believes it is in Iran's national interests to reach an understanding with the West. ........ the Administration designated Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps as a proliferator of weapons of mass destruction, and named the Corps' Quds division as a supporter of terrorism. ...... U.S. policy has taken a subtle, yet decisive, turn toward not merely stopping Iran's nuclear program, but seeking the end of the Islamic regime. Cheney's objections to Iran went well beyond its uranium-enrichment activities, to include Iran's policies toward Israel and the U.S., its activities in Iraq, its suppression of domestic opposition and what he called its drive for "hegemonic power" in the region ........ Iranians have a "right to be free from oppression, from economic deprivation and tyranny" ..... "America looks forward to the day when Iranians reclaim their destiny."
Polygamy Survivor Carolyn Jessop
Who Needs Facebook? Forbes Google .... may already have all the pieces it needs to patch together a homegrown social networking site--one that could even trump Facebook. ........ Google's first homespun networking site, Orkut, which debuted in 2004, has gained traction in Brazil and India. ....... Google is planning to revamp the website in November by opening the programming code to developers, who can then design a host of new applications for the network. It's a play straight from Facebook, which now offers users hundreds of different applications--but Google could go a bit further. ...... On Facebook, developers are required to work within the site to participate. Google may open the doors wider, by allowing developers to not only operate applications in the site, but also push data outside, into non-Google applications. ....... By adding new applications, and stitching together iGoogle and its communication programs, Google could have an unusual--and powerful--social networking presence. ....... just about every company is still scrambling to make sense of social networking.
WiMax Gets Two New Friends: Cisco And The United Nations
Amitabh favourite actor of Egyptians
Daily Times the Egyptians are also big fans of Bollywood films.
Salman beats Abhishek to Madame Tussauds
Microsoft Surges After Sales, Profit Beat Estimates (Update5)
Microsoft: 88 Million Copies of Vista Shipped PC World
Acer Passes Lenovo Group and Targets Dell
Enews 2.0 After its recently purchasing Gateway, Acer has passed Lenovo Group and has become the third largest personal computer vendor of the world. Still, the company has high hopes and desires, as it targets now at Dell’s spot. ..... in 2008 Acer could take up to a 12 percent share of the personal computers market from all over the world. ......... Acer’s chairman, J. T. Wang, has talked today about all these plans and hopes with the occasion of Acer’s third quarter investors’ conference from Taipei. ....... the people’s starting to focus on laptop personal computers, which currently represents the hottest segment of the computers market. Acer’s strategy of working closely with its distributors has also contributed to its current success. ........ The Taiwanese company has accounted for 8.1 percent of the PC shipments from all over the world during the quarter, which is a big difference comparing to its 5.9 percent share during the same time in 2006.
Global warming not a factor in wildfires
Los Angeles Times the dangerous mix of drought and wind that has plagued the region for centuries or more. ....... rising temperatures are already increasing fire damage in many parts of the West. ...... nearly seven times more land burned from 1987 to 2003 than in the previous 17 years. ...... mainly attributed this to a 1.5-degree rise in average spring and summer temperatures. With spring arriving earlier and snow melting faster, the forests dried out sooner, extending the average fire season by more than two months. ....... eventually global warming could make Southern California's occasional droughts more persistent, exacerbating the fire danger. ....... Conditions as dry as the Dust Bowl of the 1930s could prevail in the Southwest by the middle of this century ....... climate models showing how warmer temperatures would expand the reach of a powerful atmospheric circulation pattern known as the Hadley cell. Changes to the cell would dry air through the subtropics, including a swath from Colorado to California. ....... rising temperatures, fueled by greenhouse gas emissions, would eventually push peak Santa Ana winds from mid-October to late November. ....... Global warming, he said, could intensify wind flow by increasing the difference between inland and coastal temperatures.
Apple's Leopard arrives in San Francisco
CNET prospective customers waited hours in line to buy Leopard, even though they could have preordered a copy from Apple or and have spent that time installing their new OS. ....... The free coffee went quickly, but the first 500 people in line were given T-shirts to mark the occasion. ...... Time Machine and Spaces, a feature that lets you switch between four separate work areas to help organize your thoughts when working with multiple applications.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Bush Is Anarchy, Hillary Is Monarchy

Bush Is Anarchy

There is a mad man in the White House. To cover up one lie, this man is having to propagate many more lies. As Bush gears up to invade Iran, the rest of America should jump onto the Obama bandwagon to do all it can to prevent World War III. Two were enough. We can not wait until January 2009. Until then it will be too late. Bush will have already taken America into Iran. The only way to prevent that would be by creating a mass movement with a clear message. Don't you dare repeat the mistake. Create that now.

Bush is on schedule to spend two and a half trillion dollars on Afghanistan and Iraq, and that is not even counting all the innocent lives lost. That is no pocket change, yo. And all that will have been borrowed money. The money is so totally borrowed, China also must be accused of invading Iraq.

I absolutely, totally despise dictators. Only recently I gave two years of my life working full time - the only Nepali in America to do so - to uproot the dictatorship in Nepal. The king had pulled a coup.

"Governor, Nepal has 27 million people, and Iraq has 27 million people. We have to spread democracy like in Nepal, not like in Iraq," I told DNC Chair Howard Dean (Obama picked up where Dean left, in my mind) at a DFNYC event in Manhattan not long after Nepal's magical April Revolution 2006.

The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal

I want every single Arab country to become a democracy. But you don't get there by invading them. There is a nonviolent way, a progressive way, a grassroots way, a super cheap way, a mass movement way, a mobilizing the diaspora way, coordinating the major democratic powers way, the war with communications technology way.

Hillary Is Monarchy

A few centuries back, the European armies fought each other, but all the monarchies in Europe intermarried. Here we are fighting to end the war in Iraq, but Hillary is joined to Bush at the hip. She never apologized for her vote to invade Iraq. I have no desire to name and shame her. But I want to know she learned from the mistake. Apparently she did not.

And now it is de ja vu, it is Oops, I did it again. She has votes for a resolution that sounds to me like the first step towards an invasion of Iran. This could get really really ugly. The US military is already stretched so thin, Bush, if he decides to invade Iran, will either have to reinstate the draft in a big way, or will have to use a nuclear weapon to totally take out Tehran. Hello Hiroshima, hello Nagasaki.

Granted we are all part of the animal kingdom, but does this guy Bush keep having to think like an animal?

A Bush or a Clinton has run at the national level since 1976. It is like after 200 years of being a republic, America tired of being a republic, and switched to being a monarchy.

In a country of 300 million people, are there only two families that can take the helms of power?

In The News

Days 1 and 2: Concord,NH-Peterborough, NH-Hillsborough, NH-Nashua, NH-Boston, MA As I wandered around the lawn of the statehouse, I met up with my friend Jeff Kurzon (a fellow ObamaNYC-er whose house I’m staying at in Peterborough) and we took a quick self-guided tour of the premises. It’s amazing the type of access that we had to such a high level of government! ......... Jeff and I spoke with NH Governor Lynch’s assistant and asked NH Secretary of State Gardner’s office when a decision would be made about the state’s primary date. As engaged citizens, we freely walked around THE state’s government building without any hassle. ........ most people were either not home or still undecided ..... Jeff and I started our journey on my second day in New Hampshire by driving up to Nashua, NH. ....... the second largest city in state with a population of 85,000 ...... a state of 1,000,000 residents ........ Jeff and I made our way to Boston for an evening rally with Barack. ...... a rally to 15,000 people on Boston Commons ........ Barack gave a very inspiring and detailed version of his stump speech
It’s time to pack my things… Barack, hands down, has the best ground game in NYC. This isn’t based on a scientific poll or even from reaching out to the other democratic candidate camps here, but rather my own observation of a non-existent visibility amongst the other campaigns. ....... Amidst no other serious clamour, the Obama presence is quite strong in the Big Apple. Welcome to Freelance Obama ‘08 For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Justin Allen - a 24 year-old New Yorker - who wears quite a few different hats. I’m a sports blogger, internet company owner and active participant in Barack Obama’s movement for change in NYC. ........ moving to the state of New Hampshire ..... Obama has inspired me to take my love for this country and politics to the next level by actively participating in this movement for change.

Jeffrey Kurzon's Blog
Hillsborough, New Hampshire got assigned to do press check-in. As a reward, we were placed in the volunteer section and Senator Obama came over to shake our hands. ..... Justin A. arrived from NYC and we took a tour of the State House. We peeked into the Senate and House Chambers. We then were able to walk into the Governor’s office. ...... we left and crossed the street for burgers at the Barley House. ..... We had a great lunch with a friendly waitress. ...... A lot of independent voters there we spoke with planned to vote Republican, but nonetheless said that they liked Barack Obama. ....... a retired independent that spoke with us and wanted to sign a supporter card. She told us that “Obama is the candidate that does not owe anyone any favors.” ....... Hillsborough has an antique truck graveyard ...... the site of a rally of 40,000 for Franklin Pierce, the 14th president of the United States, who was born in Hillsborough ..... some see his presidency as the predecessor to the Civil War. ..... Lincoln eventually arrived after Pierce and I hope that Senator Obama will arrive ..... Obama is the one candidate that can unite us at home and abroad.
Greenville, New Hampshire Driving into town from the north, I see a foliage palate of auburn, red, purple and green, only accentuated by the light drizzle and the twilight. I am alone, but not lonely as I know I am about to talk with some people. ..... an 80 year old woman who looks much younger. She said that she has nothing to complain about as long as she has a roof over her head and food to eat. ........ I meet several others at their doors who did not want to talk about politics. They were friendly and agreed to take my Obama literature. One asked, "Is it expensive?" I replied, "No, its free." But, I did not understand, she meant was it expensive to produce. ....... Canvassing alone can be more difficult than in two. ....... Barack O'Who? Barack Obama. "Oh, the Black President" one responded. They were 16 ...... This man was special. He took the time to speak with me for about an hour about the history of Greenville and his own life history. Before leaving, he signed a supporter card. ....... Greenville until about 20 years ago spoke French commonly in their households. Like Quebec ...... the French Ambassador to the US was questioned about what she thought about the change in the name of French fries. She said "We are dealing with very serious matters and it does not matter what Americans want to call their potatoes." .......... Hermann Goring: "Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. ...Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." ....... Helping Senator Obama I am helping myself. .... We can then use the money we save to pay for healthcare and the debt we owe to the Iraqi people for destabilizing their country.
Political Engagement and Discourse Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. for spreading the lies as part of their profit incentive. ..... I was in Italy at the time the United States invaded Iraq. I observed the peace marchs and the "Pace" flags, but I did not participate. I failed in my duty as a citizen to question the logic of starting a foreign war. ...... while I respect Rupert Murdoch as a businessman, I think he is in part responsible for our culture of fear and cynicism. ...... I went to their 2006 shareholder meeting and heard Murdoch dodge the question about why he is funding Clinton. ...... Senator Clinton does not hold herself or Rupert Murdoch accountable for the Iraq invasion. I think this should make everyone afraid. Be very afraid. Her vote for the Kyl-Lieberman amendment is also scary. ...... I believe in the self-fulfilling prophecy. If we call the Iranian military a terrorist organization, they will become one ..... I love Iranian people and do not want my country to be at war with them. Do you need a boogey man? Why not send our military to the Congo where ex-Rwandan terrorists are raping innocent women? ........ Rupert Murdoch, Senator Clinton and the Bush Administration have tied interests because they have tied life circumstances. Power and money. Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely. We know this. ....... Americans are intelligent people. New Hampshire voters are sophisticated voters. ....... We need more women in politics, more minorities and more socio-economic diversity ....... Politics is a dirty word. Who does this benefit? I think it benefits those who are in power. ... Why else do we still vote on Tuesdays? .......... He is inspiring a generation of Americans who are switched on. We need to hold our heads high again and be as engaged as possible.
Hancock, NH my mom's Volvo .... The best way to contact them is in person. This is a rule I learned from a friend when I was working in Hong Kong. First, face-to-face is the most valuable, then phone, then e-mail. That is the order of effectiveness to get things accomplished. ...... parked my car in front of the Hancock Market across the street from the Hancock Inn. ........ I stood in between the Hancock Farmer's Market and the Yard Sale, quietly observing. Saying hi to people. Asking them ...... I bought some organic corn. I was told not to be afraid of the worm at the top. It is there because no pesticides were used. I then asked how I could get some warm cider, "Help yourself" was the response. There was free cider and doughnoughts ......... yard sales are part of yankee ingenuity and a form of recycling ..... people walked by saying "yes, I already support him." ...... a good chat about the physics of manouevering a car in a snow and the best hiking trails in the area. ...... I felt like I was speaking with friends and relatives. Most voters are undecided, but want to learn more about Senator Obama because they like him. Hancock is a large sanctuary of artists, environmentalists, teachers and good people. ....... "No Child Left Behind" is flawed because it is training kids to take tests and not inspiring creativity. She forgave me for being a corporate lawyer because she has a son who is in the corporate world ........ "the highest ranking position in any democracy is citizen." ....... Receiving social security and then having to spend most of it on expensive pharmaceuticals I agreed does not seem right. ...... found the Peterborough office alive with activity as usual. ...... Be yourself on the campaign trail and listen.
On Being Involved John Lennon. How did you become successful, the interviewer asked. "We begged, borrowed and stole" he responded. ...... Last night Senator Tom Daschle came to Peterborough, NH to speak with some 100 residents interested in the Obama campaign. ... he shared with us three reasons why he supports Senator Obama. ..... He represents an end to cynicism that our current administration and other candidates hope Americans will espouse so that they will be lulled into passivity. ...... maintain our republic instead of a return to monarchy. ...... his 20 years of experience in public life ..... Obama is a good person. On this point I can vouch after having met him on several ocassions. He is a person who listens. His campaign listens. ....... I even got to have a moment with Senator Daschle before he and his staff drove off into the night. ..... The more involved you become and the more you help the campaign, the bigger the reward becomes.
Peterborough, New Hampshire "A Good town to Live In" boasts the sign as you enter town. ...... my friend Joe B. who is now working for the campaign in Iowa. ...... Keene, home of the October 20 Pumpkin festival ...... Nashua, rated one of the best places to live in America. .... Mount Monadnock, one of the most climbed mountains in the world. ....... I found a card table to bring to the Obama office here in town. ..... Much of my day is consumed by answering calls, making calls, writing and responding to emails, but the Obama campaign wants us volunteers to talk with people and listen to voter's concerns. ..... Mindful of how the press says that Hillary is leading in the polls, I am also mindful that the press likes to sell papers. ...... I spoke with approximately twenty people today on foot. One person supported Obama and recently made a donation to his campaign. I imagine his wife will do something similar. Nineteen people said that they were undecided, of which about half said that they did not like Hillary and more than half said that they did like Barack. I found one piece of littered Hillary litterature on a front porch with no one home. I spoke with one person who told me that the Edwards campaign had brought him a tree (he and his wife seemed to still prefer Barack). ..... early childhood education, the war in Iraq and providing accessible healthcare for all Americans. One person said, "Europe gets it." ...... she had concerns about Senator Obama's experience, but then pointed out that our two best presidents "Washington and Lincoln had no experience" ........ We are less than three months away from their vote and the survey I took today said that Obama is winning. ....... Talk to people around you to get an accurate sense of what is happening in the world. Ask them what they think and listen to what is important to them.
New Ipswich, New Hampshire a population of about 5,000, most of which I think are Republican. Today I spoke with around 40 residents. ...... a simultaneous broadcast of both the Red Sox and Patriots .... He liked Pat Buchanan and I told him I did too. ...... we discussed how it is so great that French families almost always sit down and have meals together. I met a carpenter who was eager to see change and transparency in Washington and eagerly took my Obama litterature. ...... Natalie's son invited me in to speak with his mother who had read the Audacity of Hope. She has a bad knee, but she said she would speak with her neighbors for me. Her husband was a veteran of WWII and is now deceased. .......Leave your clipboard in the car. People are much more likely to want to talk if you come with empty hands and an open mind.