Showing posts with label world government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world government. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Facing The Pandemic Head On

Only a closely coordinated global response makes sense. Otherwise, humanity faces defeat.

You determine the course of action, and you get it done.

By now, no one can claim they have not been warned. There are almost a million and a half infected (a vast undercount) and more than 300,000 dead in countries across the world. That is plenty of notice. But if the world does not act now, the Fall and winter will be a major disaster. If it is, it will have been an unnecessary one.

You can't just wish for coordinated global action. You have to create a mechanism that will deliver. That much-needed mechanism is a world government created at zip speed.

The first act of the world government would be to coordinate something like a 3-4 week stay at home order for the entire global population. Since testing can not be taken to everybody immediately, this will have to do for testing.

Essential workers would be exempt. Food workers are essential. Health workers are essential. There are some other categories.

Those 3-4 weeks would be time for relentless messaging. Engage people in conversation. Explain why this is being done.

Take food to every home free of cost. The world can afford this. At the same time, ramp up food production everywhere. Don't pay farmers subsidies to grow less. Instead buy their surplus for global distribution. This thing could go on for 6-12 months. The message that food is on the way will calm nerves. Not one person anywhere should go hungry.

Immediately all national armies have to get into formation to work like battalions in one global army to go erect tent hospitals in every village, every hamlet, every slum, every town.

During those 3-4 weeks, those with cough, cold and fever continue to stay home. The rest come out slowly to get back to work, but only after they have been trained in things like social distancing, mask-wearing, handwashing and the like. But even then, as soon as you start showing those early symptoms, you get to go back to your home isolation.

Any additional symptoms and you get to go to the tent hospitals.

Those 3-4 weeks are time to take drastic measures like possibly stopping the clock on finance. People should be extended rent, mortgage and bank loan vacations. Those could last three months, those could come back again for another 3-4 months during winter as necessary.

Those 3-4 weeks would be time to engage in manufacturing essentials like masks and tents on a war footing.

Polar bears hibernate during winter. It is between that and death.

Once the situation has been stabilized, the world should then turn its attention to try and turn the crisis into an opportunity.

Elon Musk is threatening to go to jail for the wrong company. Nobody is buying cars right now. The air has become clean without electric cars for now. He and others like him need to double down on satellite internet companies to connect every point on earth to the Internet.

Because we need contact tracing and we need it in a hurry. With massive testing and contact tracing that is fully scaled, we can go back to work even before we have a vaccine.

We need to give everyone on the planet a biometric ID. And a cheap solar phone. And the world government needs to enact a bill of rights that declares data collected around an individual is the property of that individual. Companies may monetize it but may only keep 30% of the money. 70 goes to the individual. This will pay for a Universal Basic Income.

All humanity will fast forward to a knowledge economy. Literacy is overrated. A lot of people prefer to learn orally. People can learn in audio in their first languages.

If we do this much, the global GDP will be growing at double digit rates in about a year or two, with or without a vaccine. But we do want a vaccine.

Monday, April 06, 2020

The Virus Asks For Out Of The Box Thinking

  1. The three week lockdown imposed upon India is the right thing to do, and every country will have to follow suit. It is the cheapest way. Testing is not available.
  2. But India executed it badly. You have to have a plan to feed everyone. Just stay home. We will feed you for three weeks. That means the demand and supply thing will have to break. This is an emergency. It is still demand and supply, but there is no money involved. You feed everyone who is hungry. You deliver food to homes.
  3. Three weeks are enough time for the infected to get symptomatic. You identify them and you isolate them. They basically stay in their homes, the mildly symptomatic do. One thing to try is you hover your head over boiling water in a bowl, and cover your head with a towel, and you inhale the steam for a few minutes. The dire cases go to the hospitals. The world's factories need to produce the basic equipment and medicine like FDR produced planes for World War II. Call a truce to the China-US trade war. It was always stupid. Now it is fatal. You don't want a Spanish Flu redux. You don't want a hundred million dead.
  4. The non-infected will have to go back to work otherwise on top of the pandemic we will have tremendous hunger. And if the hunger is widespread enough, societies will start to collapse. That is chaos. You will see uncontrollable riots. But too many jobs will have been destroyed in three weeks. Many people will not have the option to simply go back to work. You need Universal Basic Income. Every human being on earth should be given $100 a month immediately. No questions asked. It can not be a one-time thing. It could easily be a year. Done right, it can be indefinite.
  5. But $100 will not cut it in a place like the US. You will need $1,000.
  6. This UBI is the only thing that can resurrect the world economy.
  7. This virus can not be tackled in any one country. It will have to be tackled simultaneously in every country.
  8. We need a world government. And we need it at zip speed. I would not mind if someone like Barack Obama steps in to become the first President Of The World. Gordon Brown has broached the idea. Former heads of state are best positioned to rally around the idea and make it happen.
  9. When the vaccine shows up -- the best estimate is 18 months -- and hopefully it comes in the form of a band-aid, it needs to be taken to everybody. Only a world government can do it. A world government with real teeth.
  10. This is the dress rehearsal for climate change. The coronavirus is forcing the world to do what needs to be done to fight climate change.
Inequality And Climate Change Are Existential: A Blueprint For Survival
Towards A World Government

Coronavirus News (31)
Coronavirus News (30)
Germany And South Korea Have Shown What The US Needs To Be Doing
Coronavirus News (29)
Coronavirus News (28)
Coronavirus News (27)
Coronavirus News (26)
Remote Work And Excellence
TikTok Distant
Coronavirus News (25)

Friday, December 06, 2019

Step By Step To Solving The Big Problems

I think it would be a good idea to start with basic accounting. This is very pro-market. This is pro-capitalism. And I don't think the Chinese have anything against basic bookkeeping. So accounting is ideology-free.

All wealth has to be put on the Blockchain. Everything every person on earth owns has to be put on the Blockchain. That is in the great interest of the property owners. That will secure property rights. It is said the biggest thing you can do for wealth creation in the poor countries is to secure as to which land plot belongs to who. Modern technology has now made that possible. Satellites can now put borders down to the inch. Once every person in the Global South knows exactly who owns what plot of land, suddenly they have all this collateral they can use to borrow money from banks and can invest in new businesses. The biggest risk-taking entrepreneurs are in the bottom billions. They will give immense growth.

There does not have to be a loss of privacy. Most people probably would not like the idea that now anyone with internet access can find out how much you are worth. For one, that might seriously jeopardize online dating! Privacy is important. Privacy is an important, fundamental human value. There is a way to put all property on the Blockchain and still preserve privacy. Maybe there can be an arrangement such that only authorized organizations, like the four layers of government - local, state, national, and world - should have access to your property records.

But we don't have a world government right now. Maybe we can start with a one percent wealth tax. Everything you own above a certain value (say a million dollars) should be subject to a wealth tax of one percent that you pay directly to the world government. To that every member country gets to pay one percent of its GDP every year. That would be the membership fee.

The super-rich should not be allowed to "hide" their money. A great tragedy of the 2008 Great Recession was that the world economy was staring at an abyss and there were trillions of dollars simply parked in so-called "safe havens."

This one percent wealth tax would work as a constant stimulus. If your wealth is not generating income, then that one percent tax might be a burden. And so there will be pressure on all wealth to grow.

It is high time we funded a UBI, which I have never defined as American Basic Income.

Too many people still don't have proper IDs. Well, now we can do that easily. All someone has to do is place their fingers on a touchscreen, and their unique fingerprint will give them a more secure ID than the US social security number. And every such biometric ID could have an instant online bank account. The UBI would be an automatic transfer of money into every bank account.

Poverty is a lack of cash. If we were to transfer something like $100 per month to every single human being every month, poverty is past tense.

Why should people who are not poor support something like that? Because UBI is infrastructure. What electricity was for the second industrial revolution and the internet was for the third, UBI (Universal Basic Income) is the same for the impending fourth industrial revolution. The fourth industrial revolution that will unleash tremendous wealth creation and usher an Age Of Abundance is not possible unless you put in place the UBI.

Everybody who can touch a touchscreen can get an ID, or look into a smart screen camera. And it does not even have to be a screen you own. And everyone can directly vote on those screens. We could have a directly elected President of the World.

There is the climate crisis. There is urbanization and the housing crisis. There is poverty. There is immigration. There is terrorism, a needle in a haystack problem. All these big problems are global in nature and scope. I am not saying the world government will solve them all. But only a world government can provide the framework in which the problems can be solved.

New Capitalism Is Techno Capitalism, Hello Marc
The Blockchain: Fundamental Like The Internet
Inequality And Climate Change Are Existential: A Blueprint For Survival
Towards A World Government
Universal Basic Income (aka Freedom Dividend) Is Not Free Money

Monday, October 14, 2019

New Capitalism Is Techno Capitalism, Hello Marc

New capitalism is tech-heavy. It is not ideology heavy. You just do do do. You get it done.

Face it. We are one planet. We need a world government. 100 Gates Foundations will not be able to meet the challenges of the world. Only a world government can.

The world has $300 trillion in wealth. Everyone who owns property needs to pay a wealth tax of 3%. That money needs to pay for a Universal Basic Income. Since when did Universal mean American?

That arrangement will be a constant stimulus to the global economy.

Form a T100 along the lines of G20. The top 100 tech companies by market value meet annually. Because there are unavoidable governance issues. Unless you tackle those governance issues, you can not roll out the Blockchain.

World War II is over. Abolish the veto. We need a world government with a bicameral legislature. We don't have to wait until every country on earth has an American style "democracy." No country in Europe has an American style democracy. The President of the World can be directly elected. Why not? Every human being gets to register on any phone or tablet with their finger. You create or claim your biometric ID, and you vote. Your phone is your voting booth. In the lower house, every country gets a vote in direct proportion to their population. In the Upper House it is in direct proportion to their GDP. Each country pays 1% of its GDP as membership fee to the world government.

Global warming is existential, there is only a 10-12 year window before we hit a point of no return, and no one government could solve it. Only a world government could hope to solve it.

T100, pass a proposal that data gathered on every individual is the property of that individual, even though collected by a tech company. A person's data is their personal oil well. Use that to boost the UBI.

T100, pass a proposal that all monetary transactions on the Blockchain can only go from individuals to individuals, or companies and organizations duly registered by individuals, who all have biometric IDs resting on that very same Blockchain. Promises of frictionless global money transfers are giving nightmares to the governments around the world who have to deal with things like terrorism and human trafficking and the drug trade.

1% is not enough. My tech startup is starting by giving 10% ownership of our company to our foundation.

Marc Benioff: We Need a New Capitalism I have been fortunate to live a life beyond the wildest imaginations of my great-grandfather, who immigrated to San Francisco from Kiev in the late 1800s. ........

Capitalism, as we know it, is dead.

....... On a personal level, the success that I’ve achieved has allowed me to embrace philanthropy and invest in improving local public schools and reducing homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area, advancing children’s health care and protecting our oceans. ........ Globally,

the 26 richest people in the world now have as much wealth as the poorest 3.8 billion people

......... In the United States, income inequality has reached its highest level in at least 50 years, with the top 0.1 percent — people like me — owning roughly 20 percent of the wealth while many Americans cannot afford to pay for a $400 emergency. It’s no wonder that support for capitalism has dropped, especially among young people........ profits are important, but so is society. And if our quest for greater profits leaves our world worse off than before, all we will have taught our children is the power of


....... they focus not only on their shareholders, but also on all of their stakeholders — their employees, customers, communities and the planet. ....... the “purpose of a corporation” includes “a fundamental commitment to all of our stakeholders.” ......... When asked whether companies should serve all stakeholders and whether capitalism should be updated, Vice President Mike Pence warned against “leftist policies.” ...... with political dysfunction in Washington, D.C., Americans overwhelmingly say C.E.O.s should take the lead on economic and social challenges, and employees, investors and customers increasingly seek out companies that share their values........ Since learning that we were paying women less than men for equal work at Salesforce, we have spent $10.3 million to ensure equal pay; today we conduct annual audits to ensure that pay remains equal. Just about every company, I suspect, has a pay gap — and every company can close it now......... by integrating philanthropy into our company culture from the beginning — giving 1 percent of our equity, time and technology — Salesforce has donated nearly $300 million to worthy causes, including local public schools and addressing homelessness. ....... Entrepreneurs looking to develop great products and develop their communities can join the 9,000 companies in the Pledge 1% movement and commit to donating 1 percent of their equity, time and product, starting on their first day of business. ......... Rather than instinctively opposing new regulations, tech leaders should support a strong, comprehensive national privacy law — perhaps modeled on the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation — and recognize that protecting privacy and upholding trust is ultimately good for business. .......

Research shows that companies that embrace a broader mission — and, importantly, integrate that purpose into their corporate culture — outperform their peers, grow faster, and deliver higher profits.

....... We don’t have to choose between doing well and doing good. They’re not mutually exclusive. ....... Of course, C.E.O. activism and corporate philanthropy alone will never be enough to meet the immense scale of today’s challenges. It could take $23 billion a year to address racial inequalities in our public schools. College graduates are drowning in $1.6 trillion of student debt. It will cost billions to retrain American workers for the digital jobs of the future. Trillions of dollars of investments will be needed to avert the worst effects of climate change. All this, when our budget deficit has already surpassed $1 trillion............. increasing taxes on high-income individuals like myself would help generate the trillions of dollars that we desperately need to improve education and health care and fight climate change. ......

30-30-30-10: A More Thoughtful And Egalitarian Formula For Equity Distribution In Tech Startups For The Age Of Abundance
The Blockchain: Fundamental Like The Internet
The Blockchain Rumble
The Character Called The Tech Entrepreneur

Inequality And Climate Change Are Existential: A Blueprint For Survival
Towards A World Government
AOC 2028      

Eat Sleep Exercise
Pray Love Meditate Eat Sleep Exercise: Body Mind Heart Soul: Recipe For Good Health At All Four Levels

The Centrality Of The Gospel
Forgiveness: The Bicycle For Your Soul
Finding God In The Major Religions
Flying Cars, The Internet, Nanotubes, And Service To God
Table Talk (a novella)
Atheism Is Arrogance, Ignorance And Bondage

Gangster Words Spoken By Xi Jinping: Shattered Bones
UAE's Federal National Council
Middle East: Cold War, Cold Peace, Warm Peace
The Nation State In Peril
The Dubai Sheikh Is A Business School Case Study
The Impeachment Drama
South Asians Working In The Gulf

To: The Crown Prince Of Dubai
Elon Musk's Giant Blind Spot: Human Beings
Dubai's Remarkable Economic Transformation

Photos by Surya and Nischal.

Sunday, October 06, 2019

The Nation State In Peril

I am looking at the (1) incarceration epidemic in the US, (2) the million detained Uighurs in Xinjiang, China, and (3) Kashmir having been turned into an open-air prison by the Indian government in Delhi, and I am thinking, the nation-state, as we have known for a few hundred years now, is in need of an overhaul. What we have is not working.

We need 4-5 layers of government on the planet. The local, the state, the national, and the global. Most countries could use federalism. And sometimes local is not enough. Some small cultural units need autonomy within that local/state government.

When the Prime Minister of India meets the President of China in their annual two-day summit, do you think they just hang out? No. Their foreign ministries have been doing the homework for weeks in advance. Bureaucracies are involved. Four-Layered governance on the planet will make for more efficient bureaucracies.

The nation-state is not in a position to tackle the big challenges of the day. Not climate change, not terrorism, not global poverty.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Blockchain Will Make A Global Wealth Tax Possible

Nobody is saying American Basic Income (ABI). The term is UBI, or Universal Basic Income. It necessarily has to cover every human being on the planet (and any other planet, should Elon Musk get his way).

Universal Basic Income (aka Freedom Dividend) Is Not Free Money

Forget robotics, forget automation, forget artificial intelligence, forget technology. The wealth inequality on its own is as big a problem as the climate crisis. The threat is existential. Unless the wealth gap in this country and around the world is significantly reduced, ahead lies mayhem. Human civilization will not work if the gap keeps widening. Right now it is widening.

The globe is warming. The wealth gap is widening. And the two are two sides of the same coin, like electricity and magnetism.

Inequality And Climate Change Are Existential: A Blueprint For Survival

How do you put in place a wealth tax? You need to know who everyone is. You need to know what everyone owns. You need to know what the sum total of wealth on earth is. The data on each of that is scant right now. It is certainly not in any one database.

That is where technology comes in. Look at how easy it has become to send anyone text and photos these days. We think of it as free. In 1990 it was not free. It was not possible. If you wanted to share pictures, you needed to use postal mail. It cost money. It was slow. It was not done much.

The Blockchain is the Internet on steroids. The Blockchain is going to be 100 or 1,000 times more impactful than the Internet. The Blockchain will do to money what the Internet has done to media. Everyone on earth will get a biometric ID. What every person owns in terms of wealth will get recorded on that Blockchain. And then the wealth tax is easy. According to one proposal, that of Senator Elizabeth Warren, you simply pay 2% every year on all wealth you own above 50 million dollars.

That sounds like trickle-down economics to me. Unless your wealth above 50 million is generating at least 3% income, or likely 5% or more, why will you want to keep it? And so the idea of parking money will no longer be in vogue. Right now the ultra-wealthy have trillions of dollars in parked money, wealth that exists, but that is not invested in anything productive like clean energy, or a new generation of jobs.

The global wealth tax is coming. It is unstoppable. The Blockchain does not belong to any company or country.

The Blockchain: Fundamental Like The Internet

You are looking at a world government.

Towards A World Government

All the grand challenges in the world today are global in nature. Only a world government can tackle them.

Monday, August 28, 2017

The World Needs To Move Towards A World Government

The debate if the 21st century will continue to be an American century, or if it will become an Asian century is moot. This is not even going to be an Internet century. The Blockchain will prove bigger than the Internet, and bigger still technological trends are right around the corner. The nation state itself is about to be shown its place. It is high time the world moved towards creating a world government. One person one vote has to be the basic premise.

Third Culture Kid (TCK) Barack Obama is best positioned to be George Washington to the world. He was born to a Kenyan in Hawaii, he grew up in Indonesia as a kid, he was America's first black president, and he did a decent job of steering America after a Great Depression like economic event. His Obamacare was so well placed, the opposition party, despite having all three branches of government at its disposal, has not been able to dislodge it, despite having opposed it non stop right from its enactment.

India leads on the biometric ID front. And Narendra Modi has acquired a Deng Xiaoping, Lee Kuan Yew like stature. Add to that India's population size and history of democracy, and that puts Modi in a strong place to help architect the world government.

The world government would be a new layer of government at the very top, just like the local level, the state level, the national level. It is the roof all national governments need.

One per cent of GDP should be the tax each national government ought to pay for membership. By the time the world government is put in place, the UN and all similar world bodies ought to be subsumed by the new world government. Take that World Bank, IMF, the International Criminal Court. Three branches make sense. You would not need a separate WTO, or G7, or G20.

New York City would be the legitimate capital, it still is the most diverse city on the planet.

You could have a bicameral legislature. In the lower house, each nation would have a voting weight in direct proportion to its population. In the upper house the voting weight would be in proportion to the size of the economy. At first the two houses would elect the President of the World. But soon enough perhaps the POW could be elected directly by people all over the world voting on their smartphones.

A world with a world government will have to become a borderless world. Maybe not as step one, but soon enough. How about the magic bullet with which to double the global GDP!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

$78 Trillion Richer

there are “trillion-dollar bills on the sidewalk”. One seemingly simple policy could make the world twice as rich as it is: open borders. ....... Workers become far more productive when they move from a poor country to a rich one. Suddenly, they can join a labour market with ample capital, efficient firms and a predictable legal system. ....... “Labour is the world’s most valuable commodity—yet thanks to strict immigration regulation, most of it goes to waste” ....... “Making Nigerians stay in Nigeria is as economically senseless as making farmers plant in Antarctica” ....... And the non-economic benefits are hardly trivial, either. A Nigerian in the United States cannot be enslaved by the Islamists of Boko Haram. ...... The potential gains from open borders dwarf those of, say, completely free trade, let alone foreign aid ......... “open borders” means that people are free to move to find work. It does not mean “no borders” or “the abolition of the nation-state”. ....... It is very hard to transfer Canadian institutions to Cambodia, but quite straightforward for a Cambodian family to fly to Canada. ....... The quickest way to eliminate absolute poverty would be to allow people to leave the places where it persists. ...... 630m people—about 13% of the world’s population—would migrate permanently if they could, and even more would move temporarily. Some 138m would settle in the United States, 42m in Britain and 29m in Saudi Arabia. ..... Leaving one’s homeland requires courage and resilience. Migrants must wave goodbye to familiar people, familiar customs and grandma’s cooking. Many people would rather not make that sacrifice, even for the prospect of large material rewards. ....... Wages are twice as high in Germany as in Greece, and under European Union rules Greeks are free to move to Germany, but only 150,000 have done so since the beginning of the economic crisis in 2010, out of a population of 11m. The weather is awful in Frankfurt, and hardly anyone speaks Greek. ......... Even very large disparities combined with open borders do not necessarily lead to a mass exodus. Since 1986 the citizens of Micronesia have been allowed to live and work without a visa in the United States, where income per person is roughly 20 times higher. Yet two-thirds remain in Micronesia. ....... Today there are 1.4bn people in rich countries and 6bn in not-so-rich ones. It is hardly far-fetched to imagine that, over a few decades, a billion or more of those people might emigrate if there were no legal obstacle to doing so. Clearly, this would transform rich countries in unpredictable ways. ....... Mass migration, they worry, would bring more crime and terrorism, lower wages for locals, an impossible strain on welfare states, horrific overcrowding and traumatic cultural disruption. ........ If lots of people migrated from war-torn Syria, gangster-plagued Guatemala or chaotic Congo, would they bring mayhem with them? ...... Granted, some immigrants commit crimes, or even headline-grabbing acts of terrorism. But in America the foreign-born are only a fifth as likely to be incarcerated as the native-born. ....... A study of migration flows among 145 countries between 1970 and 2000 by researchers at the University of Warwick found that migration was more likely to reduce terrorism than increase it, largely because migration fosters economic growth. ....... Immigrants are more likely than the native-born to bring new ideas and start their own businesses, many of which hire locals. Overall, migrants are less likely than the native-born to be a drain on public finances, unless local laws make it impossible for them to work, as is the case for asylum-seekers in Britain. ....... Foreign doctors and engineers ease skills shortages. Unskilled migrants care for babies or the elderly, thus freeing the native-born to do more lucrative work. ....... most Western cities could build much higher than they do, creating more space. ...... Would mass immigration change the culture and politics of rich countries? Undoubtedly. Look at the way America has changed, mostly for the better, as its population soared from 5m mainly white folks in 1800 to 320m many-hued ones today. ....... nearly all these risks could be mitigated, and many of the most common objections overcome, with a bit of creative thinking. ...... one solution would be not to let immigrants vote—for five years, ten years or even a lifetime. This may seem harsh, but it is far kinder than not letting them in. ....... why not charge them more for visas, or make them pay extra taxes, or restrict their access to welfare benefits? ...... it is better for the migrants than the status quo, in which they are excluded from rich-world labour markets unless they pay tens of thousands of dollars to people-smugglers—and even then they must work in the shadows and are subject to sudden deportation. Today, millions of migrants work in the Gulf, where they have no political rights at all. Despite this, they keep coming. No one is forcing them to. ...... If a world of free movement would be $78trn richer, should not liberals be prepared to make big political compromises to bring it about?
There is a political solution: the creation of a world government. And there is a technical solution: a biometric ID for every person on earth.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Trump Can't Afford A Trade War

A trade war is a sure recipe to a Great Depression. America had a hard enough time fixing the Great Recession. America will have no options to fix a Great Depression, because the Fed is already tapped out. It has no maneuver room. A Great Depression will mean America will not only become Greece, it will stay Greece, with no way to dig out of the hole.

Which means, if Trump were to lead America into a Great Depression, it will prove the guy is insane. You can then be thankful it is only a Great Depression, and not a nuclear war.

Or maybe all parties concerned will see that a trade war is an empty threat.

The idea of a trade war is as stupid as both Russia and America threatening to "modernize" their nuclear arsenal a few weeks ago. Both Russia and America already have enough nuclear weapons to blow up the planet several times over. What do you mean "modernize!"

The post World War II order is over. Voters in Britain and America have spoken loud and clear. Neither country can afford the leadership roles they have had. It is dollars and cents. And a new world order is not China taking America's place. A new world order is the one person one vote principle taken to its global conclusion. You are looking at a world government.

Britain And America Are Trying To Readjust

The post World War II world order is over. But a new world order has not taken shape yet. The Brexit vote and the Trump victory are Britain and America admitting the leadership role they have had for 70 years is now too expensive. They simply can't afford it anymore.

And that is not a vacuum for China to fill. It is not for any one country to fill. China can't afford it either.

A new world order will be the one person one vote principle taken to its global conclusion. A world government is in the offing.

Sunday, September 04, 2016

Rajan Is Right

Raghuram Rajan, India's Departing Central Banker, Has a New Warning 

2008 was a wasted crisis. It was a crisis that could have helped the world take one big leap towards a knowledge economy. The world had an opportunity to shape globoeconomics, a new third dimension to the traditional micro and macroeconomics. Some new global institutions were needed. America needed a three trillion stimulus with much of that money ending on Main Street, but instead ended up with a much bigger monetary stimulus with all the money ending up on Wall Street, pretty much free.

If the interest rates stay at near zero for long enough, it is no longer a tool, is it? But what if that has been your only tool? Then you have no available tool the next time a big crisis hits.

Separation Of Nationalism And State

Just like the church state separation was enacted, there is a need to put in place a separation of nationalism and the state.

The nation state itself has to be reimagined.

The 2008 crisis was first and foremost a failure of the governments of the world. You can not globalize finance and not create a world government. Just like no government connected the computers of the world to the internet, finance globalized itself, spreading like a forest fire.

The kind of productivity gains that humanity has been fantasizing about for as long as there has been humanity are finally about to materialize and people are getting alarmed by it, because political and economic theory lag far behind the impending developments.

The heads of states of the world don't even have the political consciousness of the black marchers of the 1960s when they sought political equality.

Country after country across America and Europe are sprouting demagogues who are making all the wrong noise.

Political and economic theorists have to take the primary blame. And then the political leaders of the world.

The political landscape has to be thought anew. Global finance has to be reimagined. The world has been writing off trillions for lack of the right theoretical frameworks. Real lives are being impacted.

The political institutions are to meet political needs. A currency can't be a vehicle for nationalism either.

Nationalism is to do with culture, language, heritage, history, myths. It is not for political and economic institutions to meet those needs.

And, no, racism is not nationalism. Racism is racism. Racism is a heart disease, spiritually speaking. Racism is Satan saying hate each other.

God says love one another.

I vouch for separation of nationalism and state and separation of racism from the state. There should be zero tolerance for racism in the public sphere.

Donald Trump has a heart disease. He is a racist.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Not Socialism, But Hypercapitalism

I have talked of the Age Of Abundance, I have talked of a Universal Basic Income. To the untrained especially the latter might smack of "socialism." That would be misleading.

This is talk of a new reality that asks for a new grammar. A lot of old rules are going to get junked.

Socialism has had two strains, one absolutely appalling, the one where there is no human rights. There has been another, the left of center variety that has been ridiculed for not knowing the fundamentals of wealth creation. I am not talking about that.

I am a small d democrat, which basically means taking the one person one vote one voice to all its logical local, state, national and global conclusions.

I am a free marketeer. Economics to me is like physics. Just like physics can come up with astounding technology, I believe economics as an academic discipline is capable of coming up with intellectual frameworks for massive wealth creation. If I am a capitalist I am one likely to speak of human capital in the same breath as financial and technological capital.

It is said in physics if you go to a high enough energy level all four basic forces are the same. The physics of liquid water is fundamentally different from the physics of steam.

Talk about being at the right place at the right time. It is about this point in time, this point in history, lucky you, lucky me.

The productivity gains driven almost entirely by technological innovation are about to be so astoundingly astronomical that many of the old rules will no longer apply. But there is a need for accompanying political innovation, and accompanying advances in economic theory. I lost a lot of respect for the discipline in 2008. They were royally surprised.

The most obvious thing to do is create a world government. That is knowledge we already have. Europe has suffered for attempting an economic union without a political union. Globalization is unstoppable but you go off the wheels if you don't create a world government.

The 2008 meltdown happened because politicians had stayed light years behind globalization. Banks go global but the governments are all still only national.

In a democracy everyone gets to vote, everyone matters. In a market there is free competition, there are no monopolies.

America is uniquely positioned to take the lead. It is the oldest modern democracy with mature institutions. It has a young about to be ex president. It is the most diverse country. Just in New York City you could find at least one person from every town on earth.

These are exciting times, even though Planet Earth right now is Titanic, on course to hit the iceberg in terms of Climate Catastrophe. But the same collective will that will steer humanity away from the iceberg will also usher the Age Of Abundance. It will be like a new birth to humanity. There is no parallel in history to what is about to happen. I am wildly optimistic.

Kumar: Wake Up To God

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Best Way To Understand Brexit

If you can create a world government then there is no Brexit. A country like the UK could become four different countries, but keep the pound. If sovereignty rests with people everywhere then only the people may decide national boundaries.

Currency stability should not be the responsibility of a national government. The world government could take responsibility for that.

A world government could provide every human being a biometric ID, and through that database conduct elections at all levels everywhere.

The nation state itself needs to be fundamentally challenged. People ask, whose century is this? China's? India's? Asia's? Or still America's? All world will have become one country long before 2050. The question is moot. And this is not the Internet century either. The Blockchain will be bigger than the Internet, and the Blockchain will not be the final big technology wave. With Universal Spiritual Centeredness the world will see many such waves, each bigger than the last one.

Kumar : Wake Up To God

The nation state that we know today has only been around a few hundred years, and it has overstayed its welcome.

All nation states have to dissolve into one world government. The nation state does not go away, but it takes its rightful place in a full spectrum of government from local to state to national to global.

That is what Brexit is pointing towards. It's not bad news. It's not going backwards in time. As usual the British are on the cutting edge.

You want currency zones, not tied to countries. But for now immigration is for each country to decide. You can't bring everyone to America but you can take America to everybody.

It is better to take democracy and human rights and the Internet and the Blockchain and the biometric ID everywhere. There will come a time faster than most people realize when all world will be one country in every way. The standard of living is more or less the same everywhere, and it is high everywhere. Then nobody rails about immigration.

The per capita income can go up in every country and the annual income can go up for everyone everywhere. The poor don't grow rich at the expense of the rich. The rich who don't understand it probably inherited their wealth. They didn't work for it. They don't seem to understand the wealth creation mechanism.

People think Bill Clinton was amazing with the economy but some of the same people give him a hard time about NAFTA. NAFTA is how he gave you that good economy. You need advances in technology. Heck, you paid for the basic research that fuels it. You need the Trans Pacific Partnership.

I say, Barack Obama for George Washington. That is the writing on the Brexit wall.

The Brexit is also a revolt against the bankers of the world who know not what they do and know not that they know not. The common people everywhere have been watching breath abated at what the bankers have done to Greece. They might not care about Greece, but they sure don't want to be next.

The UK can be four countries within one world government and no part of the UK will suffer for it. Currency stability is for the world government to make sure. The Blockchain entrepreneurs are not moving fast enough. I myself shall make moves in the space. It is an exciting future you are looking at.

The most exciting part is, if the productivity can go up by 10,000% then there is no stopping a Universal Basic Income. The past is not the hint to the future. Some very exciting things are about to happen.

The most important step is Universal Spiritual Centeredness which makes everything else possible. Pray. How hard is it? And you need a world government just to make sure the Titanic does not hit the iceberg. The beautiful part is if you manage to stay away from the iceberg the world is looking at cheap, clean, abundant energy. After that the sky is the limit. The Age Of Abundance is right round the corner. Water becomes abundant like air. With near free energy, you distill a tiny bit of the ocean.

Without Universal Spiritual Centeredness though, something like Artificial Intelligence can be a two edged sword. Sound mental health for everyone who flies planes, top notch spiritual health for anyone who handles Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Engineering, that's not too much to ask for, especially if it's existential.

So don't give the British a hard time on Brexit. See this as the first big step taken to a world government that needs to materialize within three years from now. Make that two.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Biggest Fallacy In American Democracy

The biggest fallacy in American democracy is that America is going to wait until every country on earth has become a democracy, and since that might not happen for a while, America is going to fight the idea of a world government tooth and nail.

Except now America's hand is being forced. The world's hand is being forced. Planet earth is Titanic, headed straight for an iceberg right now.

On a phenomenon as complex as climate and weather, there is remarkable agreement among scientists on where we stand today, and where we are headed in the near future. A hurricane like Sandy was never supposed to hit a city like New York, but it did.

Right now the planet is headed on a path to more and more extreme weather conditions. That going out of hand is a scenario where weather conditions in all parts of the world are extreme, volatile, and completely unpredictable. The fastest computers will have no clue. That is a bye bye agriculture scenario. Six billion people die. To get there all humanity has to do is stay on course. And The Devil's dream scenario gets realized. Kill Them All is The Devil's mantra.

But six billion don't fast to death. The kinds of human conflicts can't even be imagined. Humanity ends up in the stone age.

But the planet is not on an autopilot. It does not have to be this way. There's still time. There are still good options. There is a bend in the road the likes of which humanity has never seen. If the right moves are made, the worst case scenario is not only avoided, the world ends up in an Age Of Abundance. It is quite a bend in the road. Imagine a thousand trillion dollar global economy. Imagine a global Universal Basic Income, because the productivity gains from new technology are so out of the pale.

What is to be done? Step one is the formation of a world government. America as the leading nation has to lead. Barack Obama would be perfect for the George Washington role.

While the political trinity of Hillary, Warren and Bill Clinton run the show in DC. The President, the Vice President, and the Political Spirit.

Just like the League Of Nations became the United Nations, the UN can morph to become the world government.

Only a world government could steer humanity away from the impending climate catastrophe.

A year after Hillary has become president would be a good time to get started.

I believe the formula is fairly simple. A lower house where each country's weight is in proportion to its population, and an upper house where each country's weight is in proportion to its GDP, and 1% of GDP as each country's membership fee.

The President Of The World has to be able to collect over 50% of the votes in both chambers for a five year term.

But that is now. Eventually you want a directly elected POW, with people casting votes on their phones through their biometric IDs over a period of a week. You are hoping over 80% of the votes get cast.

The world government would have three branches, and a constitution. Something short and simple like the US constitution would work.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Holocaust Denial, Climate Change Denial

Donald Trump's number one crime is Climate Change denial.

In a worst case scenario Climate Change kills more than six billion people. Humanity is back in the stone age. And this is in the future. And it is preventable.

The path the earth is on right now leads to the worst case scenario. There is some serious steering to do.

But if the steering is done, the best case scenario has solar meeting 100% of the energy needs by as early as 2030, and the world ends up with almost free, limitless clean energy.

The best case scenario is The Age Of Abundance on all fronts.

Step one is a genuine world government. Barack Obama needs to play George Washington.

In short, there is a bend in the road, probably one of the most important bends in human history. To use one of Obama's favorite phrases, the arc of history bends towards justice, but it does not bend on its own.

There is work to do. There are choices to be made. There is a guy with horns and a tail to be vanquished. His name is Donald Trump.

The world government charges an annual membership fee of 1% of GDP from all countries. There are two chambers to its parliament. In the lower chamber each country's weight is in proportion to its population. In the upper chamber each country's weight is in proportion to its GDP. There are three branches to the government. The UN sees a sunset. A world government is born.


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Productivity And Political Innovation

The computer as we know it has changed relentlessly over the past two decades. And not just one part. It is not like the processing power has gone up and up and up but everything else has stayed the same. And we don't struggle with it. We have expected all parts to get better.

But now, with all this talk of tremendous gains in productivity that awaits us, we only focus on the productivity gain part brought forth by innovation. But we don't expect political innovation to keep pace with it.

Humanity needs to stay on top of all this. It needs to organize itself through the one person, one vote, one voice principle taken to its logical global conclusion. I think we are looking at a future where We The People own 5-10% of every company, collectively. As in, companies don't just pay taxes. They also share some equity with the public.

If you take the masses out of the equation, very soon those productivity gains don't matter. Let's assume 90% of the products and the services of the future are not even here. Well, we will need people to be able to purchase those products and services. The per capita income will have to go up and up, not just in poor countries, but also in the rich countries.

What does the Moore's Law of political innovation say? Where are we in 20, 30, 50, 100 years?

I see species level political structures. A world government would be a good start.

Taking the masses out of massive productivity gains is not possible, not desirable. We need to tweak the political system a little.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Barack Obama's Case For A World Government

“Climate change is a potential existential threat to the entire world if we don’t do something about it.” Obama explained that climate change worries him in particular because “it is a political problem perfectly designed to repel government intervention. It involves every single country, and it is a comparatively slow-moving emergency, so there is always something seemingly more urgent on the agenda.”

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