Showing posts with label pakistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pakistan. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Pakistan, Afghanistan, And Iran Heading To War?

Elon Musk Wants 'Drastic' Change to Taxes
Russian Anti-Putin Militant Group Leader Says the Tyrant is Set to Fall Like Syria's Al-Assad

Friday, October 04, 2024

4: Nepal

भगवान कल्कि आ चुके

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

2: Fawad Khan, Mahira Khan

A Wider War in the Middle East, From Hamas to Hezbollah and Now Iran The main questions now are how much the conflict will escalate and whether the United States will get more directly involved in the defense of Israel.......... The long-feared “wider war” in the Middle East is here. ............ it has turned into one of the region’s most dangerous moments since the Arab-Israeli War of 1967. ....... Officials have defended Israel’s right to strike back at Iran, but are advising against direct attacks on its nuclear facilities that could tip the conflict out of control. ............. “From Israel’s perspective, we have been in a regional war since Oct. 7, and that war is now an all-out war,” said Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States, a historian and one of the country’s more hawkish diplomats. “We are in a war for our national survival, period.” Winning over the next few weeks, he said, is a “duty” for a nation “created in the aftermath of the Holocaust.” ............ Israel not only killed Mr. Nasrallah but systematically decapitated much of the Hezbollah leadership. ........... more than 41,000 people have died in Gaza. .......... Mr. Biden and Mr. Netanyahu barely talked as Israel invaded Gaza and took the fight to Lebanon. But once Iran, a lethal threat to Israel with military powers that Hamas and Hezbollah can only aspire to, directly entered the fray, America’s tone and strategy changed. .......... Or will he aim directly for the facilities he has threatened to strike for years, starting with the underground Natanz facility where Iran is enriching uranium to near-bomb grade? ........... the Israeli prime minister may see the next five weeks until the American presidential election as a ripe moment to try to set that program back by years. After all, former President Donald J. Trump would not complain about a major attack on Iran’s military infrastructure, and Democrats cannot afford to be accused of restraining Israel after Tuesday’s missile attack. ........... That is what old wars and hot wars do. They create new power dynamics, vacuums to be filled. ....... But there remains the danger that wider wars, once begun, take years to put back in the box. And the presence of nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles and an instinct to escalate creates a particularly toxic brew.

India puts blockbuster Pakistani film on hold A remake of a 1979 Punjabi film, The Legend of Maula Jatt, is the highest ever grossing film in Pakistan. ....... The movie was set to release in the northern Indian state of Punjab on Wednesday, which would have made it the first Pakistani film to hit Indian screens in more than a decade. ......... Starring Pakistan's biggest stars Fawad Khan and Mahira Khan, the 2022 film tells the story of a local folk hero who takes on the leader of a rival clan. ........... “Two years in, and still house full on weekends in Pakistan! Now, I can’t wait for our Punjabi audience in India to experience the magic of this labour of love!”

Aamir Khan leaves Amitabh Bachchan stumped with question about Jaya Bachchan on KBC 16: ‘Woh kaunsa hero tha jiska…’

Sunday, June 04, 2023

इमरान साहब, बगावत बोल ही दो

किसी भी मुल्क में, चाहे वो पाकिस्तान हो या फिर भारत हो या और कोइ मुल्क, या बांग्लादेश हो, शासन तो आम जनता को करनी होती है। पाकिस्तान में लेकिन मिलिट्री शासन चलता आ रहा है। चुनाव हो के कोइ सत्ता में पहुँच भी जाए तो सबको मालुम रहता है पावर किधर है। तो वो मिलिट्री शासन है। 

एक बड़े पद पर आसीन किसी मिलिट्री मैन की रिटायरमेंट हुइ। बेटी रहती थी इंग्लैंड में। बुला लिया। पापा, अब तो आप रिटायर हो गए अब तो इधर ही आ जाओ। पापा कैयन बार बेटी से मिलने बेलायत पहुँचे थे। ना बोल दिया। इतना अच्छा फैसिलिटी मिलता है आर्मी से रिटायरमेंट में वो सब छोड़ के मैं भला बेलायत को क्युँ चला? 

तो ये पैसे की बात है। पाकिस्तानी आर्मी ढेर सारे सेक्टर पर मोनोपोली जमा के बैठे हुवे हैं। जैसे साँप मणि पर बैठ गया हो। आर्मी के बाद जो थोड़ा बहुत जगह बचा हो वो बड़े बड़े फॅमिली अड्डा जमा के बैठे हैं। आर्मी, और बड़े बड़े फॅमिली टैक्स देना शुरू कर दे पाकिस्तान को भिख माँगने आईएमएफ न जाना पड़े। 

मरता है आम इन्सान। आर्मी तो मजे कर रही होती है। 

गुलामी है ये। लोगों को बगावत करनी होगी। कुछ अब बचा नहीं है। इलेक्शन कराने लायक कोइ सरकार बरक़रार नहीं है। कोइ लेजिटिमेसी नहीं रह गया है। इमरान को एक अंतरिम सरकार की माँग कर देनी चाहिए। 

इमरान के नेतृत्व में एक अंतरिम सरकार बने और वो एक संविधान सभा का चुनाव कराबे। बन्द करो मिलिट्री को बैरक में। 

4: Pakistan

Monday, April 03, 2023

Heat Waves In India

Petteri Orpo defeats Sanna Marin in Finland election. Now what? Center-right leader faces tricky path to build governing coalition. ....... The National Coalition Party (NCP) secured 48 of 200 parliamentary seats versus 43 for the Social Democrats, with the anti-immigration Finns Party securing second place with 46 seats. ........ For the European left, waking up to the loss of Marin was a blow. As a high-profile Social Democrat, she earned widespread praise over the past four years for her handling of the pandemic and adept response to the Ukraine crisis, including Finland’s dramatic pivot toward NATO. .......... But her ultimate failure to sell left-leaning economic policies to the Finnish electorate — for example, seeking growth through investment rather than cuts — will be noted in Europe. Swedish Social Democrat Magdalena Andersson failed to secure a second term in elections last fall, while Denmark’s Mette Frederiksen only won reelection in November after a series of sharp-right policy turns. ........... Even before the election was settled, some colleagues in Finland were suggesting she could seek a new challenge at the European Commission, possibly even as the Left group’s candidate for president. ....... a Finnish convention that offers the winning party the first chance to form a coalition — even if that lead consists of only two seats. .

Global warming is killing Indians and Pakistanis Annual heatwaves on the poor and crowded Indo-Gangetic Plain are a horrific consequence of climate change ............ In the opening scenes of “The Ministry for the Future”, the novelist Kim Stanley Robinson imagines what happens to a small Indian town hit by a heatwave. Streets empty as normal activity becomes impossible. Air-conditioned rooms fill with silent fugitives from the heat. Rooftops are littered with the corpses of people sleeping outside in search of a non-existent breath of wind. The electricity grid, then law and order, break down. Like a medieval vision of hell, the local lake fills with half-poached bodies. Across north India, 20m die in a week............. The Indo-Gangetic Plain, which extends from the spine of Pakistan through northern India to the deltas of Bangladesh, is home to 700m people and exceptionally vulnerable to the heat pulses that climate change is making more frequent. It is one of the hottest, poorest and most populous places on earth .......... Between 2000 and 2019, South Asia saw over 110,000 excess deaths a year due to rising temperatures .......... Last year’s hot season, which runs from March until the arrival of the monsoon in late May or early June, was one of the most extreme and economically disruptive on record. This year’s could rival it. ......... above-average temperatures and heatwaves until the end of May. ......... Despite a relatively cool March, the coming weeks could be perilously hot. ........ Scientists record heat stress as a combination of temperature and humidity, known as a “wet-bulb” measurement. As this combined level approaches body temperature, 37°C, it becomes increasing hard for mammals to shed heat through perspiration. At a wet-bulb temperature of around 31°C, dangerously little sweat can evaporate into the soup-like air. Brain damage and heart and kidney failure become increasingly likely. Sustained exposure to a temperature of 35°C, the level Mr Robinson imagines in his book, is considered fatal. ........... India could become one of the first places where wet-bulb temperatures routinely exceed the 35°C survivability threshold. ......... The magnifying effect of the built urban environment, which can be 2°C hotter than nearby rural areas, is often especially pronounced in India’s concrete jungles. Those living in slum housing, which offer little air circulation and often use heat-sucking materials such as tin, suffer the worst of it. ........... “vast regions of South Asia are projected to experience [wet-bulb temperature] episodes exceeding 31°C, which is considered extremely dangerous for most humans” ........

India loses 101bn man hours per year to extreme heat, and Pakistan 13bn

......... In 2017, heat-exposed work accounted for 50% of India’s gdp and employed 75% of the labour force, or some 380m. ......... warn people of extreme temperatures, advise them to stay indoors and drink lots of water, and put emergency services on high alert.

The Indian Premier League is taking over global cricket India’s lucrative domestic contest is strangling international contests .

We are living through a trillion-dollar rebalancing Beneath a veil of silence, a hugely dramatic and powerful episode of financial repression is ongoing ...... There is nothing more inevitable than death, taxes and bank failures. But what about the bailouts? ........ we have entered a new era, one in which thoroughgoing liquidation of financial bubbles is politically unthinkable and so moral hazard and zombie balance sheets pile up. ....... Put them together and you have a vision of ever larger balance sheets, inevitable crisis and no less inevitable bailout, opening the path to even greater leverage and risk. ......... mega-quantitative easing in response to the truly unprecedented shock of the Covid-19 lockdowns. ............ We would not be here but for the pandemic. ..........

the trillion-dollar balance sheet shift from bond investor to bond issuers triggered by the post-Covid pile-up of inflation and interest rate rises.

......... We need public investment so as to escape the reactive cycle we are locked in and to begin anticipating the challenges of the polycrisis, whether in public health, climate change or destabilising geopolitics......... Those in the bottom half of income and wealth distribution are bystanders in the great balance-sheet reshuffle. They hold few, if any, financial assets and pay relatively little tax. They have lived the drama of Covid and its aftermath as a shock to jobs and a cost of living crisis. Unlike bondholders or investors, their interests are not represented by lobbyists. Their households are not too big to fail.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Sadhguru's Save The Soil Campaign

Friday, October 21, 2022

21: Pakistan

How Toni Morrison Wrote Her Most Challenging Novel ‘Jazz’ is a roaming, musical book, writes the poet Morgan Parker. It reads differently than the author’s others and is said to have been her favorite. .

जता गए पनि अबको प्रधानमन्त्री तपाईं नै हो भन्छन् : प्रचण्ड
कात्तिकभित्रै मेलम्चीको पानी काठमाडौं ल्याउने तयारी
पाकिस्तानमा इमरान खानले ५ वर्षसम्म चुनाव लड्न नपाउने