Libya would be a great place where to test my Law Of Political Entropy.
What to do? Beam the internet from the sky across at least 90% of the populated territory. And smuggle a few million Android phones to be given out for free. Preferably they should have solar chargers.
And that's it.
Weapons and armed groups get in the way.
Do it and watch magic happen.
Nepal: Political Laboratory
The military action was not wrong. Fascism only has a military solution. So the first step was not wrong. Just that there was no second step. The people should have the option to peacefully, democratically organize themselves. That is where connectivity helps.
The thing about the Law Of Political Entropy is you can pre-emptively "attack" any territory. You don't have to wait for a dictator to go crazy. You don't have to wait for anything. And there is not much need for military intervention. Although a threat of force and some smart, surgical acts might help speed up the process and do some alignment work.
If you think Libya is about to go to hell anyways, why not give the Law Of Political Entropy a try?