Showing posts with label china. Show all posts
Showing posts with label china. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2024

23: China

Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign nets record number of ‘tigers’ in 2024 Fifty-six high-ranking officials placed under investigation this year as graft-buster targets central agencies ........... Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s war on corruption has ensnared a record number of high-ranking officials this year, with 56 senior cadres at vice-ministerial level or above being investigated ......... That marks a jump of nearly 25 per cent from 2023, when 45 high-ranking officials were subject to graft probes by anti-corruption agency the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, or CCDI........ According to the Post’s analysis, corruption cases involving top party organs and ministries have doubled, while there was also an increase in cases within the aviation and defence industries.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Nepal Will Lead The World

‘He was in mystic delirium’: was this hermit mathematician a forgotten genius whose ideas could transform AI – or a lonely madman? In isolation, Alexander Grothendieck seemed to have lost touch with reality, but some say his metaphysical theories could contain wonders

Illegal visa network making millions fleecing students

Ilya Sutskever’s startup, Safe Superintelligence, raises $1B
Pennsylvania and Georgia may choose America’s next president
How China extended its repression into an American city Chinese diplomats and pro-China diaspora groups based in the United States organized demonstrations in San Francisco that harassed and silenced protesters opposed to Beijing’s policies, including through violence, during Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s visit to the city in November, a six-month investigation by The Washington Post shows.

US close to agreeing on long-range missiles for Ukraine; delivery to take months
Robot controlled by a king oyster mushroom blends living organisms and machines
Don’t Trust the Election Forecasts The data doesn’t support the obsession with presidential prognostications.
Starlink backtracks, complies with order blocking X in Brazil, says regulator

Thursday, July 04, 2024

युग परिवर्तन के लिए विश्व युद्ध का होना जरूरी नहीं

युग परिवर्तन के लिए विश्व युद्ध का होना जरूरी नहीं
जुलाई ४, २०२४

विश्व में टेंशन उच्च स्तर पर है। और बढ़ती ही चली जा रही है। इस अवस्था में कोइ छोटा खिलाडी ही कोइ हरकत कर दे तो बात बहुत जल्द बहुत बिगड़ जाएगी। इजराइल में कुछ वैसा ही हुवा। कुछ बिद्वान लोग तो कह रहे हैं कि विश्व युद्ध शुरू हो चुका है। द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध भी तो ऐसे ही शुरू हुवा था। वो तो ख़त्म होने के बाद लोगो ने कहा शुरू कब हुवा। लेकिन जब शुरू हुवा तभी तो लोगो को नहीं लगा कि ये विश्व युद्ध है।

ये युद्ध अनावश्यक है। लेकिन रावण और दुर्योधन को कौन समझाए? १०-१५ रावण एक दुसरे से युद्ध करने को उतावले हैं।

दुनिया के बड़े बड़े देश एक दुसरे को कुछ ही घंटो में पाषाण युग (Stone Age) में धकेल देने की ताकत रखते हैं। ऐसे ऐसे हतियार रखे हुवे हैं कि अगर युद्ध हुवा तो कोइ जितेगा नहीं। फिर भी टेंशन घटाने के जगह बढ़ाने पर उतावले हैं।

रूस और अमरिका एक दुसरे के राजधानी के निकटतम जगहों पर आणविक अस्त्र इकठ्ठा कर लिए हैं लेकिन बातचीत तक नहीं हो रही। ऐसी नौबत आ सकती है कि सिर्फ एक दुसरे को डराने के बजाए फर्स्ट स्ट्राइक की सोंच बन जाए किसी एक तरफ। मरता क्या न करता वाली नौबत आ सकती है।

लेकिन जो देश इन देशों में से नहीं हैं वे भी तो बेफिक्र नजर आ रहे हैं। युक्रेन युद्ध शुरू हुवा तो सारी दुनिया को असर पड़ी। गेहुँ का भाव आसमान छुने लगा बहुत देशों में। गेहुँ की बात छोड़िए। अगर बात बिगड़ी तो गेहुँ के जगह पानी का भाव आसमान छुने लगेगा। और वो बात अफ्रिका में नहीं अमरिका में हो सकती है।

युद्ध अगर न भी हो तो ग्लोबल वार्मिंग जिसके लिए अमरिका, युरोप, जापान और चीन जिम्मेदार हैं उसके कारण हिमालय पर्वत के ढेर सारे हिमनदी पिगल कर दक्षिण एशिया में पानी के लिए हाहाकार हो सकती है। और ये दुर भविष्य की बात नहीं। प्रत्येक साल गर्मीं में तापमान के रेकॉर्ड ब्रेक हो रहे हैं।

कोरोना महामारी में न्यु यॉर्क से लोग भागे थे और दशों मील, पचासों मील दुर जहाँ जहाँ कोइ किराए का जगह मिला सब ले लिए थे। लेकिन एक वैसी अवस्था की कल्पना किजिए जब रूस और अमरिका आमने सामने हो गए हो तो रूस का प्रथम प्रयास रहेगा मैनहट्टन पर आणविक आक्रमण। क्योंकि उसका उद्देश्य होगा देश को प्यारलाइज़ करने का सबसे आसान तरिका। उस अवस्था में लोग भागेंगे तो फिर किराए का घर नहीं तलाश करेंगे। लॉ एंड आर्डर बिलकुल ब्रेकडाउन हो चुकी होगी। जबरजस्ती घरों में घुसेंगे। जो बचे वो।

युक्रेन युद्ध शुरू होने के कुछ ही महिनों बाद न्यु यॉर्क शहर में आणविक आक्रमण हो गया तो क्या करे कह के महानगर की स्थानीय सरकार टीवी पर बिज्ञापन देने लग गयी थी। यानि की उस संभावना की बात मैं नहीं कर रहा। पिछले साल ही न्यु यॉर्क की स्थानीय सरकार कर चुकी थी।

भारत एक उभरता हुवा शक्ति राष्ट्र है। तटस्थ है। लेकिन सक्रिय तो भारत भी नहीं। अभी जो जगह व्हाइट हाउस का है पाँच हजार साल पहले धृतराष्ट्र का दरबार वही हुवा करता था। विश्व का शक्ति केंद्र। स्पष्ट संकेत है जिस तरह जापान में सुर्योदय से सुर्यास्त और फिर सुर्योदय होती है उसी तरह दिल्ली फिर विश्व की शक्ति केन्द्र बनने जा रही। युग परिवर्तन होगी। सत्य युग फिर से शुरुवात होनी है। कुछ ही दशक की बात है। वो नयी सत्य युग सारे विश्व के लिए होगी।

उस सत्य युग तक पहुँचने का सबसे अच्छा रास्ता है बगैर युद्ध का। संवाद का रास्ता। आमने सामने बैठ के विचारविमर्श करने का रास्ता। लेकिन संवादहीनता सिर्फ युक्रेन युद्ध को लेकर नहीं। संवादहीनता सिर्फ गाज़ा युद्ध को लेकर नहीं। भारतवर्ष भी तो उसी संवादहीनता की स्थिति में है। भगवान कल्कि को लेकर। भगवान राम की मंदिर तो बना लेते है। और बननी चाहिए। अच्छी बात है। भगवान राम सिर्फ भारत के नहीं, समस्त पृथ्वी के हैं, सारे ब्रह्माण्ड के मालिक हैं। लेकिन भगवान कल्कि धरती पर हैं, आ चुके हैं, उस बात की परवाह नहीं। जो युद्ध के लिए व्यग्र हैं वे भी और जो तटस्थ बैठे हैं वे भी, दोनों विश्व युद्ध का मार्ग ही तो प्रशस्त कर रहे हैं।

Monday, May 01, 2023

China And India

America’s Bad Bet on India New Delhi Won’t Side With Washington Against Beijing ......... India’s significant weaknesses compared with China, and its inescapable proximity to it, guarantee that New Delhi will never involve itself in any U.S. confrontation with Beijing that does not directly threaten its own security. ....... New Delhi sees things differently. It does not harbor any innate allegiance toward preserving the liberal international order and retains an enduring aversion toward participating in mutual defense. It seeks to acquire advanced technologies from the United States to bolster its own economic and military capabilities and thus facilitate its rise as a great power capable of balancing China independently, but it does not presume that American assistance imposes any further obligations on itself. ........ U.S.-Indian security cooperation today is breathtaking in its intensity and scope. The first and most visible aspect is defense consultations. The two countries’ civilian leaders, as well as their bureaucracies, maintain a regular dialogue on a variety of topics, including China policy, India’s procurement of advanced U.S. military technologies, maritime surveillance, and undersea warfare. These conversations vary in quality and depth but are critical for reviewing strategic assessments, defining the parameters of desired cooperation, and devising tools for policy implementation. As a result, the United States and India work together in ways that would have been unimaginable during the Cold War. ......... they cooperate to monitor China’s economic and military activities throughout the wider Indian Ocean region and have recently invested in mechanisms to share near-real-time information about shipping movements in the Indo-Pacific region with other littoral states. ......... A second area of success has been military-to-military collaboration, much of which takes place outside public view. The programs for senior officer visits, bilateral or multilateral military exercises, and reciprocal military training have all expanded dramatically during the past two decades. ........ the annual Malabar exercises, which bring together the U.S. and Indian navies, have now expanded to permanently include Japan and Australia; the Cope India exercises provide an opportunity for the U.S. and Indian air forces to practice advanced air operations; and the Yudh Abhyas series involves the land forces in both command post and field training activities. .......... India’s military has gone from having virtually no U.S. weapons in its inventory some two decades ago to now featuring American transport and maritime aircraft, utility and combat helicopters, and antiship missiles and artillery guns. U.S.-Indian defense trade, which was negligible around the turn of the century, reached over $20 billion in 2020. .......... U.S. companies remain contenders in several outstanding Indian procurement programs, but it seems unlikely that they will ever enjoy a dominant market share in India’s defense imports. The problems are entirely structural. For all of India’s intensifying security threats, its defense procurement budget is still modest in comparison with the overall Western market. ............ New Delhi’s demand that U.S. companies shift from selling equipment to producing it with local partners in India—requiring the transfer of intellectual property—often proves to be commercially unattractive, given the small Indian defense market. ......... The U.S. goal in military-to-military cooperation is interoperability: the Pentagon wants to be able to integrate a foreign military in combined operations as part of coalition warfare. India, however, rejects the idea that its armed forces will participate in any combined military operation outside of a UN umbrella. Consequently, it has resisted investing in meaningful operational integration, especially with the U.S. armed forces, because it fears jeopardizing its political autonomy or signaling a shift toward a tight political alignment with Washington. As a result, the bilateral military exercises may improve the tactical proficiency of the units involved but do not expand interoperability to the level that would be required in major combined operations against a capable adversary. ........... India treats military exercises more as political symbols than investments in increasing operational proficiency and, as a result, practices with numerous partners at varying levels of sophistication. On the other hand, the United States emphasizes relatively intense military exercises with a smaller set of counterparts. ......... bolstering India’s intelligence capabilities about Chinese military activities along the Himalayan border and in the Indian Ocean region .......... The existing arrangements for intelligence sharing are formally structured for reciprocity, and New Delhi does share whatever it believes to be useful. But because U.S. collection capabilities are so superior, the flow of usable information often ends up being one way. ........ Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has increasingly focused on defense industrial cooperation as the key driver of its security partnership with the United States. Its underlying objective is to secure technological autonomy: ever since its founding as a modern state, India has sought to achieve mastery over all critical defense, dual-use, and civilian technologies and, toward that end, built up large public sector enterprises that were intended to become global leaders. Because this dream still remains unrealized, New Delhi has now prioritized Washington’s support for its defense industrial ambitions in tandem with similar partnerships forged with France, Israel, Russia, and other friendly states. ............ For over a decade, Washington has attempted to help India improve its defense technology base, but these efforts have often proved futile. ......... The Biden administration is now going to great lengths to reverse the failure of the Defense Trade and Technology Initiative. Last year, it announced the Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology, which aims to fundamentally transform cooperation between the two countries’ governments, businesses, and research entities pertaining to technology development. This endeavor encompasses a wide variety of fields, including semiconductors, space, artificial intelligence, next-generation telecommunications, high-performance computing, and quantum technologies, all of which have defense applications but are not restricted to them. ........ Modi’s “Make in India, Make for World” drive, which aims to transform India into a major global manufacturing hub that could one day compete with, if not supplant, China as the workshop of the world. ........... During the Bush and Obama administrations, U.S. ambitions centered largely on helping build India’s power in order to prevent China from dominating Asia. As U.S.-China relations steadily deteriorated during the Trump administration—when Sino-Indian relations hit rock bottom as well—Washington began to entertain the more expansive notion that its support for New Delhi would gradually induce India to play a greater military role in containing China’s growing power. .......... Although China is clearly India’s most intimidating adversary, New Delhi still seeks to avoid doing anything that results in an irrevocable rupture with Beijing. ............. New Delhi’s relative weakness compels it to avoid provoking Beijing, as joining a U.S.-led military campaign against it certainly would. India also cannot escape its physical proximity to China. The two countries share a long border, so Beijing can threaten Indian security in significant ways—a capability that has only increased in recent years. ............ Should a major conflict between Washington and Beijing erupt in East Asia or the South China Sea, India would certainly want the United States to prevail. But it is unlikely to embroil itself in the fight. ........... Even as this partnership has grown by leaps and bounds, there remains an unbridgeable gap between the two countries, given India’s consistent desire to avoid becoming the junior partner—or even a confederate—of any great power. .

Monday, March 27, 2023

27: China, US

27: China

27: Taiwan

The Problem With How the West Is Supporting Ukraine Wars are won or lost well behind the front lines. Allies should arm Ukrainians accordingly...... For the past four months, people around the world have witnessed the macabre process of Russian forces making repeated assaults near the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut for only the tiniest of gains. ........ Russia has lost about five of its soldiers for every Ukrainian soldier lost—to say nothing of massive equipment losses. ........ Far more effective is to weaken your opponent’s forces before they get to the battlefield. ...... Though NATO countries have a variety of systems that can target Russian forces deep behind their lines, recent aid has been overwhelmingly geared toward preparing Ukraine to make direct assaults against the Russian army. The most widely discussed forms of equipment—such as Leopard 2 tanks, Bradley armored personnel carriers, and even Archer long-range artillery—are not the kinds of systems that can disrupt or degrade Russian forces far behind the front lines. ..........

Ukraine is being made to fight the war the hard way, not the smart way.

........ Unfortunately, NATO states, including the U.S., have been reluctant to provide the Ukrainians with missile systems with too long of a range, seemingly for fear of escalating tensions with Russia. Instead of allowing the Ukrainians to degrade Russian forces far from the front line, Ukraine is being prepared to attack that line. The Ukrainians’ fortitude and ingenuity up to this point suggest that they could indeed accomplish their task—but it’s been made much harder than it needs to be.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Ryan Hass, Xi Jinping, China, Russia

Interests, Not Ideology, Should Drive America’s Approach to China Ideologues prefer to understand the U.S.-China relationship as a contest between good versus evil. They take comfort in clean divisions between democracies versus autocracies. They like parallels between the current U.S.-China great power contest and the U.S.-Soviet Union Cold War. The United States triumphed over the Soviets in the Cold War, after all, so why not repeat the cycle again now with China, they ask. .......... invoking Cold War analogies misdiagnoses the nature of the U.S.-China relationship and creates a false hope that the United States has the capacity to compel the collapse of China. ........ Any American attempt to treat China as its existential enemy (a la the Soviet Union during the Cold War) would isolate the United States from its friends and allies, none of whom have any enthusiasm for joining an anti-China containment coalition. ....... Not even America’s closest partners in Europe or Asia would sign up for a role in erecting such a global economic partition. ......... Trade data does not support arguments that China is seeking to bifurcate the global economy, though.

Over 150 countries view China as their largest trading partner, making China the world’s largest trading power.

Even as Beijing pursues more statist economic policies at home, it continues to look for opportunities to gain leverage by locking in other countries’ dependence upon China for future economic growth. ......... a recognition that the bilateral relationship is deeply competitive. ......... Both countries also are battling each other to dominate the frontiers of innovation in technological fields that will define the coming century, such as quantum computing, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and clean energy. ............. bilateral trade in goods hit a record in 2022, nearing $700 billion ........ by virtue of their positions as the world’s two most powerful countries, the United States and China also face planetary interdependence. From climate change to the global economy and pandemics, they both are harmed or helped by their (in)ability to pool capabilities to confront shared threats.......... The sooner leaders in Washington and Beijing embrace the framework of competitive interdependence for understanding the nature of U.S.-China relations, the better they will be able to compete without resort to conflict. The framework pushes both sides to coexist within a heightened state of competition, not out of amity but rather a sober recognition of the parameters within which the relationship operates. The hard truth is that neither the United States nor China would be able to achieve their national ambitions if they end up in conflict with each other. ........... the goal of strategy is to minimize risks and maximize benefits. The current trajectory of U.S.-China relations is moving in the opposite direction. Risks of conflict are rising, while benefits from the relationship for American and Chinese citizens are receding. ......... a degree of strategic maturity that has been in short supply in recent years ......... The current downward trajectory of the relationship, if not arrested, will continue to generate sharp incidents of growing intensity. Expecting that U.S. and Chinese leaders would manage all such future incidents wisely and calmly requires the triumph of hope over reason. ........ What is needed now is clear-eyed, evidence-based, interest-driven thinking about how the world’s two most powerful countries can compete without resort to conflict, both now and in the future.

China as Peacemaker in the Ukraine War? The U.S. and Europe Are Skeptical Chinese officials say Xi Jinping’s upcoming trip to Moscow is a peace mission. But U.S. and European officials say he aims to bolster Vladimir V. Putin....... And even a call by Mr. Xi for a cease-fire would amount to an effort to strengthen Mr. Putin’s battlefield position, they say, by leaving Russia in control of more territory than when the invasion began. ...... A cease-fire now would be “effectively the ratification of Russian conquest,” John Kirby, a White House spokesman, said on Friday. “It would in effect recognize Russia’s gains and its attempt to conquer its neighbor’s territory by force, allowing Russian troops to continue to occupy sovereign Ukrainian territory.” ......... for Chinese officials to come out of the meeting claiming “we’re the ones calling for an end to the fighting and nobody else is.” ....... In an article published in a Russian newspaper on Sunday, Mr. Xi wrote that China had pursued “efforts to promote reconciliation and peace negotiations.” ......... Skepticism of one of Mr. Xi’s stated goals pervades thinking in Washington and some European capitals. American intelligence agencies have concluded that relations between China and Russia have deepened during the war, even as Russia has become isolated from many other nations. ........ The two countries continue to do joint military exercises, and Beijing has joined Moscow in regularly denouncing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. China remains one of the biggest buyers of Russian oil, which has helped Moscow finance its invasion. ......... Chinese officials have at no point condemned the invasion. ........... “Western countries led by the United States have implemented all-around containment, encirclement and suppression of China, which has brought unprecedented severe challenges to our country’s development.” ....... But China remains firmly anchored in the global economy, and Mr. Xi and his aides want to avoid being seen as malign actors on the world stage, especially in the eyes of Europe, a major trade partner. ....... Mr. Xi and Mr. Putin have a strong personal affinity and, as of this week’s state visit, have met 40 times since Mr. Xi became China’s leader in 2012. Mr. Putin called Mr. Xi a “dear old friend” in an article published in a Chinese newspaper on Sunday, saying the two enjoyed the “warmest relationship.” ......... China’s recent mediation of an initial diplomatic rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran had boosted notions of China as a peacemaker. ....... China is not a close partner of either country and has a very specific economic interest in preventing the two from escalating their hostilities — it buys large amounts of oil from both. .......... Mr. Xi has not talked to Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, since the war began, much less asked for his perspective on peace talks. ........... Mr. Zelensky has said he would enter peace talks only if Mr. Putin withdrew his troops from Ukrainian territory. That includes the Crimean Peninsula, which the Russian military seized in 2014, and the Donbas region, where that same year Russian troops stoked a pro-Russia separatist insurgency. ........... Qin Gang, the foreign minister of China, spoke by phone with Dmytro Kuleba, the foreign minister of Ukraine, and stressed that the warring sides should “resume peace talks” and “return to the track of political settlement” ......... Analysts in Washington concur. “I don’t think China can serve as a fulcrum on which any Ukraine peace process could move,” said Ryan Hass, a former U.S. diplomat to China and White House official who is a scholar at the Brookings Institution. ......... Mr. Hass added that China would have a role as part of a signing or guaranteeing group for any eventual peace deal and would be critical to Ukraine’s reconstruction. “I believe Zelensky understands this, which is why he has been willing to exercise so much patience with China and with Xi personally,” he said........... they saw it as a further sign of China’s friendship if not alliance with Russia, as well as an effort by China to present itself as a mediator in the war. ....... He suggested that Washington wanted the war to continue to further weaken Russia. “Some forces might not want to see peace talks materialize,” he said. “They don’t care about the life and death of Ukrainians or the harms on Europe. They might have strategic goals larger than Ukraine itself. This warfare must not continue.” ........ many European officials, like their Ukrainian and American counterparts, are convinced that early talks on a peace settlement will be at the expense of Ukrainian sovereignty. ......... “It is not a peace plan, but principles that they shared” .

Japan’s Prime Minister Becomes Latest G7 Leader to Visit Ukraine Fumio Kishida, who has been seeking a more active role for his country in international affairs, made an unannounced trip to meet with Ukraine’s president. ......... Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has galvanized Japan’s foreign and military policy, stoking concerns about the costs of geopolitical instability. Policymakers and the public alike worry that the country would be unprepared to handle a crisis in its own backyard, whether North Korean aggression or an attempt by China to take the self-ruled island of Taiwan. ....... Rahm Emanuel, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, said the prime minister’s show of solidarity with Mr. Zelensky was in contrast to the partnership between Mr. Xi and Mr. Putin, calling the alignment between the Chinese and Russian leaders “nefarious.” ........ “Prime Minister Kishida stands with freedom, and Xi stands with a war criminal,” the ambassador wrote. ....... A spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry responded to news of the visit by saying Japan should “help de-escalate the situation instead of the opposite.” ....... The war has raised concerns about Japan’s reliance on other countries for food and energy, most of which it imports. Prices for commodities such as natural gas jumped after the invasion, putting cost pressures on Japan’s production of electricity. In response, the country has pushed for closer relationships with its allies and broken a decades-long deadlock in military spending as it plans to double its budget over the next five years. ....... Mr. Kishida embarked for Ukraine from India, where he had met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on issues including protecting freedom of navigation in the Pacific. ........ In a speech on Monday at the Indian Council of World Affairs, a research institute in New Delhi, Mr. Kishida said that Russia’s war had driven a “paradigm shift” in global affairs. ..... “Russia’s aggression against Ukraine oblige us to face the most fundamental challenge: defending peace,” he said, according to prepared remarks. .