Russia's Putin Feeding Bashar Assad Syrian's Blood (Photo credit: FreedomHouse)For those who don't think Russia and China are just too big, and so there's no hope for democracy entering those domains, their wrong stands on Syria is an opportunity to expose them. Unless they come on board, Libya like military action is not possible, necessary but not possible. But there are so many other options.
There is always room for unilateral military action. Aerial bombardments are an option for NATO. America is not seeking Russian and Chinese approval for any possible military action on Iran. But there are several options before that. One is getting the Syrian opposition better organized. That is political work. And the opposition army in Syria could be provided help. So there is no global military action. But there is action on the ground by those who have rightfully defected from the Syrian Army.
The best strategy on Russia and China is to engage them. Let them spell out all their arguments. The more they speak in support of a dictator the more they themselves get exposed. People in Russia are listening. People in China are listening. Syria is a great opportunity to expose the dictatorship in Russia. Russia is an example of how you can have elections and still not have democracy.
In a show of support for Assad, China's vice foreign minister, Zhai Jun, arrived in Damascus after the U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution telling the increasingly isolated president to halt the crackdown and surrender power.
National Post: Bringing Democracy To Iran: At 50, Mr. Pahlavi dismisses talk of restoring the monarchy in Iran and says his life is now dedicated to creating a non-violent, democratic revolution there.
The Shah of Iran could not make it clearer. He is for a secular democracy in Iran. He is not for restoring monarchy in Iran. We similarly have to reach out to Iranian groups that might have picked up weapons against the current regime in Tehran in the past. If the Shah can ditch monarchy, these groups can ditch violence.
We have to build a broad coalition of Iranian groups for the cause of democracy in Iran.
New York Observer: Malcolm Gladwell Compares Twitter Activism To Civil Rights: he's wrong to imply that a network of weak ties can't accomplish serious change. One could argue, for example, that social media played a crucial role in electing our first black president, a historic moment in our nation's struggle for equality.
Foreign Policy: Obama's Freedom Agenda: The freedom section of President Obama's address to the United Nations General Assembly .... the most extensive, fulsome, and compelling defense of human rights and democracy of his presidency, and it strategically placed political freedom in the context of economic freedom and development. ...... s a number of nations that are in tyranny's crucible, and whose citizens may find the possibility of freedom within their grasp. Sometimes this grasp can be aided by presidential attention or even a few strategic gestures that tip the scales...... and perhaps even recapture some of the charismatic appeal that has since his inauguration been strangely absent.
Say No to Ahmadinejad's presence at UN General Assembly September 23
Ahmadinejad does not represent the Iranian people
September 23, 2010
September 20, 2010
Union for Advancement of Secular Democracy in Iran (UASDI) is planning protest actions against Ahmadinjed's presence at UN General Assembly.
Schedule of the Events
1. Rally @ UN: Caravans from several cities have been organized to arrive at the UN on September 23rd to protest Ahmadinejad's presence at UN General Assembly. We are calling on all freedom loving Iranians in North America as well as freedom loving Americans to join our protest of Ahmadinejad's appearance at the UN General Assembly and join us in calling for the establishment of a secular democracy and abolishment of all forms of discrimination in Iran. [1] Date: September 23, 2010
Time: 2:30-5:30 PM
Place: 47th Street and 1st Avenue
Rally media contact: Farid Ashkan 718-309-1996
2. Sept 23 Presentation of collage to United Nations asking for end to torture and execution in Iran.
When: Sept. 23 @ United Nations annual assembly
Where: 47th St and 1st Avenue
Agenda: 2:30-5:30 keynote speakers and presentation of 3,000 plus signatures from citizens of US and Canada
Who: Thousands of citizens of US and Canada rally to protest violation of human rights in Iran during Ahmadinejads visit to the U.S.
Demands from United Nations to be read aloud in front of United Nations building, as stated below
On sept. 23 thousands will gather in front of United Nations building (47th St. and First Ave.)
We call upon Secretary Gen. Ban Ki-Moon and High commissioner Navatnam Pillay to take urgent measures to protect human rights of Iranian citizens:
• To appoint special Envoy for fact finding mission on the condition of political prisoners to investigate claims of torture and cruel conditions in Iran's prisons.
• Meet with Members of Bar Association in Iran investigating their restrictions and inability to defend their clients.
• Transmitting urgent appeals and communications to the Islamic Republic of Iran to release all political detainees.
Collage media Contact:Negeene Mosaed 760-217-6001
3. Aerial Advertisement: A small airplane will carry a banner against the Islamic republic and Ahmadinejad along East River (New York City] from 5-6:30 PM on September 23rd.
Media Contact: Kourosh Parsa: 203-570-6964
4. Rally @ Hilton East Hotel: Ahmadinejad and his entourage are staying at this Hotel.
Date: September 23, 2010
Time: 7-8 PM
Place: 42nd Street and 2nd Avenue
Across Hilton East Hotel
Rally media contact: Kourosh Parsa: 203-570-6964
5. Promotion Video: While the 6 minutes promotion video is in Persian, it portrays the human rights violations in the Islamic Republic in the past 31 years. The 6 minutes video is a human rights violations indictment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Video production media contact: PanteA Bahrami: 1-646-575-3690
6. Mobile Billboard: A truck will be driving through New York City downtown area on September 23rd between 9 AM-4 PM to publicize our campaign against Human rights violations in Iran. Call our media contact for truck route in New York City:
Mobile Billboard media contact: Mehrab Z. Dero 404-483-0256
7. Petition: UASDI is asking the delegates from different countries at the UN General Assembly to refuse to honor Ahmadinejad's presence at the UN by boycotting his speech to the General Assembly.
Contact: Jaleh Behrouzi 703-340-7726
8. Campaign Website:
9. Facebook Link:!/event.php?eid=122700294447032&ref=mf
Union for Advancement of Secular Democracy in Iran (North America)
(The Union is composed of Iranian-American and Iranian-Canadian organizations and groups from across North America, who have a shared belief in, and advocate the principles of democracy, the separation of religion and state, and the full implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Iran.)
For more information on upcoming actions in New York City, Please call 404-483-0256
Media Contact: