Showing posts with label Hindu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hindu. Show all posts

Saturday, March 18, 2017

योगी आदित्यनाथ, सुर्य नमस्कार और पिता परमेश्वर

Leave India if you are opposed to surya namaskar: Yogi Adityanath

सुर्य देव जिस पिता परमेश्वर को नमस्कार करते हैं, जिनकी अराधना करते हैं, मुसलमान उसी पिता परमेश्वर के सामने सर झुकाते हैं। इतना ज्ञान योगी आदित्यनाथ आर्जन करने का कष्ट करें।

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Ramayana: Rewriting History

English: Deities of Sri Sri Sita-Rama, Lakshma...
English: Deities of Sri Sri Sita-Rama, Lakshmana, Hanuman at Bhaktivedanta Manor temple, in Watford, England. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Valmiki was a Sanatani. He made Ram look bad. Ram's story is unique. नहीं तो जीजस को देखो अकेले पोल पर लटका हुवा है। ईसाइ धर्म में या यहुदी में है की ईश्वर ने पुरुष बनाया और पुरुष ने अपने हड्डी से औरत। तो वहां तो महिला को बराबरी मिलने से रहा। विश्व के प्रमुख धर्मो में सिर्फ राम सीता की कहानी है जहाँ महिला पुरुष बराबर हैं। बल्कि सीता एक स्तर ऊपर। राम दशरथ का पुत्र सीता धरती की पुत्री। राम ने धनुष नहीं उठाया। सीता ने शिव से अनुनय किया कि मैं चाहती हुँ यही धनुष उठाए। राम सीता पर आधारित धर्म में महिला को बराबरी मिलेगी, मिलनी चाहिए। यानि की रामभक्त को दलित बनाना सिर्फ हरिजन नहीं महिला पर भी वार है। सनातनी महिला को जगह नहीं देते। बिलकुल नहीं।

तुलसीदास रामभक्त था। हरिजन। दलित। रामभक्त ने राम को हीरो के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया। वाल्मिकी के संतति आज के नेपाल के विलन हैं। कुछ ही रोज पहले जानकी मंदिर के भितर बुट पहन के घुस गए। एक हिन्दु वो काम कर ही नहीं सकता।

रामभक्त को दलित बना दिया। तो फिर राम मंदिर किसने तोडा? सोंचने वाली बात है।

राम तो बाद में आए। वानर सेना बाद में आई। सीता ने लंका में अपनी रक्षा खुद की। रावण शायद सनातनी शैतान था। कहा भी गया है, he was the most learned man alive. यानि की उस युगका टॉप सनातनी। शैतान। वेद पुराण का ज्ञाता। That makes the Ramayana a feminist story. कि उससे पहले औरत को प्रॉपर्टी की तरह उठा लिया जाता था।

मंदिर तोडा सनातनी ने दोष दे रहे हैं मुसलमान को। सनातनी के बाद कृष्ण के बाद राम के बाद बुद्ध के बाद जीजस  मुहम्मद। सनातनी को कृष्ण से वैर, राम से वैर, बुद्ध से वैर, जीजस से वैर तो फिर मुसलमान से क्यों नहीं होगा वैर? ये डिवाइड and रूल है। यादव और मुसलमान इतने आसानी से मिल जाते हैं। राम मंदिर का तथ्य सामने आया तो यादव, हरिजन और मुसलमान एक जगह आ जायेंगे। सनातनी ये नहीं चाहता।

रावण भी सनातनी, वाल्मीकि भी। अंग्रेज थोड़े कहते हैं हमने कोलोनाइज़ किया। वो कहते हैं हम ने तुम पर उपकार किया। कलम कौन चला रहा है उससे बहुत फर्क पड़ता है।

Why did Tulsidas make changes while rewriting Valmiki's 'Ramayana' as 'Shri Ramcharitmanas'?
Technically speaking, the Ramcharitamanas, or the Kambaramayanam, are all just regional remakes of the original, Valmiki's Ramayana. These might have minor tweaks here and there, but the crux is the same, the story is the same. ..... this is the reason stories like Ramayana when written in various regional languages by Tulsidas, Kamban, Krittivasan, are adapted so as to appeal to the people from the respective regions .... For instance,

in the Ramcharitamanas, there is no mention of Lava Kusa in the Uttara Kanda. When Rama asks Sita to go to the forest, to put to an end the gossip of his subjects, Tulasidas who views Sita as more than a mother and is unable to put her through the tortures of the forest in his version, so he makes Sita call for her Mother, the Earth right away, and Rama, unable to live away from Sita, leaves his mortal body right there.

........ a major deviation from the Valmiki's Ramayana ...... there is this beautiful romanticizing of the Rama-Sita swayamvara in the Kamba Ramayana, where Kamban famously says "Annan-um nokkinaar, aval-um nokkinaal." (Older brother proceeded, she followed suit! (with legs, eyes, multiple meanings) It's a beautiful one-line love-story of Rama-Sita (Kamban always referred to Rama as an older brother in his version), before the actual swayamvara, wherein it talks about how Sita following her glimpse of Rama, prays to Shiva to get Rama to break the Shivdhanush. Small additions like this to the storyline, makes it more beautiful to read, and this is something that is definitely encouraged in literature.
Difference between original ramayan and the ramayan you know
Full text of "Difference between original ramayan and the ramayana you know"
What is difference between tulsidas and valmiki ramayana?
10 Differences Between Ramayana and Ramcharitmanas
Valmiki Ramayana vs. Tulsidas' Ramayana vs. Serials

Monday, December 14, 2015

Yadavs Have No Caste

Yadavs have no caste. Yadavs are not Brahmin. Yadavs are not Chhatriya. Yadavs are not Vaishya. Yadavs are not Sudras. And they are large in number. They dominate the Hindi belt in India.

The question, is the Hindu religion possible without the caste system, it is not even a question. Of course it is possible.

It is not a coincidence that the only form of Hinduism that is out there in any missionary position is the one that flows straight out of Krishna, who is considered the Founding Father of the Yadavs. The Hare Rama Hare Krishna people are out there preaching. When you join, you simply become a Hindu, you have no caste. You read out of the Geeta, the crown jewel of the Hindu worldview.

But just like the Brahmins annihilated Buddhists from the subcontinent, they also tried to annihilate the Yadavs. They did manage to in Gujrat, where Krishna was from, where Gandhi was from, where Modi is from. Both Gandhi and Modi are caste Hindus.

Caste Hindus think of religion as geography. They don't feel, there are a billion Chinese, if I can get half of them that will be 500 million more Hindus. They don't care which way the Chinese go. They feel everyone on the subcontinent was once a Hindu, and so any deviation that happened anywhere along the way needs to be corrected. Which makes for amazingly intolerant, obnoxious behavior, like asking Muslims to "come back."

Bramhins are weird. They are supposed to be these learned people, people of the book, but they also have been the most mercilessly bloodthirsty. They have killed like it was nobody's business.

Yadavs also seem to be able to form political alliances with Muslims rather easily. Neither the Muslims nor the Yadavs are part of the caste framework. They have nothing to break out of first.

But I don't see any Yadav in Bollywood. Maybe the good looks stopped after Krishna, who was supposed to have had a thousand girlfriends. Laloo ne sab jagah aarakshan lagoo karvaya, Bollywood shayad bhool gaye.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

ब्रिटेन का Cyber Colonization संभव है

शशी ठरूर जी के भाषण के बाद तो मेरा तो खुन खौल रहा है। मेरे को तो ये famine deaths के बारे में मालुम ही  नहीं था। मेरे को तो मालुम था अंग्रेजो ने और तो और खुद गांधी जी को फर्स्ट क्लास ट्रेन के डिब्बे से उतार दिया, बेइज्जती की, गांधी जी को बहुत बुरा लगा, और उन्होंने आजादी की ठान ली। ये चर्चिल तो हिटलर स्टालिन का बाप निकला। It is unconscionable.

ब्रिटेन का Cyber Colonization संभव है। सिर्फ प्रश्न ये उठता है कि किया जाए या नहीं किया जाए। ईमानदारी से पुछो तो I am very tempted. लेकिन temptation एक चीज होती है, करना ना करना अलग।

लेकिन भारत को २०५० तक में २४० ट्रिलियन डॉलर वाली अर्थतंत्र बन जानी चाहिए, इसमें तो कोइ confusion नहीं है। सब लोकतंत्र एक जैसे नहीं होते। लोकतंत्र के जो basic values होते हैं जैसे कि free speech और diversity. बेलायत तो बेलायत खुद अमरिका से प्रतिस्प्रधा करना है भारत को तो प्रतिस्प्रधा वहाँ पर है। भारत को अमरिका को surpass करना है तो अमरिका में कालों के साथ जो सुलुक होता है वैसा भारत में मुसलमान के साथ नहीं होनी चाहिए। मुसलमान को प्रत्येक तह पर involve करो। Housing से ले के सब जगह पर। विश्व शक्ति बनाएगा भारत का मुसलमान। Per capita income में  जिस दिन भारत के हिन्दु और मुसलमान एक से हो गए उस दिन भारत नंबर एक विश्व शक्ति बन गया।

Monday, July 20, 2015

पीके और अब बजरंगी भाईजान

पीके और अब बजरंगी भाईजान के जबरजस्त हिट होने से मेसेज मिल रहा है ----- भारत और पाकिस्तान की जनता शान्ति के लिए तैयार है, मौसी तैयार है। भारत सरकार और पाकिस्तान सरकार तैयार है कि नहीं वो सरकार वाले जानें।

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The International Importance Of Owaisi

Taj Mahal, Agra, India. Français : Taj Mahal, ...
Taj Mahal, Agra, India. Français : Taj Mahal, Agra, Inde. हिन्दी: ताज महल, आगरा, भारत. پښتو: تاج محل, اګره, هند. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The goal is a total spread of democracy across the Muslim world and there the Owaisi brothers are uniquely positioned. They are a parliamentary force, they are a democratic force, they are an electoral force.

To the Hindus I say, take pride in your religion. But also, take pride in your citizenship. Your citizenship requires that you do right by Muslims.

Muslim marginalization in India has to end. Democracy has to be seen working for India's Muslims before it can be sold across the Muslim world.

Akbar was a great king. अब तो राजाओं का जमाना रहा नहीं --- I hope some day India sees a duly elected Muslim Prime Minister. That is what India has to do if it aspires to become a global power like America.

अमरिका का राष्ट्रपति काला आदमी बन सकता है तो कोइ मुसलमान भारतका प्रधान मंत्री क्यों नहीं बन सकता?

दलितों को, मुसलमानों को बराबरी नहीं मिलती तो उस भारत पे मुझे गर्व नहीं हो सकता।

दलित, महिला, मुसलमान
सबकी एक ही चाहत
बराबरी बराबरी

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Psychological Underpinnings Of The Caste System

Caste AS
Caste AS (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hinduism is 10,000 years old. But the caste system is only 1,000 years old. Why did Hinduism after existing for 9,000 years suddenly feel the need for a caste system?

When Modi became Prime Minister he said India after a gap of 1,000 years had thrown the yoke and is now ruling itself. Well, I guess that is plus minus 50 years. Because India became independent over half a century ago. But what is plus minus 50 years when you are talking in terms of thousands of years.

When a Hindu India got invaded by Muslim rulers the religion developed this strangest thing called the caste system. Hindus broke themselves up into all sorts of castes and sub-castes. The unity was broken. I call it self hate. The colonization was internalized. And the caste system was born.

That is to say now creating a casteless Hinduism is essential to Hindu freedom. Hindus are not free unless the caste system is completely dismantled. This requires coming up with casteless last names. This requires Hindus marrying Hindus regardless of caste background. I think the RSS people have work cutout for them.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ghar Wapasi Nahin, Full Blown Conversion

Symbol of Hinduism, white and golden version.
Symbol of Hinduism, white and golden version. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Hindu fanatics in India who are disturbing Modi's development focus by the whole ghar wapasi thing --- they should muster their strengths and do the real thing. They should organize global campaigns, go to all continents, create a major online presence, and go everywhere on the planet to teach people who are eager and willing to learn more about Hinduism and possibly convert and become Hindu. The RSS should create a missionary wing, and do this. Go outside India, go outside South Asia.

Religious freedom is a fundamental human right, like free speech. Stop second guessing Hindus who converted to other religions. Try converting people from other religions into Hinduism. I feel like there are not enough Hindus on the planet. And it is a great religion. Spread the word out.

I have a question. What caste will you place those new converts into? Or will you create a new casteless kind of Hinduism? It is about time.