Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2016

If Robots Can Do Surgery

English: The mdonalds logo from the late 90s
English: The mdonalds logo from the late 90s (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If robots can do surgery then becoming a surgeon should be less complicated than flipping burgers at McDonald's. Massive rises in productivity can mean the average wages go up dramatically, granted political innovation keeps pace with innovations in technology.

When you use a computer today, do you do it because you understand how all the machine parts work? Do you care? Do you use it because it is slower than you?

Cars and planes are faster than human beings.

Assume 90% of the products and services are not even here. If the human brain is the pinnacle of evolution, then public policy should treat every human brain on earth like it were a gold mine, which is precisely what it is. I don't see the investment happening right now.

Don't blame robots for failures in public policy.

One person, one vote, one voice is a powerful concept. It just needs to be taken to its logical conclusion.

If racism is a Christian thing (colonization, slavery, segregation) then Christianity, the religion, is nothing to do with Christ. Any message against peace, justice and kindness is invalid in all religions. The temple needs to be cleaned up on a regular basis.

We are to create Heaven On Earth. Massive rises in productivity are to take us there. But Godless "visionaries" throw visions of hell on earth. Instead of an age of abundance they talk about abundant poor and useless people.

Artificial Intelligence can help us achieve one person, one vote, one voice 24/7, it can help us do away with the need for literacy. It can give us the perfect communication that a theoretical perfect market economy needs, one where a monopoly simply can not happen, and there is almost always perfect competition.

Technology is supposed to empower. Instead some prophesy helplessness for the masses. They are wrong.

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Psychological Underpinnings Of The Caste System

Caste AS
Caste AS (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hinduism is 10,000 years old. But the caste system is only 1,000 years old. Why did Hinduism after existing for 9,000 years suddenly feel the need for a caste system?

When Modi became Prime Minister he said India after a gap of 1,000 years had thrown the yoke and is now ruling itself. Well, I guess that is plus minus 50 years. Because India became independent over half a century ago. But what is plus minus 50 years when you are talking in terms of thousands of years.

When a Hindu India got invaded by Muslim rulers the religion developed this strangest thing called the caste system. Hindus broke themselves up into all sorts of castes and sub-castes. The unity was broken. I call it self hate. The colonization was internalized. And the caste system was born.

That is to say now creating a casteless Hinduism is essential to Hindu freedom. Hindus are not free unless the caste system is completely dismantled. This requires coming up with casteless last names. This requires Hindus marrying Hindus regardless of caste background. I think the RSS people have work cutout for them.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Donald Ratass Trump, And So, I Was Born In India

Donald Trump: Racist Bitch Motherfucker, Jackass, Punk
Donald Jackass Trump

Donald Trump came out accusing Barack Obama of not having a birth certificate, the implication being if he was not born in America then that would make him a lesser person. The racism part is that he has never asked that of any white politician. No motherfucking white politician in America ever had to show his birth certificate.

Another ball racist bastards like Donald Trump play with is they will tell you Barack Obama is a Muslim. The thing is, what if he were? Barack Obama has been a Christian, always has been. But he does have Muslim ancestry. Where do you think his middle name comes from? His grandmother was in Saudi Arabia a few months back on a pilgrimage, and she said she hoped some day Barack Obama would convert to Islam. Those are active ties, yo.

I think it is amazing that Barack Obama has cross cultural heritages.

But motherfuckers like Donald Trump will have it otherwise.

Well, asshole, I am not a Christian, and I was not born in America. And I am deeply, deeply offended. And the bad news for you is I am laying total claim to this motherfucking city. How do you like them apples now?

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