Showing posts with label Birth certificate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birth certificate. Show all posts

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Why The Donald Asked For Obama's Birth Certificate

The Donald found himself facing the prospect of yet another bankruptcy, but he could not go for a supermodel like he had every other time before, he was already married to one. And so he decided he was going to create a scene for superman, the President Of The United States. The Donald overnight became a Republican and a birther. Jesse Ventura's feelings got hurt.

The president dashed his hopes and dreams. He went ahead and released his birth certificate.

"This is not good, this is not good at all," The Donald said to his aides. "Now this means I just might have to read up a little on foreign policy, otherwise I was hoping to ride the birther issue all the way to a nomination."

Obama: Funny Fun
Donald Ratass Trump, And So, I Was Born In India
Donald Trump: Racist Bitch Motherfucker, Jackass, Punk
I Am Going To Act Like This Is 2007
Donald Jackass Trump
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Friday, April 29, 2011

Donald Ratass Trump, And So, I Was Born In India

Donald Trump: Racist Bitch Motherfucker, Jackass, Punk
Donald Jackass Trump

Donald Trump came out accusing Barack Obama of not having a birth certificate, the implication being if he was not born in America then that would make him a lesser person. The racism part is that he has never asked that of any white politician. No motherfucking white politician in America ever had to show his birth certificate.

Another ball racist bastards like Donald Trump play with is they will tell you Barack Obama is a Muslim. The thing is, what if he were? Barack Obama has been a Christian, always has been. But he does have Muslim ancestry. Where do you think his middle name comes from? His grandmother was in Saudi Arabia a few months back on a pilgrimage, and she said she hoped some day Barack Obama would convert to Islam. Those are active ties, yo.

I think it is amazing that Barack Obama has cross cultural heritages.

But motherfuckers like Donald Trump will have it otherwise.

Well, asshole, I am not a Christian, and I was not born in America. And I am deeply, deeply offended. And the bad news for you is I am laying total claim to this motherfucking city. How do you like them apples now?

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