Monday, January 20, 2025

Trump's Inauguration

I did not follow this election that closely. It was perfunctory. In fact, the polls all seemed to suggest it is at best 50-50. And there was an Iowa poll that was always right before that claimed Harris is taking Iowa. To me that felt like it was a bellwether. But the election results were far different. I think the pollsters are missing out on the fact that there has been a fundamental realignment underway. Polling is not a science, it is a profession.

Once the mandate came in, I tried to make sense of it.

There is this narrative that America is past its prime and is now in decline. And Trump is slated to make mistakes that will only accelerate that.

Or you could say, in 1990 if America had two dollars, by the end of the decade it had three, which is substantial, and oh, by the way, the Internet. Similarly, right now the US stands to harvest AI, and could add at least a third to its GDP in a decade. And excess regulations get in the way.

A 2T Cut

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