Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Medicine Men Of Yesterday

The medicine men of yesterday -- and yes, they are mostly men -- that clog the arteries of Capitol Hill and the White House and the myriad institutions that serve the interests of the Wall Street money men -- and yes, they are mostly men -- prescribe to you medicines from another era. They respond to today's problems with yesterday's solutions. They intend to jumpstart the economy as if lack of cash in rich people's pockets is what has called this global strike. If you were to take Covid-19 patients to them, they would give them flu shots with utmost confidence. They might even do it on prime time TV.

The smug men of "science" -- and yes, they are almost all men -- who run China think protein is protein. Men learned of protein long before they learned about viruses. And sometimes science is one step ahead of the virus, sometimes the virus is two steps ahead of science, for it mutates and gets deadlier. In their zeal for wild animals to eat, they unleash virus after virus, small epidemics to large ones.

The exponential growth of the pandemic is no different from the exponential graph of climate catastrophe that the world has been drawing for itself. And so this pandemic is also an opportunity for the world to put itself on a path to tackle climate change.

Testing is easy. Everyone on earth staying home at once for three weeks in a row would be the most effective and the least disruptive, or nearly everyone, for the essential workers are still needed and should be first in line for medical testing. Three weeks is plenty of time for the infected to get symptomatic. The first few symptoms -- cold, cough, possibly fever -- are not that different from flu symptoms. But no discrimination needs to be made. Let them self-identify and self-isolate. But if they move on also to other symptoms like shortness of breath, pain, and loss of taste and smell, then that is guaranteed COVID-19 infection and they should be given medical attention. Let the armies of the world erect tent hospitals in every village on earth.

But this global lockdown can not happen unless a world government is created at zip speed. These tent hospitals can not be erected fast enough and will lack supplies and personnel unless every national army acts like it is but one battalion in a global army.

And people will have to be fed in their homes. It has to be strictly demand and supply with no money involved. You take food to everywhere it is needed. Feed everyone everywhere. Redirect as much of every development budget as necessary. Food growers and handlers are also essential workers. Fund Charity: Water to the full and make it obsolete.

Figure out ways to mass educate people everywhere on the best practices when it comes to basic hygiene, social distancing, and wearing of masks, and inhaling steam and drinking hot water.

All along be working on the vaccine.

And spend these weeks to create forward-looking programs that will resurrect the global economy. The starting point has to be Universal Basic Income.

China Should Read The Bible
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