Sunday, February 21, 2016

Bernie And Blacks

  • Bernie should talk more about his Jewish experience. And, like I suspect, if he does not have too much of it, he should talk about his father's Jewish experience. Black folks think they have some kind of a patent on victimhood. They got nothing on Jews
  • Blacks wrongly think they were/are victimized because they had nothing. The opposite is true, just like for Jews. Jews have a tradition of knowledge. The rest of the world has had to wait for a 21st century knowledge economy to get the message. 
  • Black folks need the Bernie message more than any other group. Bernie is not trying to dismantle Obamacare, that would be Donald Trump. He is trying to expand upon it. College is the new high school. Bernie is right. Taking money out of politics only makes sense. It makes everything else possible. 

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