New York Daily News: Forget The Obama Slam: Rep. Charles Rangel Is Now President's BFF: Two days after ripping President Obama ..... Democratic primary challenger Adam Clayton Powell 4th said voters should dump Rangel because of his rocky relationship with the President...... "We need to send someone to Washington to work with President Obama, not disrespect him, not get into a fight with him," Powell said at a candidates forum..... At a forum Monday, Rangel popped off over an Obama comment last month that the 80-year-old congressman should "end his career with dignity." ..... The President spoke after Rangel was slapped with ethics charges. "Frankly, he has not been around long enough to determine what my dignity is," Rangel said Monday...... "In the next few years, I will be more likely to protect his dignity." ...... He said Obama's remark had rankled because "I just thought dignity was an individual thing other people can't really describe."This guy is way past retirement age. He did announce he was retiring, did he not? Why did he backtrack?
The allegations against him are serious. They are real. If he has any loyalty to the party, he needs to get out of sight, out of mind, yesterday.
Charlie Rangel and others like him are the reason there is no democracy in China. This country should be moving in the direction of total campaign finance reform. Rangel and others like him instead are running in the other direction. This dude is no progressive.
This is a thoroughly corrupt human being. This guy is rotten to the core.
One commenter has said: "Unethical is not illegal, and as Mr. Rangel stated, everything that he had done was fully vetted by the sainted Mr. Morganthau, the distirict attorney."
I would know a thing or two about Rangel and Morganthau ganging up. Fuck these old bastards. They need to disappear already. One has gone, the other needs to as well. The fuck with these two old hags. When it comes to these two, I am pretty much color blind.
Obama's Got Momentum: He Could Defy History In November
This motherfucker will wear his senility like a medal all the way to his graveyard. Look the other way. Ignore this dude.
New York Daily News: Challengers For Rangel's Seat Hope For An Upset, But Even The Frontrunner Has Drawbacks
New York Daily News: Rep. Charles Rangel Swats Back At President Obama In Candidates Forum
"Rangel may have lost his Chairmanship and possibly his mind, but his hubris is intact."
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