Will Obama give WiMAX a boost? Telecoms.com The House Appropriations Committee is reportedly to have said that "for every dollar invested in broadband, the economy sees a tenfold return on that investment".
WiMAX eyes $6bn grants program to boost broadbandRethink Wireless Though $6bn of this could go on improving broadband and wireless services in underserved markets, this figure is lower than many had hoped. ...... at the heart of the WiMAX argument for being the broadband wireless system of the future in north America. .... Intel is one WiMAX supporter that has started to set out the benefits of basing a new approach to wireless and broadband around the technology, on the basis that it has been devised around open access and PC-style economics, and is the most modern wireless platform with equipment currently available.Economic Stimulus Package: $6B for Broadband, Wireless xchange Magazine The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation has said a $30 billion broadband program to close the digital divide would create about 950,000 new jobs. ...... “As the only broadband platform that is capable of providing access everywhere, all the time, wireless broadband is essential to achieving universal broadband connectivity” ........ Funding wireless broadband will spark a revolution in productivity and enable the innovation that is so essential to strengthening our economy now and in the future
I was hoping for more like $30 billion. Wireless broadband is the interstate highway of tomorrow, today and tomorrow. Suddenly the auto industry bailout feels unwise. What? You gave tens of billions to the auto industry and only six billion to Wimax? Houston, there is a problem.
Wimax is fundamental. As in, you want to break the cycle of chronic poverty in the inner cities? Bring along Wimax. You want to push lifelong education? Bring along Wimax. You want to cut costs in the health care industry? Bring along Wimax.
The stimulus package was always going to be so big, you needed to ask, is this going to be a tax and spend liberal way, or the invest and grow New Democrat way? It has to be invest and grow. It can not largely be about preserving the old industries, and the old ways.
In The News
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Obama begins train journey to Washington for inauguration Los Angeles Times "What is required is a new declaration of independence, not just in our nation, but in our own lives - from ideology and small thinking, prejudice and bigotry - an appeal not to our easy instincts but to our better angels.'' ........ Obama's train will carry his traveling party of supporters through stops in Wilmington, Del., where they will pick up Vice President-elect Joe Biden, and Baltimore, Md., along the way to Washington. They will arrive in the capital on the eve of a start-studded inaugural concert at the Lincoln Memorial. ......... an official inaugural luncheon featuring favorite Lincoln foods. ........ whose barrier-breaking election can be viewed as the fulfillment of the long struggle for racial equality begun by Lincoln's emancipation of the slaves........ Obama confronts dire economic circumstances, two wars and the threat of terrorism ....... Since his election, Obama also has encouraged analogies to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who led the nation through the Great Depression and World War II. Obama has told reporters he was reading a biography of Roosevelt and aides have let it be known that Obama is studying Roosevelt's first 100 days, even the words and tone Roosevelt struck. ........ made no fewer than three references to Lincoln in his victory speech at Chicago's Grant Park. ....... what book besides the Bible he would find most essential in the Oval Office, he answered with a Lincoln biography: Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. ......... "Lincoln didn't even become Abraham Lincoln, at least as we know him, until he was president." ...... Lincoln used the very train trip that Obama is re-tracing to do the same thing, traveling during a stop in Philadelphia to Independence Hall to give a speech connecting his vision for the country to the principles of the founders. Lincoln often invoked Jefferson, a favorite of his
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Will Obama give WiMAX a boost? Telecoms.com The House Appropriations Committee is reportedly to have said that "for every dollar invested in broadband, the economy sees a tenfold return on that investment".
WiMAX eyes $6bn grants program to boost broadband
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