Dick Cheney, Nelson Mandela, Howard Dean
Invading Iran is out of question. That would be a scary mini World War III scenario. There will be many undetermined consequences which are better not contemplated.
The "strong on defense" conservative mantra is money driven. There are people and companies who make gobbles of money through the war machine. They need long, messy wars to stay in business.
This Cheney guy is a draft dodger. He was scared shi_less during Vietnam. He feared they might send him there and he might die. He is a woos. That guy is not strong on defense. That little stooge is an armchair General. He thinks war is a video game. He likes the idea of blood surging through his veins. War is exciting. His pals in the defense industry get happy. They give money. They send warm vibes.
Can you invade Iran? Is it technically possible? I don't think that option exists. America does not have an army to invade any additional country right now. Thanks to the dumb misadventure in Iraq.
But if the option were available, should America have? What would be the rationale? There is no rationale.
What about surgical bombing? What would you bomb and why? What kind of casualties are you looking at? Military casualties? Civilian casualties? Both count.
What would you want to destroy? Nuclear facilities? There is general consensus Iran does not have the bomb. It is years away from getting one even if it tried.
Even if the idea is to destroy nuclear facilities, do you know where they are? Do you know where all of them are? Maybe few yes, but all?
Would Iran strike back? How would it strike back? Would Iran send missiles into Israeli cities in mindless retaliation? Will Israel sit idly by? That is already three major military powers involved in a major all out war in the most volatile part of earth. Iran is not Hezbollah. Iran is a state with a major army. You are looking at a scenario of a large number of civilian casualties in Iran and Israel. Perhaps as many as if someone exploded a nuclear bomb.
So you are so scared of the bomb, the possibility of a bomb, that you are going to try and bring about a nuclear bomb explosion like casualty figure so as to make your point? Can you get any dumber?
Bushey talk of strikes on Iran is a guy refusing to admit the war on Iraq was a mistake right when it got launched. A future mistake in Iran is not going to cover up the mistake already made in Iraq. It will only make matters worse.
Nonproliferation is a serious, legitimate goal. But then so was preventing another 9/11, W's official rationale for going into Iraq.
There are many political, diplomatic, economic, nonprofit, cyber, and INGO options all of which have to be thoroughly exhausted before any strike on Iran can be contemplated. War - even surgical strikes; those are wars too, they necessarily kill innocent civilians - has to be the weapon of the very last resort.
And yes, holding a regional summit that involved Iran and Syria is an option. Holding direct talks with the president of Iran is an option.
Striking Iran is not an option. It is a very bad option. It would be an unwise option.
The best option is to look at the progressive tools to bring about real democracy into Iran where some council of mullahs does not get to decide who may or may not run for president.
Not Allowing President Of Iran To Visit World Trade Center Is A Mistake
Obama's Card: Iraq
Hillary Messed Up On Iraq, And Al Qaeda Is Strong, America Insecure
Iraq, Energy, Global Warming: All Interlinked
Obama Gameplan: Stable, Democratic Iraq
Iraq On My Mind
In The News
Mitt Romney's money machine Salon
Ukraine Votes for Change TIME
Ukraine's Reborn Orange Alliance Poised for Victory (Update5)
Were Clinton’s comment on Obama racist?
Clinton's cackle may give opponents the last laugh Independent They call it the Clinton cackle. It comes out of the blue, lasts a few seconds and leaves those who witnessed it wondering if they have missed a joke. Hillary Clinton's deployment of the full belly laugh is the latest weapon used by the leading Democratic presidential candidate when she is being pummelled by reporters or rivals. ....... a sign of nervousness over Iowa, where she is now running second to Barak Obama ...... Conservative radio hosts routinely play Hillary Clinton's "cackle" on their radio shows and her enemy Dick Morris says it is "loud, inappropriate, and mirthless... a scary sound that was somewhere between a cackle and a screech." ......... The questions about her judgement are coming thick and heavy. .... Even Bill Clinton seems nervous about Mr Obama ........ Obama's ability to persuade the country that he has both good judgement and experience could now be key. His deliberately non-confrontational style of campaigning is showing signs of working ......... Mr Obama is also raising more money than Mrs Clinton – more than $75m (£37.5m) over the past nine months – as ordinary people rather than wealthy donors eagerly contribute $10 and $20 a person through his campaign website. Mr Obama's advisers express confidence that he will do well in both Iowa and New Hampshire and surge to victory a few weeks later when many states vote in what is being called Super Duper Tuesday. His quiet-spoken style of electioneering has led many in the media to write off his campaign. And while he has sharpened his criticisms of Hillary Clinton he still refuses to engage in an all-out assault. ......... "I know there's a tremendous blood lust out there in the political community who want us to be in a steel-cage match with her," said his chief strategist David Axelrod. "Barack Obama didn't get in this race to tear Hillary Clinton down or to tear anybody else down. He got into the race to lift the country up. No doubt we have differences, and he will draw on those differences. But he is going to resist the thirst for gratuitous combat, because that's part of his critique of the political process." ...... As he takes his unorthodox campaigns to the schoolrooms and community halls of Iowa this week, Mr Obama is falling back on the oldest and most reliable trick in the book – pitting himself as very much an outsider against the Washington elites who have brought the country to its current impasse.
Obama's backers insist polls belie a buzz they see on trail Boston Globe southwest New Hampshire .... about 1,000 in all. .... The gathering is massive for Peterborough, population 6,000 ..... the infectious excitement his candidacy has generated. ..... His powerful and growing grass-roots network - reaffirmed by thousands of new donors in the third quarter of this year - has reached historic proportions. ........ "I don't understand why he's 20 points behind Hillary," said Timothy Steele, an Obama enthusiast from Hancock, N.H., who runs a medical-device company. "It's really at a point when it should start being urgent." ......... only 17 percent of respondents in the UNH survey said they had definitely made up their minds. ......... Donna Brazile, who ran Al Gore's 2000 campaign and is neutral this cycle. "Barack is going into the final 13 weeks of the campaign in great shape." ....... Obama's advisers say they are confident they have the organization, the buzz, the money, and the candidate with a message the country is hungry for. And they say that, despite the intense media scrutiny and onslaught of state and national polls, most people have yet to really focus on the race. ........ the political landscapes in Iowa and New Hampshire are fluid. ....... Obama has intensified his campaigning in Iowa, airing two new TV ads, bringing on a well-connected Democratic activist, and launching a four-day "Judgment and Experience Tour" across the state this week to highlight his long-running opposition to the Iraq war. ........... In New Hampshire, Obama's campaign hopes its first TV ad, which started airing last week, will produce a bump in the polls over the next month. ........ he is viewed as the most likable candidate and that many voters have not yet paid close attention, let alone made a firm decision. ...... polls showed Howard Dean leading by 20 percent in New Hampshire in late December 2003, only to lose by about 14 points a few weeks later. ......... Terry Kepner, a 55-year-old Radio Shack employee from Bennington, N.H., said he liked both Clinton and Obama but would not decide until the last minute. "I make my decision when I walk in" ......... the large percentage of undecided African-American women voters ...... Indications are that 18- to 30-year-olds will vote heavily in 2008 - even more than in the last two national elections, when their participation jumped markedly ......... Obama's support is underrepresented in primary-state polls, because many 20-somethings have only cellphones and their numbers do not show up on pollsters' calling lists. ........ "This is my first campaign, and I think I'm turning into an addict," Amanda Kelley, an Obama fan from St. Charles, Mo., wrote in an e-mail. "I check Barackobama.com every hour, I volunteer for everything I can, and the people I've met I am now seeing every week. There is a rejuvenated sense of personal empowerment that Obama generates which helps drive people to continue to move forward despite the polls, and the media."
Obama Leads in Worthless Poll
Myanmar junta stalls UN envoy a second time International Herald Tribune
Bush eyes 'surgical' strikes vs. Iran, sez mag New York Daily News planning "surgical" strikes in Iran to cripple agents the United States says support Iraqi insurgents fighting American soldiers ......... a change in the administration's rhetoric against Iran - redefining the source of tension from nuclear weapon development to Tehran's support of America's enemies ....... 'surgical' strikes on Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities and elsewhere ........ "What had been presented primarily as a counterproliferation mission has been reconceived as counterterrorism." ........ The Joint Chiefs of Staff have been working on plans to hit Iran with "a broad bombing attack" on suspected nuclear and military facilities ....... the revised bombing plan is gaining support from the military leadership and the British government. ..... the idea is being resisted by the Israelis, who would rather see Iran's nuclear facilities targeted directly ...... a lack of public support for a major bombing campaign, and the belief in intelligence circles that Iran is at least five years away from developing a nuclear weapon. ...... "But instead of saying to the American people ... it's going to be about nuclear weapons, it's now going to be about getting the guys that are killing our boys." .... the changing tone toward Iran is similar to the leadup to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, with the agency "moving everybody to the Iran desk."
China Writer Faces Subversion Charge The Associated Press
China: Product Safety Still Needs Work The Associated Press
Storing Files on the Internet, Microsoft Style New York Times more software technology over the Internet as a service ...... a careful balancing act, adding Internet services without offering online versions of its most lucrative desktop products like Word, Excel and PowerPoint. ...... a free service, called Office Live Workspace, that will allow people to store, access and share documents online. ........ But a Word or Excel document in the online workspace can be edited only if the user has bought Microsoft’s Word or Excel software. “The ideal case is where a person has Office,” said Rajesh Jha, a vice president for Microsoft Office Live products. ........ In an offering for larger companies, Microsoft will host the data center software for e-mail, workgroup collaboration and instant messaging and provide those as online services ......... “software plus services.” ........ Google Gears ...... household calendar ..... the desire of companies to add Web-based collaboration tools quickly and without the expense and headaches of having to buy more server computers.
Will A Google Phone Change The Game? BusinessWeek Watch or read the custom ads, and your phone minutes are free. ...... For big cell carriers, that's the real nightmare. And it may be coming in the form of a Google phone. ..... Google is expected to tap a company on the Pacific Rim that specializes in mobile design and manufacturing to build a handset to its specs. ..... don't expect one before the second half of 2008. ..... It is experimenting with wireless broadband networks in a couple of U.S. cities. ...... In August, CEO Eric Schmidt announced his intention to participate in a federal auction early next year of the sort of radio spectrum that would help pull off a phone service. ..... Networks and handsets are only now getting sophisticated enough to deliver colorful, location-specific ads. ..... combine Google's financial heft with its ultra-sophisticated ability to target ads to specific customers ..... nirvana scenarios--mobile ads tied to your individual behavior, what you are doing, and where you are ..... more than 2 1/2 billion phones in use worldwide exceed the number of PCs and TVs combined. ..... Google's AdSense for Mobile delivers ads relevant to the advertiser's mobile audience. .... mobile the next channel for information ..... Dilip Venkatachari, director of product management for Google's mobile team. ..... fit like spandex tights with user interests. ...... Employing technologies that figure out where callers are and where they're headed boosts advertising prices by 50% ..... Via Google search, for example, an advertiser learns a user is at the corner bakery in downtown Chicago. And it learns the person has a taste for sweets. Wireless carriers have customer information as well, but "they are not a data warehouse, the way Google is" ..... perhaps buy a wireless carrier, such as beleaguered Sprint Nextel .... Then it could launch the first ad- supported, and free, nationwide phone service. "Google is the first gambler sitting down with as big a bankroll as the carriers have
Dubai: Wall Street In The Desert?
Salman says 'no' to Madame Tussauds Rediff
University of Memphis football player killed on campus
Opinion: Women's Soccer Doesn't Trail Men's in Excitement Deutsche Welle women's soccer is no longer worthy of ridicule and, in fact, is played at high technical and tactical levels ...... Women's soccer today is fairer than men's, offensive and well-played at a pace that has clearly sped up. Of course, the men are still faster, but that's the case in track and field, too. Are those races any more boring because of it? ....... the women on the German team who won the 1989 European Championships were rewarded with a coffee set, each member of the 2007 team will receive 50,000 euros ($71,165) for winning the title. ........ the 1999 Cup was broadcast in 67 countries, this time around it was 220 ...... World Cup in China ......limited funding and the lack of a league structure.
Microsoft puts Office on the Web, Adobe Follows PC World Adobe Systems announced Monday that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Virtual Ubiquity in Waltham, Massachusetts and its online word processor, Buzzword. ...... Buzzword was built with Adobe Flex software and runs in the Adobe Flash Player. ..... Monday Exchange Labs, a research and development program for testing next-generation messaging and unified communications capabilities in high-scale environments. The Exchange Labs program will initially include select universities and school districts.
Office Live Workspace: What it can and can't do
Madonna, Beasties, Mellencamp Up for Rock-God Status E! Online Born Madonna Louise Ciccone in Detroit, the Material Girl emerged from New York's underground club scene and shot to fame on the success of her self-titled 1982 debut album, which spawned the singles "Holiday," "Borderline" and "Lucky Star." ....... Her penchant for boundary-pushing behavior, both onstage and off, and constant reinvention has kept her on the charts and in the headlines. .... selling more than 200 million albums worldwide. ..... Like Madonna, the Beasties sprung from the New York music scene in 1982, but instead of party-hearty rap, the Boys were a hard-core punk band.
Obama: Clinton No Break From the Usual The Associated Press
Obama campaign passes 350000 donors
Time running out for the making of a black President Guardian Unlimited For Barack Obama it was a daring move: hold a rally last week in the heart of New York, the fortress home of his rival, Senator Hillary Clinton. It seemed to pay off. As he bounded onto the stage in Manhattan's Washington Square in front of a packed crowd of 25,000, he beamed his broad smile and shouted: 'Look at this crowd!' Obama's gamble seemed to have worked. It generated a swath of newsprint in the Democratic stronghold of the city and was designed to send a message to Clinton that she could not even count on the support of her home turf. ....... 'It's extremely unlikely that Hillary will be denied her party's nomination,' said the influential New York Post columnist John Podhoretz. .... a long, steady march of the Clinton machine, keeping other candidates at arm's length and building an ever larger lead in the polls. ..... A Gallup survey had her on a whopping 47 per cent, against Obama's 25 per cent ....... Clinton is also ahead by about 20 points in New Hampshire and has recently moved ahead of Edwards in the key first voting state of Iowa, where Edwards has been virtually camped out for the past two years. ....... many experts warn that it is far too early to write Obama off, pointing out that there are three months to go before actual voting takes place. Obama's campaign still has many positives. He has raised more money faster than any other Democratic candidate in history, including 75,000 new campaign donors since June alone. He also has a huge and committed campaign organisation, including twice as many offices in Iowa as any other candidate. His public rallies are always attended by thousands of supporters, who show an enthusiasm for their candidate which beats that enjoyed by any of his rivals. ...... a good showing in Iowa will change the nature of the race ..... Seeking to express sympathy with poor farmers in Adel, Iowa, Obama asked his audience: 'Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and seen what they charge for arugula?' The remark was a disaster and it is not hard to see why. Whole Foods is an upscale, organic-only supermarket that does not have a single branch in the entire state, let alone in the tiny town of Adel. Many Iowans - famed for their Midwestern distaste for 'big city' ways - would take pride in not knowing what arugula is or what one should do with it. But a few in Adel may now have some interesting suggestions. ....... Though often uninspiring, Clinton's public appearances and debate performances have been the epitome of slick, smooth professionalism. She has also run a hyper-controlled media operation that has won a reputation for ruthless control of her campaign's message ........ Bill Clinton used his influence to kill a GQ magazine story that painted an unflattering portrait of infighting in the Clinton campaign. ....... 'He's the best thing she's got going for her on some levels. He's her Karl Rove ....... At this time in 2003's Democratic race, Vermont governor Howard Dean looked set to be the candidate. He was flush with cash, riding high in the polls and John Kerry's campaign was almost bankrupt. Yet three months later Dean's campaign collapsed almost overnight and Kerry romped home in a matter of weeks. Put simply: a lot can happen in the next three months, and all the campaigns remain officially optimistic. ....... Iowa is shaping up not just to be Obama's first stand against Clinton. It could also be his last.
Google Buys Mobile Social Network Zingku PC World Zingku aims to make it easier for people to share photos, send invitations or conduct polls among friends via mobile phone. It also provides a way for businesses to send "mobile flyers" to customers advertising products and services. ...... Zingku's service is free for end users and aimed at teenagers and people in their 20s. It uses standard text and picture messaging features on mobile phones, and a browser on the Web, so no special software has to be installed. ...... Users can share content with an "inner circle" of trusted friends, and with friends-of-friends when they want to. ..... easily move (zing) things back and forth between the web and your mobile as well as powerfully connect with friends and optionally their friends. ........ mobile phones, which are emerging as a new medium for advertising. ...... In 2005 it bought Dodgeball.com, another mobile service that shares information about a user's location and helps them find friends in their local area. Google did little to promote the service, however, and Dodgeball's founders left Google earlier this year complaining that it wasn't investing enough resources in the service. ..... whacky, Web 2.0 culture
Giuliani Argues He Can Beat Hillary
Democrats Build Plan to Override Health Bill Veto
Bill Clinton: Hillary 'Will Be ... the Decider' ABC News
You, Bill Clinton and a bowl of chips Baltimore Sun
Is Hillary Clinton the New Old Al Gore?
Torrential rains disrupts normal life in Bihar Times of India
Obama stuck in 2nd place; hasn't risen in polls New York Daily News leading all of his rivals in the race for money, and boasting the largest grass-roots organization in modern political history ..... supporters are impressed with Obama's signs of strength - his fund-raising prowess, the huge crowds at rallies, the Internet following ...... Preeta Bansal, a New York supporter, said she's not concerned. "It's going to be a long fall. The race is just beginning and he's on fire," said Bansal, referring to recent stump speeches where she said he's been "superb." ....... there's tremendous excitement for Obama, and real optimism that he can knock out Clinton. .... "On the ground, the people, the groundswell is growing," Sanders said. ..... "I know there's a rooting interest, a kind of blood lust in the political community to see a kind of steel-cage match between Obama and Hillary," Axelrod said. "I don't think that's either politically smart or consistent with who he is." ...... The campaign has pinned much of its strategy on winning Iowa. .... The campaign also has begun to deploy staff and build up ground operations in the states holding primaries on Feb. 5. And in the coming months, star supporter Oprah Winfrey "will do some things for us
Poll: Iowans Buck the 2008 CW
India's Anand seizes chess title
Bush struggles to stay relevant in climate debate Reuters his resistance to the kind of mandatory emissions limits sought by many allies in Europe and Japan may further weaken his influence as negotiations intensify over a successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol. That treaty, which Bush rejected, expires in 2012. .... "a lot of countries are already looking past this administration." ..... In the years since Bush rejected the 1997 Kyoto treaty, the debate within the United States has shifted toward growing concern about global warming.
On Warming, Bush Vows US 'Will Do Its Part'
Google Buys Mobile Social Network Zingku PC World
Bringing smart phones to the masses CNET News.com teen-agers and even soccer moms, who want e-mail access and Web surfing on the go ...... 213 million cell phones operating in the United States today, only about 4 percent of them are smart phones ..... 9 million smart phone users in the U.S. That figure has almost tripled in the past two years.
New York City For Barack Obama 5
New York City For Barack Obama 6
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