Half A Million Donors Before The Year Is Over
We are at 350,000 now. We must shoot for 500,000 before the year is over. It can be done.
Orange Alert: Oprah, Where Are You?
Bill Clinton should have retired in 2000. Instead he has been the 800 pound gorilla of this race. Have you seen Jimmy Carter or W's father campaign like this?
The only person in America who can counter that 800 pound gorilla is Oprah Winfrey, the top celebrity in the world. And she must do so. She must get actively involved.
It was insightful of Oprah to do a $3 million fundraiser for Barack during this past quarter. Or we would have been in trouble.
Oprah Needs To Hit The Campaign Trail
Bill Clinton, Student Of Politics
Bill Clinton asked himself, what's up with this guy Obama? How come he is raising more money than me? I am the one who is supposed to be the master of this game. And then he studied. He figured Obama's edge comes from raising money online and raising money in small donations. So Bill Clinton proceeded to do numerous $25 a person fundraisers this past quarter. And that has made all the difference. He doggedly learned how to do it.
Barack, Student Of Politics
Bill Clinton has been swift boating Barack and Barack has been doing the John Kerry thing, he has been taking it lying down.
The politics of personal destruction was what the Republicans did to the Clintons in the 1990s. Ken Starr hounded everyone who ever said hello to Billie Clinton in Arkansas. Barack's new kind of politics says no to that.
But when Hillary 2008 relentlessly pounds you with the "strength and experience" phrase, and you don't hit back, that is not new kind of politics, that is not the politics of hope. It sure is not new, John Kerry did that in 2004. Politics is a contact sport. You don't get to stay above the fray.
That one phrase has done Barack in this past quarter. And it has to be countered.
Barack: Strength And Judgment
Strength? What Strength? Experience? What Experience
Judgment And Leadership
Barack had the judgment and leadership to oppose this war back in 2002.
Barack has the judgment and leadership to bring people together and deliver universal health care.
Barack has the judgment and leadership to make America popular again in the world.
Barack has the judgment and leadership to turn the page on the old kind of politics.
Use of that phrase has to be so relentless that it should be obvious to one and all that that is supposed to be a counterstrike to the "strength and experience" phrase.
Hillary And Barack: Coke And Gatorade, Not Coke And Pepsi
The Clintons have done a good job of blurring the differences. They have managed to cast the impression that Barack and Hillary are Coke and Pepsi. It does not really matter. Both are smart. Both are progressive. We all make mistakes, so what if Hillary voted for the war back in the days. Barack will end the war, so will Hillary. Barack will give you health care, so will Hillary. So why not go for the tested and tried Clinton brand name? That is the Coke-Pepsi version.
The Coke and Gatorade version is that Hillary's vote for the war shows a serious lapse of judgment that also colors what she might do elsewhere. Will she stand up to public opinion like leadership sometimes asks for?
Bringing the troops back home is not the only thing to do to make up for a wrong vote, as Hillary seems to think. Where is her plan to fight the Al Qaeda? The real mistake of the Iraq War was the eyes were taken off the Al Qaeda. How would she remedy that? How will she put the eyes back on the Al Qaeda? She has not said much about that.
The Coke and Gatorade thing becomes much more clear on health care and ethics reform and on foreign policy. On foreign policy, Hillary is Bush-Cheney Lite. Bush will not talk to the hostile regimes, so Hillary will not either. She is more like Bush than like Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton talked to Kim Jong Il.
Preparing For Debates
That is key. You assemble people who stand in for all your rivals, and you get your staff to come up with all possible questions. And you work on one liners in advance. And you deliver.
Iowa Debate
Iowa Debate: Obama Clear Winner
One Debate A Month Is Enough: More Town Hall Meetings, Fewer Debates
Got To Tackle The Debates
Winner Of The Debate: YouTube
PBS Debate: Hillary Was Strong, Barack Was Warm, Edwards Was Composed
1 Debate, 1 Major Policy Speech, 1 Rally, 1 Big Fundraiser A Month
Submit Your Questions For The Debates
Barack, You Can Do Debates
DNC Needs To Take Over The Monthly Debates
One National Primary, Monthly National Debates, Videoblogged
Debates Matter: The Election Is On
Barack Lost The South Carolina Debate
South Carolina Debate
In The News
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Obama, with money on his side, still seeks traction USA Today In February, when Obama announced his candidacy, he trailed Clinton 48%-23% in the USA TODAY/Gallup Poll. After nearly eight months, six debates and the expenditure of millions of dollars, the numbers are nearly the same: 45%-24%. ..... "Nobody has gone from zero to 60 faster in American politics than Barack Obama ....... Obama's underlying message is that it's time to "turn the page" from the polarization that marks not only the Bush administration but also the Bill Clinton administration that preceded it. ...... Obama continues to have two big assets: time and money. ..... Obama's financial strength makes it possible for him to prepare for a protracted fight. He already has hired staffers in California, Colorado and Missouri ....... "This is a very deliberative campaign that has a strategy and a timeline they set out for themselves, and they're sticking to a plan here." ....... — New Hampshire, Michigan, Nevada, Florida and South Carolina — and Clinton now has double-digit percentage leads in all of them. ....... the gap between Obama and Clinton in the Gallup Poll hasn't been stable. It narrowed in late spring and early summer, twice falling into single-digits ........ He has solidified gains among those under 30, though Clinton still leads in this age group, 54%-43%. ....... Previous presidential candidates who sparked enthusiasm among young people — Dean in 2004, Bradley in 2000 and Gary Hart in 1984 — had trouble translating their energy into votes ...... more than 5,400 Iowans had joined the campaign's social-networking site, my.barackobama.com. ..... leads Obama by a yawning 69%-26% among seniors, the group most likely to vote. ..... They are now tied at 47% each among those with annual household incomes of $75,000 or more, and Obama lags Clinton by only 4 points among those with postgraduate degrees. ....... The challenge for Barack Obama is to move his appeal downscale. ....... Those with annual household incomes of $30,000 or less prefer Clinton over Obama by 70%-27%, and her lead is nearly as big among people with a high-school education or less. ...... he's preparing for an extended campaign and a battle for every delegate. ..... "He has an energy the other candidates don't have .. "He brings this excitement and freshness. Hillary feels like, you know, we've been there."
Obama reports raising $19 million more for primary races
Obama to play Iraq card against Clinton MSNBC 18 simultaneous rallies across the US to mark the fifth anniversary of his opposition to the Iraq war. ...... will kick off a four-day "judgment and experience" tour of the state of Iowa ..... Clinton's refusal to apologise for her 2002 vote ....... new polling data that show him moving into a narrow lead for the first time over Mrs Clinton among voters who are likely to participate in the Iowa caucus ...... At this stage in the 2004 Democratic presidential race, John Kerry, the eventual nominee, was running fifth in the national polls. ..... Edwards would drop out of the race if he did not win Iowa.
Clinton & Obama trade places in two Iowa polls; to Yepsen, race is ...
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