Poll: Clinton rebounds over ObamaBad MySpace Move By Barack ObamaUSA Today a 15 percentage-point lead ..... She is the choice of 38% of the Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters surveyed, up 7 points from a survey taken three weeks earlier. Obama is at 23%, 3 points lower than before.
South Carolina Debate
The question was if another 9/11 style attack were to occur, will you retaliate? Hillary gave the correct answer. She said if it can be determined who was behind the attack, the retaliation should be swift and strong. Obama did not answer that question right. He went on a detour suggesting it is important to make sure the intelligence is not faulty, blah blah blah.
The answer was Afghanistan, not Iraq. Osama was behind 9/11, and he was in power by proxy in Afghanistan. So the attack to drive the Taliban out of power was a legitimate act of a sovereign country.
Obama has to be careful not to let the ultra left hijack his anti-war agenda.
The Mayor of New York City has to deliver crime control. That is a basic aspect of the job. Similarly the President Of The United States has to offer security. That is a basic part of the job. That is how the office is designed. You are Commander In Chief.
I think Obama got thrown off balance because he for a moment thought it was a trick question to do with his strength: his opposition to the "dumb" war in Iraq. That is not what it was. A lot of Americans do fear there might be another big attack. It might not come in the form of planes. It might be a dirty bomb, it might be something else. We know the intention is there on the part of Al Qaeda. They just have not been able to carry it out yet.
Iraq has been W's trillion dollar mistake. Obama has the right stand. But he does have to deliver on the basics of being Commander In Chief.
Obama Gameplan: Stable, Democratic Iraq
Obama Is Going To Have To Jump Into The Fray
Muscular Gender Agenda
Obama-Spitzer Vs. Giuliani-Romney
In The News
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Clinton Says She Supports Funding Troops Carlisle Sentinel
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Buffett: Index funds better for most investors Reuters "A very low-cost index is going to beat a majority of the amateur-managed money or professionally-managed money," Buffett said ...... investors shouldn't flock to increasingly popular hedge funds, where managers typically receive a fixed fee plus a percentage of profits. ..... many investors actually fare worse in actively managed funds. He said many funds perform well when they're small, but struggle to keep up when investors chase that early performance, and pour in cash. ........ Buffett cited Fidelity Magellan (FMAGX.O: Quote, Profile, Research, a top-performing fund through the 1980s, but which has lagged S&P 500 over the trailing one, three, five and 10-year periods. ....... Berkshire estimates that its per share book value rose at a 21.4 percent compounded annual rate from 1965, when Buffett took over, to 2006, compared with a 10.4 percent annual gain for the S&P 500 including dividends.
Democratic Debate for 2008 Presidency SCSU part 1 of 9
Democratic Debate for 2008 Presidency SCSU part 2 of 9
Democratic Debate for 2008 Presidency SCSU part 3 of 9
Democratic Debate for 2008 Presidency SCSU part 4 of 9
Democratic Debate for 2008 Presidency SCSU part 5 of 9
Democratic Debate for 2008 Presidency SCSU part 6 of 9
Democratic Debate for 2008 Presidency SCSU part 7 of 9
Democratic Debate for 2008 Presidency SCSU part 8 of 9
Democratic Debate for 2008 Presidency SCSU part 9 of 9
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