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Barack Obama
Liberal movements within IslamIn The NewsClinton out in front with 24-point lead Guardian Unlimited 41% support among Democrats or Democrat-leaning voters, with the party's fast-rising star Barack Obama, who declared last week, on only 17%. ... John Edwards, who is fighting on an anti-poverty and strong anti-war ticket, is in third place with 11% and Al Gore, the former vice-president who continues to insist he will not stand, is on 10%. ... the nomination campaign still has 18 volatile months to run ..... Asked how they would vote in a presidential election, 49% said Democrat and 28% Republican. The same poll suggested that oppposition to Mr Bush's Iraq policy continues to grow, with 70% expressing disapproval ...... Bill Richardson, the governor of New Mexico, also announced his intention to seek to become the first Hispanic president .... she enjoyed greater support among women (49%) than men (30%). She had a 76% favourable rating even among Democrats opposed to the Iraq war ..... a sign that Mr Obama is building up momentum came with the news yesterday that the billionaire philanthropist George Soros is backing him, and celebrities such as the film-maker Steven Spielberg are planning a fundraising event for him Venezuela moves to seize US-owned telecom MarketWatch
Barack Obama - a man to inspire America? On Line opinion
Obama needs seasoning before he makes run at presidency USA Today
Democratic Race : HR Clinton vs Barack Obama Kenya London News
Fear and Loathing on Sen. Clinton's Trail FOX News
Clinton: 'One-term senator' Chicago Tribune
Clinton aims to show she is tough and a bit tender Times Online
Why John McCain's More Conservative Than You Think Town Hall
John McCain Panders To Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson And James Dobson Men's News Daily
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