Eliot Spitzer would be a great running mate for Barack Obama.
Spitzer earned more votes than Hillary in New York. Those who speak well of Hillary say her victory is a good one because she got almost as many votes as Spitzer. Spitzer was expected to win big, real big, all along. Hillary's big win is a little bit of a surprise.
Spitzer signifies a generation shift just like Barack Obama.
For the longest time I did not know he was Jewish. He comes to you on merits just like Obama. He transcends faith based lines.
When I first dug into him and started studying his speeches, I was in total awe. This is a next generation politician, I remember thinking vividly. He is sheer substance. No bells and whistles. And he manages to communicate that sense of substance to the public. (Eliot Spitzer)
New York would be a good balance to Illinois.
Spitzer's running mate was a black dude from Harlem. If Spitzer jumps to the Obama bandwagon, would that black guy then become Governor of New York? That would be a nice swap. White guy leaves black guy for black guy, black guys benefit.
Spitzer is the only person in American politics today who could tackle corporate welfare reform. The guy is gutsy.
He is charming too. The first Spitzer event I went to, the guy was cracking jokes about going after Wall Street types. One after the other. (Eliot Spitzer, Aliza Fatima)
He is very down to earth. You feel it standing next to him. He intends to do the work.
I was watching his victory speech and the guy was going on and on. It felt less like celebration, and more like, I got work to do. (2006 Elections Victory Party)
Barack Obama makes white people feel good about themselves. That is why he is so popular among whites. Eliot Spitzer also makes a lot of ordinary white people feel good about themselves. He makes them feel like once again they actually matter in the political process.
The most important quality you look for in a running mate is if that person could be president. Spitzer sure is presidential material.
A Senator is better off with a Governor than would be with another Senator. That is a nicer balance.
And I do have a strong New York bias. I am a refugee into New York City, did I tell you? From Kentucky. I am going to colonize Kentucky some day.
I have given much thought to the whole gender thing. I guess I don't feel too sorry for the WASP women of the world who are more WASP than women.
If Hillary can announce within months of being elected Senator that she is running for president, Eliot Spitzer can jump onto a national ticket within a year and two thirds of getting elected Governor. New Yorkers will be better off with him in the White House than in the Governor's mansion. Sitting Governors run for higher office all the time.
A Woman For Running Mate, Perhaps A Governor
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Eliot Spitzer, Aliza Fatima
Eliot Spitzer
In The News
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Dark horses threaten Clinton tilt for power Sydney Morning Herald the ultimate prize of US politics .... for the first time in more than 50 years will not have the president or vice-president standing ...... A few days after the mid-term congressional elections ..... the junior senator from New York quietly contacted major donors to let them know they should stand by for word early next month about her run for the presidency. ....... it is doubtful that in the past four years Senator Clinton has done anything in the Senate without thinking about the impact it would have on her chances of becoming the first female president. ....... Bill Clinton, her chief strategist, her major political asset and, in a sense, her major complication ....... with the ability to raise the $US100 million ($130 million) needed for a presidential campaign ....... Without doubt she is the Democratic Party's front-runner for 2008. ...... Joe Tripp, who managed Howard Dean's unsuccessful campaign in 2004 ...... "I don't care what anyone says, her husband is one of the two rock stars in the Democratic Party and a huge asset," he wrote in The Washington Post. ...... The other "rock star"? That would be Barack Obama, elected to the Senate in 2004, the undisputed star of the mid-term campaigns, who attracted huge and adoring crowds wherever he went. ......... a black American who does not have a sense of grievance and does not remind white Americans of their shameful racial history. He has already been dubbed the black Bill Clinton. ........ Senator Obama, aged 45 and largely inexperienced, could seriously threaten Senator Clinton's chances ...... part of the Washington establishment, a divisive figure not just among Americans, but in her own party, too calculated and contrived in the stances she takes on issues. ........ John McCain, the Republican Party front-runner for 2008 .......Rudolph Giuliani, who has also set up an exploratory committee for a presidential run, is even less loved. ........ few observers believe Mr Giuliani has any real chance of winning primaries in conservative states where his pro-gay marriage, pro-choice and pro-gun control views would be anathema. ....... in this presidential race the dark horse could well be Senator Obama, who opposed the Iraq war from the beginning and who is the most exciting and consummate politician in America since Bill Clinton. ....... Hillary Clinton .... Born in 1947 in Chicago. ... John McCain .... Born in 1936 in Panama Canal Zone....... Barack Obama .... Born in 1961 in Hawaii.
Black, female, veteran — 2008 anyone's presidency
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Bush Compares US Wars in Vietnam, Iraq ABC News a country where America lost a two-decade-long fight against communism, said Friday the Vietnam War's lesson for today's confounding Iraq conflict is that freedom takes time to trump hatred. ..... the divisive Vietnam War the longest conflict in U.S. history ...... 1,300 U.S. military personnel still unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. ...... he and his hosts sat under a large bronze bust of Ho Chi Minh, the victorious North's revolutionary communist leader ....... The president's welcome by the public was much less enthusiastic than the rock-star treatment afforded President Clinton when he came in 2000. ...... "Even though the Americans were more powerful with all their massive weapons, the main factor in war is the people," he said. "The Vietnamese people were very determined. We would not give up. That's why we won." ....... After remaining in Hanoi for a massive summit of 21 Pacific Rim leaders, Bush was traveling on Monday to Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon and the country's economic heart, where he was showcasing Vietnam's booming economy with a visit to its stock exchange and discussions with business leaders. ...... Russia's Vladimir Putin, China's Hu Jintao, Japan's Shinzo Abe and South Korea's Roh Moo-hyun.
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Cruise-Holmes wedding recalls Rome's Dolce Vita Washington Post, United States a jetload of celebrity guests ...... reviving memories of the 1950s and '60s when the Eternal City teemed with film stars. ....... twice-divorced Cruise ...... cannot marry with a Catholic rite. Holmes was raised a Roman Catholic. ....... has not sought permission for a civil service either, meaning the wedding could be purely ceremonial and have no legal value. ....... The ceremony often includes a reminder to the groom to provide the bride with "clothes and food and tender happiness and frills, a pan, a comb, perhaps a cat." ........ price tag is estimated at 2 million euros ...... Cruise, 44, and Holmes, 27, have a baby daughter, Suri, who was born in April. ..... Kidman.. sent the pair a wedding present, wishing them "a lifetime of happiness together." ...... Paparazzi, named after the street photographer Paparazzo in Fellini's 1960 movie La Dolce Vita, swarmed in the streets.
Hollywood stars join Cruise and Holmes for wedding preparations Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom
Stars shine for Cruise wedding The Age, Australia
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Cruise, Holmes Make First Appearance In Italy NBC13.com, AL Cruise wore a dark gray, pinstriped suit with matching vest and a striped lavender tie as he escorted Holmes, who was clutching what appeared to be a very sleepy baby girl dressed in a fuzzy-soft white sweater, white tights and print dress. ....... Residents around the imposing 15th-century Odescalchi Castle, which is rumored to be the venue for the wedding, were rushing to rent out windows and terraces overlooking the mansion to the media who have been pouring into the location near Rome. ...... The Bracciano City Hall, which appears to be one of the better placed, is renting the windows of a nearby building with a view on the main entrance of the castle for $1,280. Prices for other homes conveniently placed near the castle include a bargain $255. ...... In one case, though, the prices were not so reasonable: A private terrace overlooking the likely route of the nuptial motorcade and the castle's internal parking lot was offered to a TV news agency for a $128,000.
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