"What's your name?""But you can't talk about it in political terms. For these evangelicals, they are doing the will of God."
"Here. Here is my card. You can keep it. I carry it around to help out white people."
"Who you calling white!"
"I can only recognize Christianity within the framework of religious diversity. Right to religious freedom is a fundamental human right."
"But you miss the point. Human rights and political rights are man written. They appeal to a higher authority. I am not saying you have to agree with them. But you have to see where they are coming from."
"I totally want to see where they are coming from. How else will I hammer them on the head?"
"What is this weird music?""Hey David. Come here. Man, I just learned you work for Google. I did not know."
"This would be Sinatra."
"This music. Did you grow up listening to this?"
"I am not that old. This is from the 50s."
"Been with them for years now."
"I used to work for Google.""Here. Hey Justin. Here. This is one of the founders of Drinking Liberally. There are chapters all across America."
"Did you wait long enough to get vested?"
"So you are rich. What are you doing in town? Why did you move?"
"I am here to launch a startup."
"You an engineer?"
"I guess you have to be that."
"Not really. Engineers can be had for hire."
"So how do you seek venture capital?"
"You have to have the contacts. See, I got them."
"Did you really? You started this whole thing."
"It got started right here, yes. Here, at Rudy's."
"You are here from London?""What up guys?"
"Yes, for a year."
"Uh, what up?"
"You know people say people in New York are not nice and all that. That ain't so. I did not even know you three, and I totally barged into your conversation. Hope that is okay."
"Well, uh." (odd look)
"So you guys are here for Drinking Liberally, right?"
"What? What is that?"
"Oops, sorry."
"I have a friend from India, real nice guy. Indians are nice people.""Hey, how is it going?"
"Good for you."
"So nice to see you. I think you do great standup comedy."
"You are with Laughing Liberally, right?"
"No? Maybe I am confusing you with someone else."
"We run a chapter in South Carolina.""You, my man, need to be feeling personally very good about this victory. You have made your contributions."
"Wow. So are you just passing through town?"
"Hey Jen. You are back?'"You smell good. I like your perfume."
"I am in DC. I hardly recongnized you. What's up with those glasses? They look like mine."
"I put your video online a long time ago. Just do a search on Drinking Liberally at Google Video."
"I know. I show it to everyone."
"Thank you."
"Our signs match. We would be a great love match."
"Where do you live?""What do you do?"
"Brooklyn. Near the park, south of the park."
"I live right up here."
"I have a small business. I also do some political work."
"What business?"
"There are a few different projects. I am going to make my first million in less than two years. I am not rich right now, but I am going to be."
"You live in Brooklyn? I live in Brooklyn.""Why are you not talking?"
"Where abouts?"
"Park Slope."
"Brooklyn is so residential. You can hear nothing in my apartment, except maybe the icecream van jingle. I go once round Prospect Park for my evening walks when I do which is sometimes close to midnight. It is cheaper."
"I was listening."
"Wow, two hot dogs!""Where you from?"
"You want one?"
"Where you from?"
"Got to go. My girlfriend is probably waiting."
"You got a girlfriend?"
"Yes. Met her right here."
On November 7: In Harlem: For Obama
The Matrix
Events To November 7 Victory
Iraq Movie, Liberally, But Not Drinking
October 5 The World Can't Wait Rally
Seaport Diwali
Indians, Indians
The South Dakota Event
August 20: India Day Party
Hakeem Jeffries Debate 2
May 1 Immigrants Rally: Great American Boycott With Jesse Jackson 3
Anti War Rally With Jesse Jackson 4
MYD Spring Gala
Liberally Tipsy
Justin Krebs
Drinking Liberally
Drinking Liberally 1
Drinking Liberally 2
Drinking Liberally 3
Drinking Liberally 4
Drinking Liberally 5
Drinking Liberally 6
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