Movie: Iraq For Sale
Movie with Daniel & Judith October 12
I showed up on the 9th at the Lower East Side location. There was no movie there for the 9th. I should have been at the Upper West Side location. I messed up. I got told don't show up on the 12th either, too many already coming. Instead show up on the 19th. So I did. I was the only one to show. Two hosts, and one guest, me. It was a treat. A big bowl of popcorn. I walked back with the bag of chips I had taken. Judith insisted.
"Would you like something?"
"I would like to use your restroom. Can I please use your restroom?" I had had pizza and pepsi just before getting into the car. I fantasize about steamed broccoli for breakfast. But once in a while it is nice to eat bad.
"Isn't it so nice when people ask if they can use your bathroom?"
I had driven there. It is quite nice. When I first came into the city, one of the best parts was to realize you don't need a car. I almost sold off my car. Now I am glad I did not. Because I have rediscovered the joy of driving around. And in the evening parking is not that hard to find even in Manhattan, especailly if you are closer to the water.
Cross into Manhattan across the Manhattan Bridge, go up Bowery, take a right on Houston, then a left on Avenue B, and a right on East 8th Street. And then drive round and round the block until you find parking.
The movie is necessary. I think the Democratic Party should just go ahead and pay the filmmakers some money and make it available online for free. The numbers you are talking about are so huge.
Daniel is a DFNYC member, he said. Too bad I have had a communication meltdown with DFNYC. It is quite an organization. I wonder what it was like during its heyday.
The three of us had a lively conversation after the movie. Daniel signed me up for some phone banking stuff for the election season. I like to avoid local retail politics, but one or two sessions might not be that bad. So I gave him my email address. I once did that for Berea College fundraising, and one alum was like, What kind of people do they admit at Berea these days! I assumed it was the accent thing that threw him off balance.
And I have taken to dressing up recently. I am discovering I just dislike the tie. I actually like the rest of it. And black is a good color. The dressiness also prompts me to comb my hair. Use some gel. Now I might just grow my hair so combing is easier to do. You actually have something to comb.
Liberally Tipsy
Then I drove towards Times Square for Drinking Liberally. Because I was driving I had a good excuse to not drink. I have always been more into the Liberally part than the Drinking part in the first place, although you can have beer for free if you just go for it.
Justin White Male Krebs caught me first thing in. I had skipped the last two Thursdays. I had such a nice time today I think I want to be more regular. I really appreciate the structurelessness of the whole thing. The whole thing is such a simple, such a great concept. The founders deserve to feel good.
"You are a very active member of DFNYC, right?"
Justin must have missed the meltdown.
"Well, not recently. But why?"
"What are you doing for Election Day?"
"Well, I can't vote."
"Got to go to Yonkers."
"Where is Yonkers?"
"North of Bronx. DFNYC is doing a whole bunch of stuff. They have a bunch of info."
I am opposed to going anywhere outside the city as a matter of principle. But I guess I will make my third exception for this. But I am not taking the train. I will drive. I have four seats in my car I can offer.
Wow. I just visited the DFNYC website after a while. So many events in the buildup to the election. DFNYC executives have always been hyperkinetic types. Go-go-go types.
Breakfast Event for Jerry McNerney in Midtown (8 hours)
Democrats for New Politics Campaign Car Pool to Kirsten Gillibrand Campaign (1 day 9 hours)
Walk Don't Destroy: A Fun Walkathon for Responsible Development in NYC (1 day 12 hours)
Target PA: Meet and Canvass for DFA - Endorsed Candidate Lois Murphy (2 days 9 hours)
Canvassing for John Hall (2 days 9 hours)
Fundraiser for Eric Massa (3 days 17 hours)
Take Back Congress - Landline Phone Banking Now Three Nights Per Week (4 days 18 hours)
Seize our State Senate - ACT NOW Landline Phone Banking Now Three Nights per Week (5 days 18 hours)
Make Your Vote Count: A Forum on New Voting Technology (5 days 19 hours)
MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT: A Forum (5 days 19 hours)
The only thing in American politics that is of interest to me is Hillary 2008. Even the 2006 elections for me are a prelude to Hillary 2008.
Vote Big For Hillary
JFK became Senator in 1952. When he ran for reelection in 1958, Massachusetts knew he needs to win as large a victory as possible, because everyone knew he was going to run for president in 1960.
Same applies to Hillary. She needs to win as big as possible to get a headstart for 2008.
"First Nancy Pelosi, Then Hillary"
I remember one of the earliest DFNYC Mixers I attended. I was thinking, the subway keeps running, all sounds fine, why are these people so agitated! My feel for local politics is a little bit better. But the thing is, my knowledge might be scant, but boxing is boxing is boxing. I can get the tempo of it. I have that. I don't watch sports, unless it is soccer, but I do follow politics.
Okay, so Yonkers it is. I am willing to drive. But I still don't know where.
YouTube: Central Park
YouTube: Statue Of Liberty
YouTube: Times Square
News: Thieves Steal New York Mayor Bloomberg's Car
The City In Online Video
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Senator watches his dream fizzle Toronto Star, Canada
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