Dick Cheney, Nelson Mandela, Howard Dean
Barack is one of us. He is a Deaniac. He is the original anti-war candidate. We have to get behind Barack Obama like we have never gotten behind any candidate as Democracy For America. This time we are going all the way. We have experienced the highs and lows of victories and defeats in races at all levels as an organization. Now we go for the ultimate prize, the White House. Every fiber in my body aches to see Barack Obama in the White House.
We have taken over the party, now we take over the country. With Dean at the helm of the party, we are going to create a perfet storm for Obama. We are going to put in place a political operation that Karl Rove never even fantasized about. We are going to nail all the details. Karl Rove is snail mail, we are email. It is a difference between centuries.
I believe I am going to start going to DFNYC events all over again, like I did when I first came into the city. I believe I will go ahead and resubscribe to the DFNYC newsletter.

NOVEMBER PRE-ELECTION LINKUP (5 days 10 hours) East Village, Cinema Classics/Rafiffi, 332 East 11th Street (btwn. 1st & 2nd), with host Heather Woodfield
Perhaps the digital democracy organization I have been thinking in terms of will be a DFNYC project that I steer. If not, I am going to launch my own organization. I already have the nucleus of it from my Nepal work. I also am organizing a convention during the last weekend in May, a Nepali Convention, to be the biggest Nepali event outside of Nepal. The Global South ethnics in America are going to rise up for Obama.
- Balance the budget. Bring the rates down for homeowners and those with student loans.
- Balance the budget, and bring down the property taxes.
- End the war. Bush has killed more Iraqis than Saddam. Enough. Bring the troops home.
- Spread democracy like in Nepal, not like in Iraq. End the neocon insanity. Spread democracy the progressive way. Bring every monarchy in the Arab countries to an end. Freedom rings in every human heart. You just got to tap that the nonviolent way so they tap their feet into the streets and take over their countries. (The Saudi Royal Family Has Got To Go) We are also waging war, but we are waging war with communications technology.
- New approaches to old problems. New approaches to education and health care.
- Micro credit for micro revolutions in the inner cities.
- Free, wireless broadband through the private sector, ad based.
- Take America into the Information Age with style.
- Bye bye tax cut and swipe the credit card neocons, bye bye scare the Americans into voting for you neocons.
- We offer Hope, not fear. (Harvard Political Review - The Audacity of Hope)
Barack Obama: This Is A New Century
Barack Obama: New Approaches To Old Problems
Switching To Obama
Seaport Diwali
A Different Kind Of Campaign: A Scientific Campaign
I Am Running For Dean 2008 Campaign Chair
In The News
Iran readies its second set of centrifuges, says report Earthtimes.org
Arson In California Kills 4 Firefighters
Polls undercount support for same-sex marriage ban
Nepal peace talks to resume soon Hindu
UN assistance for IDPs in Nepal People's Daily Online
Leader: Enter Barack Obama Guardian Unlimited Last weekend's confirmation by Barack Obama that he is weighing a run for the White House has generated almost hysterical levels of speculation that the charismatic senator from Illinois may be the candidate to break with the dismal past and lead the Democrats back to the presidency. On the face of it, this is the triumph of hope over experience..... By contrast Ms Clinton, for all her efforts not to, divides Americans sharply.... he is African and American rather than African-American ... he would be the first black man to win the nomination of either major party. His consistent opposition to the Iraq war contrasts strikingly with the timid shuffling of his senate colleagues, Ms Clinton included. It is too soon to say if Mr Obama is as good as he looks and sounds. But he should surely give his party the chance to decide.
The Dynamic Center: Disolving the 1960's - Barack Obama and 2008 411mania.com Barack Obama's interest in the presidency has sparked my interest in several levels. Aside from his considerable ability to communicate and his interesting biography, Obama may very well represent a shift past what has been the dominant factor in national political debates for several decades - namely, how to react to the 1960's? As someone not born until the mid 1970's, I am tired of a political debate about a decade I did not live through. ..... culture trumped economics in the minds of the voters in 2004. ... here we are in 2006 and a potential candidate emerges that might not be able to be pinned down on issues such as Vietnam or hippie-love ..... Obama by age alone has the potential to dissolve rather than solve the issues raised in the 1960's. ...... I say bring on the great solvent Barack Obama!
Mrs. Clinton Is Said to Be Open to a Law Allowing Gay Marriage New York Times
Cinton “evolved” on gay marriage
Limbaugh hits national gag reflex with Michael J. Fox comments
Democrats Lead by 19 Points in US Ballot
With attacks on buses, French fear repeat of last year's riots Boston Globe
'The Google' lets Bush keep an eye on the ranch Mail & Guardian Online
Bush overcoming fear of technology
New Yahoo! Bookmarks - What about Del.icio.us? Search Engine Marketing Blog
Nigeria: Wimax - Technology for Cheaper Internet Access AllAfrica.com
Bush signs bill to build border fence to stop Mexicans Independent
Taliban accuse NATO of genocide Washington Post
A brisk walk a day keeps those winter colds away Times Online
Flu vaccines 'not worth the bother' says expert Daily Mail - UK
'Running with Scissors' an annoying slice of life
Muslim cleric triggers outrage for blaming women for rape Irish Examiner
NJ High Court Ruling Threatens to Re-ignite Gay Marriage Debate
FOX News Poll: Obama Versus McCain in 2008 FOX News
NJ High Court Ruling Threatens to Re-ignite Gay Marriage Debate Kansas City infoZine
In South, latest Republican ad strikes some as playing on racial ... International Herald Tribune NASHVILLE, Tennessee A white woman with blonde hair and bare shoulders looks into the camera and whispers, "Harold, call me," and then winks. This Republican National Committee television ad doesn't mention that "Harold" — Democratic Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr. — is black, but the NAACP civil rights group and others have complained the commercial makes an implicit appeal to deep-seated racial fears about black men and white women. Race was always an element of the Tennessee contest in the Nov. 7 congressional elections as Ford seeks to become the first black man elected to the Senate from the South since the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War of 1861-65. The issue slammed into the public consciousness this week with the latest ad.
GOP retires ‘Playboy’ ad in Tennessee
Iraqi Premier Denies US Assertion He Agreed to Timelines
Google's Internal Company Goals Leaked eWeek
Google steps into political arena CNN
India, China should focus on economic ties: Yechury The Statesman
US Companies' R&D Operations Shifting To India, China Easy Bourse (Communiqués de presse)
Howard Dean Explains Why He Won’t Debate RNC Chair Ken Mehlman ... NewsBusters
Nigeria: Wimax - Technology for Cheaper Internet Access AllAfrica.com
Rumsfeld to Iraq war critics: 'just back off'
Um, Larry? It's free as in speech, not free as in MINE!!!!!!!!!
Russian cargo ship docks successfully at space station
When you google the term "democracy," the DFNYC website shows up on page 25, my Democracy For Nepal shows up on page 64.

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