There were clear signals ..... that Israel was already setting its sights on Lebanon's capital and beyond.What is Israel upto? How far is it willing to go? I have been asking these questions of myself.
My first reaction was of surprise when this whole thing started. This is the first Israeli military incursion into another country in my active memory. Then there was this feeling that the offensive was disproportionately large. Two soldiers get kidnapped and you invade a country? Then I have been a student. I have been reading the conflict from as many angles as possible. I did not need to express displeasure. There were plenty others more informed than me, and closer to the ground who were doing so.
Now I am really curious as to the details of the Israeli plans. They are so methodical in what they are doing, they must have seen this coming.
Last night I watched a movie, The Bunker, where Anthony Hopkins has put forth a brilliant portrayal of Hitler during his final days. It is so well done, you find yourself giving a newfound respect to movies as an art form.
The Bunker (2001)
Amazon.com: The Bunker (1981) : Video
The Bunker - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
The Film Asylum - The Bunker film review
The Bunker - Movie Tome
The Jews have been through a lot as a people. The systematic annihilation they were subjected to by the Nazis is an experience unique to them as a people. Others might have died in larger numbers, like eight million Soviets during that same war, and tens of millions to the bubonic plague, but the Jewish experience still stands out. And it is not that far back in time. And the anti-semitism has not entirely disappeared. It is there in Europe. I have personally seen it in the US South. It is there in New York. Their wounds must be raw.
Israel does have a right to exist.
But what is happening now can not be understood in terms of the Holocaust. The Arabs are a poor, resourceless people for the most part.
Germany and Japan come to mind. Both were invaded and democracy was installed by the invading power. Is that what America is trying to do in Iraq? Is that what Israel will attempt in Lebanon? Are we seeing early stages of nation building? Lebanon has already lost billions in infrastructure damage. Will Isreal make the repairs after the dust settles down? How long before the dust settles down?
I have long argued the only way to conclude the Long War is to ensure a total spread of democracy in the Arab world. How do you do that? Like in Germany and Japan?
Lamont: The Iraq War Ferment In The Democratic Party
Right Wingers In Power In Israel And America
The Israeli Offensive
The right wingers in power are going the Germany, Japan routes, only they are not being as successful. There has to be a better way.
The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal
In The News
US and French narrow gap on Lebanon ceasefire Reuters
Lebanon crisis: US, France talks on UN resolution fail
Lebanon hospitals running out of supplies
One soldier killed, two wounded in s. Lebanon
Israeli tanks thrust into Lebanon
Editorials: Filipino workers in Lebanon Sun.Star, Philippines
Lebanon relief effort hampered by fears San Jose Mercury News, USA
LEBANON: LEBANON: Hear Our Voices - Displaced twice take shelter ... Reuters AlertNet, UK
Hizbollah fights Israeli push into Lebanon Reuters
Many Pinoys wanted to stay in Lebanon: official Sun.Star, Philippines
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