My ancestors are from India, they stayed there, I came to America. Bill Frist's ancestors, on the other hand, came from the moon. That immigration was so thorough noone lives on the moon no more. But memories be fleeting. Frist does not remember. He has now come forth with a highly hostile bill that would make immigration a crime. This guy is nuts. It is like making your own birth a crime, if you could only go back.
Bill Frist is part of the crowd that fantasizes every day to turn abortion into a crime. Now they have turned their guns on immigration.
This is reason for the pro-choice and the pro-diversity forces to seek common ground so as to scuttle Frist's presidential aspirations. The guy had no chance in the first place. His future now only got dimmer.
The anti-choice and the anti-diversity people are one and the same.
Kiss Me, I'm IllegalNew York Times "terrorists." ... "illegal aliens." .... "economic refugees." ... "illegal immigrants" .... "undocumented immigrants." ..... To give a person, an act or a group its name is to define it, assert a measure of control over how it is perceived....... Guest workers ..... Willing workers ..... Permanent temporary residents..... a contest for the public mind...... felon ..... in the most restrictive version, it is perhaps a little like the homey status of the political prisoners in Frank O'Connor's short story "Guests of the Nation." The prisoners are treated like friends of the family until one is ordered executed in the national interest....... Guillermo Gómez-Peña, a performance artist and writer born in Mexico known for his observations about the cultural life of the border, has coined his own term for the movement of people, legally or illegally, temporarily or permanently, willingly or not, from south of the border to the north. In a recent performance, he mordantly referred to it all as "original sin."
QUICK HIT Immigration reform: whose bill says whatKentucky.com McCain .. Kennedy Illegal immigrants who pay a $1,000 fine and pass a criminal background check could apply for a six-year work visa allowing them travel in and out of the country. They later could apply for permanent residence.Los Angeles sees second day of proimmigration rallies Boston Globe, United States
500,000 Cram Streets to Protest Immigration BillsLos Angeles Times Frist bill cracks down on employers Mohave Valley News, NV
Securing America's Borders Act - A New Immigration Bill by Frist About - News & Issues, NY
Workers, growers concerned about immigration Yakima Herald-Republic, WA
As Senators Debate Immigration Bill, Frist Offers His Own New York Times, United States
Bill Frist's Double Washington Post, United States
Frist Immigration Bill Would Target Bosses CBS News
Frist Immigration Bill Would Target Bosses San Francisco Chronicle, USA