You need one leader, one program. A 10 point program. But there is only so much to learn from Newt's 1994 fireworks. Actually, only one. That you need a 10 point program.
This one person has to be projected as the next Speaker, and the obvious choice is Nancy Pelosi. But then the parallels end. There has to be this sense of collective leadership under the banner, otherwise you win like Newt, and then you crash and burn. There is not much tangible in terms of what you accomplish in the aftermath, not much in terms of legacy.
As for the method to the madness, you learn from Dean 2004. You do it the grassroots way.
So the overall strategy obviously has to be a hodgepodge. There have to be several strands to the thread.
And although Pelosi is the masthead, people like Dean, Hillary and Obama, and even Bill Clinton, should really be crisscrossing the country like crazy, and that list can be larger. There can be no overshadow fear. It should feel more like we are all in this together. The base is dying for a victory. Feed it some.
On The Web
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, California, 8th District
Biography :: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, California, 8th District
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nancy Pelosi on the Issues
The Blog | Rep. Nancy Pelosi: Bush State of the Union - It Was a ...
Pelosi willing to give up SF funds for recovery
Nancy Pelosi: Biography and Much More From Answers.com
In The News
Nancy Pelosi, investment advisor Town Hall, DC
Nancy Pelosi: Addicted to Nonsense ChronWatch, CA
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi Slams Hamas AXcess News, NV
US Delegation Promises Electricity AllAfrica.com, Washington
US Pledges More Support to Ellen Liberian Daily Observer, MD
US Government Promises to Help Restore Liberia’s Electricity
Searching for the Democrats - Blue Clues OpEdNews
Anti-wire tap vigil in San Francisco features Lady Liberty Mercury-Register, CA
US Pledges More Support to Ellen AllAfrica.com, Washington
US Corporate Council On Africa Holds Roundtable on Investment and ...
'Political Baggage' from Ports Deal Could Undermine Bush, Say ... Agape Press, MS
House Democrats Offer 'Grassroots Campaign for Victory' Town Hall, DC
1994 Republican Contract With America
Republican Contract with America
Contract with America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Contract with America: Implementing New Ideas in the US
The Contract With America
Coalition releases Black Contract with America
newt.org - The Official Home Page of Speaker Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Possible Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich - The Dark Side
frontline: the long march of newt gingrich
GINGRICH, Newton Leroy - Biographical Information
The Secret Life of Newt Gingrich
CBS News | Gingrich Criticizes DeLay | April 14, 2005 10:15:05
Right Web | Profile | Newt Gingrich
Dean 2004 Grassroots Democracy
Democracy For America
Blog for America
People Powered Graphics - Democracy for America
I can't believe it's not a democracy!: Dean for President, 2004
Change for Kentucky: April 2004 Archives
Minnesota for Dean
Dean Launches New Grassroots Group in Seattle
Howard Dean on March 18th 2004 | Democracy for Washington
Columbia Spectator - Trippi Says Dean's 2004 Run Just the Beginning
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