I have only one message for Karl Rove: get rid of the term limits thing for the US president and let's go head to head in 2008, or shut up. You are on your way out. He gets touted as Bush' brain. I think he is reflective more of the stupidity index. Like he once famously said, Democrats tend to have Ph.Ds. Not Hillary or me.
Karl Rove will go down in history as the man who cynically played the fear factor to try to win elections. This guy is not worried about your security. But he does seem to realize getting you scared works for him politically.
Karl Rove is the Brigadier General of the Bigots. His specialty is that he can get the fundies organized and riled up enough to go block vote. I have never heard Karl Rove disagree with Hillary on policy. It is because he thinks he has the misogynist card all stacked up. Expose him. When he is talking gender, I want to talk gender, I don't want to talk the weather. When he is talking the politics of personal destruction, I want to talk the politics of personal destruction, I don't want to talk policy. Let's go head to head.
This is not about one person Hillary. This is about the progressive movement. This is about this being 2006. Karl Rove lives in the 19th century. The W campaign ran ads in South Carolina in 2000 that accused McCain of having a black child. It is not possible Rove masterminded everything else but was missing in action on that one. The heck with you, Karl. Shame on you. You play the race card, you play the fear card, you play the gender card. You play the religious right fundies.
Some GOP guy came out a few days back claiming Hillary was "angry." Now Karl thinks Hillary is "brittle." Yes, Hillary is angry, so am I. We are angry at the GOP. We are spirited. The progressives across America are spirited and angry. Karl Rove is plump, he is fuzzy, he is flat faced, flat nosed. He is squishey. Karl, is Hillary still brittle? Because if she is, I am going to have 10 more adjectives down your aisle.
Karl Rove belongs in Texas. How did he ever get out?
In The News
Karl's got Rove-ing eye for me, says irate Hil New York Daily News, NY
Hillary: Rove 'obsessing' about me Newsday, NY
Clinton Says Bush Adviser Obsesses About Her and '08 New York Times, United States
Rove obsessed by me, says Clinton Guardian Unlimited, UK
Hillary will run for White House, says Bush adviser Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom
Clinton will not be pinned down on 2008 plans Independent Online, South Africa
Clinton: Rove obsesses about me USA Today
Sen. Clinton Says Rove Obsesses About Her ABC News
Sen. Clinton says Rove obesses about her Seattle Post Intelligencer
Rove to Clinton: don't flatter yourself 7Online.com, NY
Hillary Clinton Says Rove Obsesses About Her All Headline News
Sen. Clinton Says GOP 'Obsessing' Over Her HomeTown channel.com, AR
Rove and Bush on HRC Human Events
The Empress Strikes Back Human Events
Hillary Clinton says Rove "obsessing" over her KWWL, IA
Clinton: Rove obsesses about me 9NEWS.com, CO
Clinton: Rove obsesses about me WCAX, VT
Karl Rove: 'Brittleness' is Hillary Clinton's Weakness NewsMax.com, FL
Bush, Rove Expect Hillary in 2008 Truthdig, United States
'Brittle' Hillary Clinton snaps back The Age, Australia
Hillary: Rove obsesses about me News24, South Africa
Clinton labels Rove obsessed with her plans Buffalo News, United States
Karl Rove
Karl Rove - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wayne Madsen: Exposing Karl Rove
Guardian Unlimited | US elections 2004 | Who is Karl Rove?
Karl Rove
Karl Rove in a Corner
TIME.com: Person of the Week: Karl Rove -- Page 1
Karl Rove - SourceWatch
What Rove Told Cooper on Plame Case - Newsweek National News ...
16:28 | SUNY Brockport, Brockport, United States |
18:26 | Starcomms, Nigeria |
07:21 | Nile Online, Egypt |
Of Deficits And Republicans
There are fellow Democrats who argue the Republicans are incompetent. If they were better managers, the country would not have the huge deficits. They are missing the point.
The Republicans don't run huge deficits because they don't know any better. They run huge deficits on purpose. It goes with their ideology. In their world, the government is the problem. Their first choice would be if they could get the Dems to come along and together dismantle the federal government. But considering they don't get that, they move on to their next best bet which is to starve the beast. And that is why they run huge deficits.
They would like to keep the Department of Defense and abolish every other. That is who they are. That is what they want.
Either the American people do not know the truth on the Republicans, in which case the Dems are not doing their job, or the American people are okay swiping their children's stolen credit cards, in which case the democracy in the country is working precisely the way it should. Or maybe they stole elections, and the American people got precisely what they did not want. That is why you have the congressional elections on the way to right the wrongs, to get rid of the right to return sanity to fiscal policy.
The record budget deficits go on to prove Karl Rove lacks character. What kind of man would swipe his children's stolen credit cards? Karl, you got it all wrong. It is the US budget that is brittle, it is the American future that is going brittle.
China triggers giant US deficit New Zealand Herald, New Zealand
Fed's Bernanke-would like to see lower US deficit Reuters
US Trade Deficit Hit Record High in 2005 International News Service, Australia
US deficit hits another record – could global warming save the ... Investment & Business News, UK
The Economy | Here's the US deficit, but where's the yelling? Philadelphia Inquirer, PA
Don't worry: The US deficit will fix itself Globe and Mail, Canada
CNN.com - Budget office projects US deficit to hit $477 billion ...
US National Debt Clock
The US Trade Deficit: Are We Trading Away Our Future ...
BBC NEWS | Business | Greenspan warns over US deficit
The Other US Deficit (washingtonpost.com)
US deficit hits a new record
I guess since Karl Rove has you so ticked off and upset he must be doing something right!
Hey, thanks for visiting my blog- - I agree with you here, very well-written.
Thank you :)
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