Monday, January 28, 2008

Barack Obama Is No Jesse Jackson

Bill Clinton's latest "trick" has been to try and explain away Barack Obama. So Barack Obama won South Carolina, so what? Jesse Jackson also won South Carolina in 1984 and 1988.

And I had been suspecting the Clintons are trying to take us back to the 1990s, a little bit of time warp, a little bit of time travel. Wrong. They are trying to take us back to the 1980s. Or why mention Jesse?

If Bill Clinton had given a solid convention speech in 1988, I would have compared him to Barack Obama who gave a solid convention speech in 2004, but Bill did not deliver. He was an object of ridicule in the aftermath. The speech was so lousy it was widely predicted he would never run for national office.

Jesse Jackson is a great guy, a historic figure. He was prominent in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. And I am personally thankful for the two runs for president he made in the 1980s. If it were not for those two runs, Barack might not have been able to run today. I have that same sense of thankfulness for Dean 2004. Dean 2004 did the early, hard work. Obama 2008 built on it.

So no doubt Jesse is a great guy. But Jesse never ran for president. He just ran to make a statement. And he ran hard.

Barack is not running to make a statement. He is running to be president. He is not running to become the first black president. He is just running for president.

Jesse is black. Barack is biracial. That is an important distinction.

Barack became Senator. Jesse always thought he was too big to be merely a Senator. MLK never became Senator. He was above Senator. And so Jesse was not going to be Senator either.

Jesse fought the hard battles that Barack did not have to fight, but battles Barack benefited from.

Bill Clinton said fairytale. Hillary said slum. She went ahead and belittled MLK. And the Clintons are now paying the price. Black America is coming of age and a second place is no longer acceptable.

It is entirely possible Bill Clinton just does not get it. He does not get the gist of the Barack candidacy. He does not get the new kind of politics. He only knows slash and burn. Decades after world war two there were Japanese soldiers on remote Pacific islands still fighting the war: noone ever told them it was over.

Barack just took over from Bill Clinton the top spotlight in the Democratic Party. And that taking over will be official on February 5 when Barack will be anointed the nominee, the day when it becomes official.

Barack Obama Kennedy

After the endorsements by JFK daughter and brother, my guy might as well add an additional last name.

Take South Carolina Bill Clinton Out To California

Tell the women in California, Hillary is not the woman they think she is. She let her husband take over.

Give 10 States To Bill Clinton

Hillary should focus on the other 12. Give 10 to Bill. Oh, how I would love that.


Florida does not count. Why is Hillary going against party rules and campaigning in Florida?

A McCain-Romney Ticket

Looks like that is what we will have for fall. I like the idea of a Mormon on a national ticket. We will defeat him, but he will have broken a glass barrier in the process for the non-Christians.

Rudy Is Available

I think Rudy should be made Secretary of Homeland Security by President Obama.

In The News

Races Entering Complex Phase Over Delegates New York Times a potentially protracted scramble for delegates Congressional district by Congressional district ...... 52 percent of Democratic delegates will be chosen. ...... complex delegate-allocation rules .... Arizona, Kansas, Missouri and New Mexico. ....... The possibility of a long-term slog is real for Democrats, given that Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama appear evenly matched in resources and political talent. ...... If the polls were wrong in New Hampshire, where Obama seemed to be ahead only to lose narrowly to Clinton on the night, they were more wrong in South Carolina. ....... Bill Clinton tried to do just that on Saturday night, instantly reminding reporters that the last major African American candidate, Jesse Jackson, had also won South Carolina in 1984 and 1988. ....... In Iowa he demonstrated he could win white votes; in South Carolina he showed he could win African American ones ....... If Obama can rely on similarly solid African American support in Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee ....... delegate-rich California where she is thought to have an advantage, especially among Hispanic voters. ....... the intensity of voters' feelings ..... "voters kind of recoiled" from the Clintons' apparent racialising of the contest ........ feminists who wonder why a powerful woman such as Clinton cannot fight her own battles.
Kennedy Chooses Obama, Spurning Plea by Clintons Mr. Kennedy had become increasingly disenchanted with the tone of the Clinton campaign .... He and former President Bill Clinton had a heated telephone exchange earlier this month over what Mr. Kennedy considered misleading statements by Mr. Clinton about Mr. Obama, as well as his injection of race into the campaign. ....... Mr. Kennedy, a major figure in party politics for more than 40 years, intends to campaign aggressively for Mr. Obama, beginning with an appearance and rally with him in Washington on Monday. He will be introduced by Ms. Kennedy. ........ bolstering Mr. Obama’s credibility and helping him firm up support from unions and Hispanics, as well as the party base. ..... assertions that Mr. Clinton’s campaigning on behalf of his wife in South Carolina has in some ways hurt her candidacy. ...... he was intrigued by Mr. Obama’s seeming ability to inspire political interest in a new generation ...... when he learned that his niece’s endorsement would appear as an Op-Ed piece in The New York Times on Sunday, he decided to bolster that with his own public embrace of the campaign ...... two years ago, Ms. Townsend’s mother, Ethel Kennedy, referred to Mr. Obama in an interview as “our next president” and likened him to her late husband. ....... He’s not selling you. It’s just him.
Now Obama has momentum as race heads for long haul Guardian Unlimited
Obama vows to write 'new chapter' in US history Edmonton Sun
Clinton Adjusts Obama Tactics in Run to Super Tuesday (Update1)
Bloomberg early indications that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, will be less visible ...... Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison, who described Bill Clinton as the U.S.'s ``first black president'' a decade ago, announced her support for Obama. ..... Clinton made two campaign stops in the state yesterday. ...... ``Whoever prints the placards for them must be a busy person,'' said Robert Gibbs, an Obama campaign adviser. ``To get the printing contract for their signs might amount to a full economic stimulus plan.'' ...... Hillary Clinton said it was ``human nature'' to get carried away and also spoke of ``sleep deprivation.'' ....... Caroline Kennedy informed Obama two weeks ago
Obama and Clinton go nationwide with less face time, more air time Chicago Tribune will make the past town hall gatherings and one-on-one meetings seem like quaint and distant memories. ...... big-stage, tarmac-to-tarmac phase of the fight, which some expect may drag on into March or even April. ...... Obama told reporters aboard his new campaign plane -- a Boeing 737 -- that this phase would present greater challenges for him. ...... "It's not a black or white issue. It's not a young or old issue. It is a past issue versus a future issue." ..... media coverage and advertising ..... Obama is focusing on six states that hold caucuses Feb. 5 -- Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota and North Dakota ...... Even before his South Carolina victory, Obama beamed himself via satellite into Missouri, New York, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Connecticut through local TV interviews Saturday.
Ironically, Toni Morrison is for Obama Yahoo! News
Toni Morrison Endorses Obama New York Times
Jackson: Not Upset by Clinton Remarks
New York Times
Clinton’s Camp Seeks Gentler Role for Ex-President New York Times Mr. Clinton had injected himself clumsily into the race ...... Mr. Clinton had upset some of the central themes of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, including her appeal to women ..... her husband’s recent prominence may have dampened her appeal as a strong female leader ..... Obama won 54 percent of the vote from women in South Carolina, including 22 percent of white women and 78 percent of black women .... “Voters don’t like the idea of a co-presidency ..... looks like she either needs him to fight the big battles for her, or she can’t keep the big dog on the porch ..... Mr. Clinton’s visibility has dented her argument that she has the best experience for the job.
Will Clinton bounce back? Independent Online joking about the warm weather and positioning herself so photographers had a palm tree for a backdrop. ...... "I will try to persuade my delegates to seat the delegates from Michigan and Florida," said Clinton. "Democrats have to win Michigan and have to try to win Florida and I intend to do that. The people of Florida deserve to be represented in the process of picking a candidate for president of the United States." ...... Romney, a former venture capitalist, cast himself as a business-savvy economic turnaround artist amid recession anxiety, while McCain, a former Vietnam prisoner of war, portrayed himself as a courageous wartime commander in chief in a dangerous world.
Clinton to Campaign in Florida The Associated Press The minister, Samuel Kyles, was with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. when he was assassinated nearly 40 years ago.

Polls Don't Mean S__t: February 5 Can Be Had

Polls put Barack and Hillary at 38 to 30 in South Carolina with Hillary gaining a few points on the final day. But the final tally was more like 55 to 27.

Polls put Hillary as leading all February 5 states except Illinois and Georgia. Polls don't mean s__t.

Let's Finish This Thing On February 5

I am not one for waiting. Don't take me to March. Finish this thing on February 5. Let's go win this thing. We have a world to change.

Landslide In South Carolina Means Victory On Fabulous 5
How To Win On February 5
February 5: Big Prizes

Obama 2008 is the largest grassroots movement this world ever saw. This is bigger than Gandhi's Salt March. This is bigger than MLK's march on DC. This is bigger than the million man march. This is bigger than Dean 2004.

Let's whip up our volunteer base like we have not in all of 2007 and so far in 2008. Let's whip up for money, let's whip up for time. Whip it up to knock on doors, whip it up to make phone calls, to hand out flyers.

If it is worth pounding the pavements for Barack all February, and all March, and all April, and all summer if need be, it is worth pounding the pavements for Barack for just one intense week and be done with it. If you are willing to do it for three months, and I know you are, why will you not be willing to do it for just one week and be done with it?

Be done with it.

This is the final countdown.

Pound. Pick up that phone. Make that phone call. Go knock on that door.

Give me the best cheetah sprint you can give. This week. This is the week.

The moment we have been waiting for is here. Seize it.

As for me, I am going to do the subway thing myself. I am going to connect one person at a time. In person. I bought a weekly pass yesterday for 24 bucks. I am going to do the photocopy thing soon. First I am going to print out the flyer at the local library. I know, I don't got no printer. I am a totally online person. Printers were before the internet. Then I am going to the local corner store where I buy an occasional Pepsi before going underground and off to the city. And I am going to make copies, five cents a piece. And I am going to talk to people. Every waking hour until February 5 belongs to Barack.

I am going to dress warm. I was at cold at the two outdoors events over the weekend. I am going to put on my woolen socks I bought in Kathmandu in 1996. And a woolen cap. And gloves.

And I am going to work the city.

Barack, you are a cheetah from the African savannah. Go, get 'em, tiger.

December 18: Crash The Party

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Landslide In South Carolina Means Victory On Fabulous 5

Big Victory, Big Momentum

Despite Bill Clinton telling voters in New Hampshire that Barack voted "present" instead of "yes" on some pro-choice bill in the Illinois legislature and so is not a friend of women, when the truth is it was a strategy on the part of the pro-choice forces to vote "present" instead of "yes" so as to get as many Republican votes as possible in support, despite Bill Clinton encouraging his precinct captains in Nevada to close the doors early at 11.30 because it was not "illegal" to do so, even though the doors should have been open till noon, despite Clinton 08 now wanting the delegates in Michigan to be counted against the party rules but making no noise when the rules were put in place by Howard Dean, despite Bill Clinton now saying "we will have a victory in Florida in a few days," when he full well knows Florida is like Michigan, despite all that, or perhaps because of all that, because the voters finally caught up with Bill Clinton, and so South Carolina voted the way it voted. Hillary said early in 2007 about Iowa, "You know, I just don't seem to have a feel for this place." Guess what, she had so little "feel for the place" called South Carolina that she refused to even campaign there, and she paid the price for it. This landslide is the big reason why Barack will seal the nomination on February 5.

John Edwards For Attorney General

I am thinking Barack will seal the nomination on February 5. But in case the fight goes all the way to the convention, the Edwards delegates will go to Obama. That makes John Edwards a very important man. He is not the last hurrah of the white male, he is the Attorney General in waiting. He is a fighter who will fight on behalf of the American people spearheading the Justice Department. Barack is JFK, Edwards is Bobby Kennedy.

Joe Biden Secretary Of State

His passion on the Darfur issue is really something.

Bill Richardson Secretary Of Energy

Nuclear energy is not white energy.

Hectic Weekend

There was the march and rally yesterday, the party in Harlem in the evening and the rally at City Hall today.

The march yesterday started two places, one from Union Square, another from Harlem, and both converged onto Columbus Circle. I was part of the Union Square march. We marched on both sides of the street, on the sidewalk. It was quite a show.

This was my second time meeting Sheila at an Obama event. For the most part we walked together. I captured her on my camera for about 20 seconds.

"Now you are in my movie!"

Sheila has a filthy rich father, he owns factories in southeast Asia, stuff like that. She is on his payroll for no work, lives near Washington Square Park. "So you went to the Obama rally in that park?"

No, I was recuperating from "spinal surgery" at the time: high end medical insurance.

I briefly met her again at the South Carolina returns watch party on the 118th street in Harlem. This was a good event to go to. Many of the top volunteers in the city were there, all the top staffers, Bill Perkins. Perkins is the mascot of the Obama operation in the city if there is any one person for that.

Harlem is the place to go for live music. All the musicians at this particular bar happened to be white. That is the Obama way.

I briefly saw her again at the rally today, in passing.

24 Bucks

This morning I bought a weekly subway pass. This is going to be my best money contribution to Obama. I am going to crisscross the city on his behalf. I am going to many events, and I am going to also talk to people in the trains. New York City, here I come.


While waiting in line for the City Hall rally, I met a few old timers who are like, why don't you have a volunteer badge instead? And then you meet new volunteers who totally think you jumped onto the bandwagon yesterday. I have to stay unstructured. That is how I can best contribute. The ranks have grown substantially.

Two TV Stations

Yesterday I got interviewed by two TV stations, one is New Delhi Television. Now that is big. That is possibly like getting on national TV in India, depending on how they use their footage. Another a South Asian TV station in Buffalo, NY. I made some hot air remarks on a cold day.

"We Indians are few in number, but we are going to take over New York City on Barack's behalf."

"Barack would still be a top rate candidate if he were white."

"Barack has a sister called Maya. Maya is an Indian name."

Sarah Of NDTV

After she got me in front of the camera, she circled once around me. "There is not enough light."

Sylvan's Spanish

At the Harlem party I learned Sylvan speaks fluent Spanish. She got interviewed by some Spanish TV station. She is Jewish, from Oklahoma. At high school her nickname was Sylvan Rights because she was so into civil rights issues.

The Clintons Don't Get To Claim Michigan And Florida As Victories

They should have challenged the rules before they were put into place. If not, it is put up and shut up time.

Let The Clintons Divide The Feb 5 States Between Them

Hillary figured Bill will carry South Carolina for her. That was dynasty thinking. It did not play well. Now if Hillary were to similarly cart off about 10 states to Bill, that would be a bonanza for us. I would like that. Voters are smart. They know they are looking for a candidate, not some kind of a therapy session with Bill Clinton, charming that he is.

The Final Countdown

If there ever was a time for the Obama grassroots volunteers to show it is not about Barack, it is about them, now is the time. This is the week when we prove TV ads are not what carry the day. What matters is how many doors we knock, how many phone calls we make, how many flyers we hand out. And there we beat Hilllary 08 hands down.

There are some things money can't buy: volunteer effort falls in that category.

Not A Black Victory

It was not a black victory in South Carolina. This was a biracial victory for a biracial man. I fear no white backlash on February 5. On the contrary, I think the message will really get across. A new South is being born. A new America is being born.


Polls show Clinton leading Obama in all but two of the February 5 states. But then polls did not foresee his two to one victory in South Carolina. Polls showed him leading by eight points, not 28.

These polls are not factoring in all the new voters Obama brings into the process by being Obama.


Is that the ticket we are looking at on the other side?

Romeo Juliet

After I watched that movie, I asked myself a question. If those two had cellphones, could they then not have killed each other? Now I have the answer. Cellphones would have made no difference. They would still have killed each other. There are no short cuts in love.

In The News

Kennedy Plans to Back Obama Over Clinton New York Times squarely pits one American political dynasty against another. ...... “I’ve had ongoing conversations with Ted since I’ve got into this race.” .... Of all the endorsements in the Democratic Party, Mr. Kennedy’s is viewed as among the most influential. ...... One day after defeating Mrs. Clinton in South Carolina by 28 points, Mr. Obama flew to Georgia to speak at a church service before traveling on to Alabama for a rally. ...... the latest in a string of senators to get behind Mr. Obama ..... our national imagination ...... the Clinton camp’s strategy of aggressive attacks on him ..... Edwards’s delegates could eventually play a key role in the fight between Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton. ..... Florida is one of 37 states to permit early voting
Hillary primed for Super Tues. tally New York Daily News a dizzying nine-day sprint to Super Tuesday ...... now essentially a media war ..... the biggest multi-state Primary Day in U.S. history — it appears mathematically unlikely either will clinch the nomination. ..... Both campaigns expect to fight on at least through March, when Ohio and Texas vote. ...... "When people see him, they are with Barack — there’s no question about it. And, yet, the laws of physics say that he can not be in so many places at one time" ...... revving up a grass roots political operation and seizing as many free media opportunities as possible ..... "You’re going to have to depend on a huge volunteer base to knock on doors, to make phone calls, to get organized, to get precincts out to vote," he said. "Far and away, we have the largest volunteer base of any campaign." ...... Clinton sources say she could get 1,100 delegates under their best-case scenarios
Tough challenges ahead for Clinton and Obama Swissinfo Clinton left before the votes in South Carolina were even tallied to fly to Tennessee, a February 5 state ..... "It is a marathon run like a sprint. There is no stopping. There is no resting." ..... Obama seems to be able to inspire people as her father did a half century ago ..... Obama won four of every five black voters, who made up more than half of the state's electorate. He also won one-quarter of white votes, higher than many had predicted ...... Obama did very well among young voters, including young white voters. He won two-thirds of that age group overall, taking half of the 18- to 29-year-old non-black vote ..... "The more people know me, the better I do."
Ted and Caroline Kennedy endorse Obama AFP
Party rules play big strategic role Seattle Times Mathematically speaking, it is virtually impossible for any candidate, Republican or Democrat, to wrap up the nomination on Super Tuesday, when 24 states stage contests. From a standpoint of political reality, though, that day could prove decisive. ....... For Democrats, national party rules require that all delegates be allocated proportionately.
Bill Clinton's running again - and it's all about him Kansas City Star In a presidential election year that's notable for shattered rules, the high visibility of the former president's efforts on behalf of his wife, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, may the biggest rule-breaker of all. .... "Everybody needs to take a deep breath," she told CBS Friday. He "gets excited, gets really passionate about making the case for me." ...... Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., also reportedly have offered similar advice
Clinton to go to Florida on primary night Baltimore Sun
The Dems' Florida Boycott Heats Up TIME
Obama's Win Reshapes the Race we have the most votes, the most delegates, and the most diverse coalition of Americans ....... young people from all across this country who've never had a reason to participate until now ..... The excitement around Obama's candidacy pushed turnout to record levels ...... she had called Obama to "wish him well" .... his outsized, vocal presence on the trail has threatened to overshadow his wife ....... Earlier in the day, Clinton had churlishly compared Obama's victory to that of Jesse Jackson in 1984 and 1988, a remark that will likely further fuel disaffection about the Clintons amongst African-American voters. ..... Obama's victory was also a repudiation of the brand of hard-knuckled politics that both Clintons had brought to the South Carolina contest ..... in the mostly black precincts that Bill Clinton visted in Greenville, as much as 80% of the vote went to Obama.

Record Turnout Expected as South Carolina Votes New York Times
Obama: Press 'Manically Focused on Race' ABC News
Mob Violence Is Tearing Kenya Apart New York Times
Obama's Rezko problem spills over
Chicago Sun-Times Obama's days as a Harvard Law student who got a call from the Chicago businessman offering him a job. Obama turned him down
High hopes for Obama as South Carolina votes AFP
Obama, Clinton and great expectations Baltimore Sun
Inquirer Endorses Obama, McCain
The Associated Press
Edwards touted as Obama pick for attorney general Chicago Sun-Times Edwards could collect a substantial bag of delegates under the Democratic Party’s proportional representation. Edwards then could try to turn his delegates over to Obama in the still-unlikely event of a deadlocked Democratic National Convention.
Bill Clinton - Hillary's lightning rod whoever is her secretary of state will have to deal with the fact that Bill can just get on the phone to Gordon Brown and go to Britain and ask him to help out on an issue. That's a fact of life ...... have not ruled out inviting Mr Obama to become Hillary's running mate ...... accused Mr Clinton of "frantic" distortions of Mr Obama's record. ...... calling Mr Clinton a "civic embarrassment" for treating "a proud and accomplished black man who is a US senator as if he were nothing, a mere impediment to their plans." ...... "How un-feminist it is to get your husband to do your dirty work?" ..... Obama, who has been thrown from his message of change by the spat, will seek to regain the initiative with a series of high profile speeches this week designed to add "beef" on major issues to his optimistic rhetorical flourishes. ....... "People underestimate what a competitive animal Bill Clinton is. It's the blood that runs through his veins, the fire that ignites him." ..... he concentrated his megawatt personality on the voters, hitting them with a smile, a handshake and factual nuggets - at one point claiming that the solar panels in his Presidential library will be helping save the planet for 150 years.
Clinton calls for Michigan delegates to be counted
Campaign notebook Clinton wants to restore all of Florida's delegates Houston Chronicle

Magazine Estimates Britney Spears Is Worth $120 Million to Economy ABC News
Obama seeks Hispanic inroads as California leans toward Clinton
San Jose Mercury News Bidding for Hispanic support in California's upcoming primary, Barack Obama describes himself in a Spanish-language television ad as the son of an immigrant whose success is a beacon to others. ..... Clinton has an almost dynastic appeal to Hispanic voters, many of whom came of voting age during the economic good times of Bill Clinton's presidency. ..... New York senator leads Obama 3-to-1 among Hispanics ...... most Hispanics know little about Obama ..... rank-and-file voters, who do not tune into the race until the final weeks before an election. ..... the disinclination of some Hispanics to vote for a black candidate. Tensions between the two groups have been intensified by competition for jobs and political power as Hispanic immigrants have moved into black neighborhoods. ...... Obama faces an uphill climb among Hispanics in California, much to the frustration of the Hispanic activists who support him.
Obama, Clinton sprint to finish in South Carolina AFP
Clinton, Obama spouses join the electoral mudslinging AFP "On blogs, web chats and talk radio, Clinton is being attacked as never before" .... Hillary Clinton campaigned in vote-rich California and other western states
Obama's One-State Wonder U.S. News & World Report Barack Obama will win the South Carolina Democratic presidential primary. But his campaign will most likely incur a crippling blow on Super Duper Tuesday on February 5, when he loses the California primary.

Friday, January 25, 2008

How To Win On February 5

When You Get Hit, You Hit Back

If there is a fundamental law to campaigning, like there is a Newtonian law saying for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, this is it: when you get hit, you hit back. If you don't hit back, you lose. It does not matter that the hits on you were lies. Complaining a week later that you got lied about makes you look inept. Your hit back has to feel like a rapid response.

Clinton 08 lied about Obama in New Hampshire and they won. Obama 08 should have been able to see immediately that the attacks are coming, have come. If you act like you did not even know you got hit, you look inept.

And the rebuttals have to be immediate. Like within the hour. And they can't sound like you are complaining. It can't be like, don't lie about me. Or stop hitting.

The new kind of politics, the politics of hope does not change that fundamental law of campaigning: when you get hit, you hit back. You have answer back every single time. Let no attack go unanswered.

What the new kind of politics does change is that when you hit back, you don't have to lie yourself, you don't have to sound mean, you don't have to engage in the politics of personal destruction.

But little else changes. When you get hit, voters have to notice that you noticed you got hit. And then then watch if you hit back, how long it takes you to hit back.

A great example of hitting back is this, this one from Hollywood. The tabloids came out saying George Clooney had wrecked a Julia Roberts' relationship. Clooney responded, "I was too busy breaking Tom and Nicole, I did not have the time."

That is a great way to do it. He noticed he got hit. He did not take long at all to respond. He did not complain. He did not say, stop lying. And he did not get mean in his response. He used humor to top it all off.

Obama 08 has to do something similar every single time it gets attacked.

Barack got attacked on abortion the day before the New Hampshire vote and he is responding to it now. That is way too late. His "present" vote was the best pro-choice vote in the context, and he has to educate the voters on that. He has to issue rebuttals in real time.

Obama 2008 has really been hurting from the viral emails that claim he is a Muslim. Here going on TV to say you are a Muslim will not do. That will not be enough. That is like Bush attacking Al Qaeda - no state, no standing army - with a standing army. That is not too smart. This virus needs a new medicine. Similarly Obama 2008 has to be able to issue viral emails of his own that use some humor. For example: Barack Obama has been attending the same church for 20 years and he has been praying to Jesus. Does that make him Christian or Muslim? Another example: Barack happens not to be Muslim, but how much sense does it make to demonize those who are? That hurts our war on terror where we are trying to not only protect ourselves but also trying to rescue hundreds of millions of Muslims from a few thousand fanatics?

Can Obama 08 reach those same audiences through the same methods - viral emails - with his counter messages. Obama 08 has a larger bank of email addresses than any other campaign. He could send out emails urging all to forward them to everyone they knew, urging them in turn to forward it on.

If you don't exhibit you have capability for reflex action, if you don't show you can hit back in near real time, voters lose respect for you. You lose.

The new kind of politics does not change the fundamental law of campaigning.

The same applies to strong arm tactics of voter suppression Clinton 08 used in places like New Hampshire and Nevada. You have to know when it happens. You have to make noise about it. You have to take immediate legal action as necessary. You have to make political hay about it.

I am surprised that Obama 08 is not taking the media to task for saying Clinton won in New Hampshire and Nevada. She did not. We got as many delegates as them in New Hampshire, we got more than them in Nevada. This is a contest for delegates not votes.

White Media Says The Clintons Won Nevada

Granted Obama 08 slipped on the hitting back thing in New Hampshire and Nevada, it could still hit back now. But the week before February 5 will be merciless.

The new kind of politics does not change the fact that politics is a contact sport.


Iraq continues to be the number one issue on which Obama 08 can hope to go on the offensive. You turn it into a safety issue. Iraq was a dumb, expensive diversion from the war on the Al Qaeda. You keep hammering that point. You report on the fact that the Al Qaeda is stronger today than ever before. And Hillary has to take some responsibility for it.

I Don't Doubt Hillary's Compassion Overall, Just Her Judgment On Iraq
Hillary's Iran Vote, Not That Different From The Iraq Vote
Iraq Did Not Have The Bomb, Iran Does Not Either
Obama's Card: Iraq
Hillary Messed Up On Iraq, And Al Qaeda Is Strong, America Insecure
Iraq, Energy, Global Warming: All Interlinked
Obama Gameplan: Stable, Democratic Iraq
Iraq On My Mind

If Obama does not go on the offensive on Iraq, he is essentially saying him and Hillary are like Coke and Pepsi, it does not really matter who you pick, we are both nice people who will do you proud.

Coke Gatorade, Not Coke Pepsi

Iraq is what will win him the nomination, Iraq is what will win him the presidency.


After South Carolina, Barack has to give a major speech that addresses the question as to how he will take race relations in America to a whole new level. If all the first black president is saying is it will be nice to have a black face in there for a change, a lot of white folks might decide, not really.

The Need For A Race Gender Coalition
Don't Do The Bill Richardson Thing

Also, reach out to Hispanics.

February 4 might be a good day to deliver a major national address on race.

Barackface: JFK, Obama Parallels: Catholic, Black


Tackle gender, and you tackle California.

A Vote For Barack Is Not A Vote Against Hillary

California, New York, New Jersey

If Barack does not pull at least 40-60 in these three states, he is in trouble. Otherwise he is looking real good in the between the coasts states.

The Need For A Race Gender Coalition
Don't Do The Bill Richardson Thing
A Vote For Barack Is Not A Vote Against Hillary
February 5: Big Prizes
Building Social Muscles
Barack Is Deaniac From 2004: His Anti-War Image Is No Fairytale
Progressive Political Religion: No Place For Superpowers
Tackling Race As An Issue The Average Person Way
Why Bill Clinton Is Misbehaving
An Ode To White Women: I Think I Am Going Hispanic
5.0 With Manhattan Organizations
Let's Finish This Thing On February 5
Howard Dean Was Grassroots 1.0, Barack Is Grassroots 2.0
White Media Says The Clintons Won Nevada
Which Clinton Is Running For President?
Global Trafficking Of Women
Become Aggressive, Or Become Adlai Stevenson
Nobody Quite Like Benazir
How Ganesh Got His Elephant Head
What Are We Looking At
It Is A RSVP: Here I Come DL21C
The Al Qaeda And Political Organizations In Manhattan
Barack's Fairytale Position On Iraq War, Fairytale Candidacy, Fairytale Lifestory, Fairytale Hairstyle
2.0 Penetrates DL21C
And The British Left India On Their Own
Martha Outed Kenton And Women With Issues
The Swift Boat Aspect Of Hillary's New Hampshire Victory
Spitzer Is Right, Albany Is Wrong
How To Play The Race Card In South Carolina
An Open Letter To Elizabeth Caputo
Hillary Cried, Women Responded, She Won
Iowa: One And A Half Victory Parties

The Need For A Race Gender Coalition

Race Gender

There are those who say but do you think America can handle a black man a-n-d a woman at the same time? The suggestion is that if Barack is the nominee, he should not pick Hillary as running mate. The alternate suggestion is that if Hillary is the nominee, she should not pick Barack as her running mate.

I am absolutely for a race gender coalition. This is not identity politics to me. If it were, I would say, let's have a black guy, white guy ticket, but I am not saying that. For me this is part and parcel of being a progressive. Progressive white guys, if they truly are progressive, will have to agree that a race gender coalition is not an anti white male suggestion any more than anti-segregation was an anti white thing.

Race is a really, really big issue. Gender is a really, really big issue. And that is precisely why both have to be tackled together. If you tackle only one, you will not make as much progress as if you tackled both together. So if you are for making major progress on race, you have to be for a race gender coalition. And if you are for making major progress on gender, you have to be for a race gender coalition.

Race and gender are identity, big time. But I am not talking identity. I am talking policy. Making progress on race is a progressive cause, it is not a black cause. Making progress on gender is a progressive cause, it is not a women's cause.

Progressive Political Religion: No Place For Superpowers

Both Barack and Hillary have acted like the less they talk about race and gender, the better it is. The important point is to get elected as a black man, as a woman, than it is to talk race and gender. And that might be smart politics. But there is a part of me that itches to have full blown conversations on race and gender. You don't make progress on race by talking about the weather. You don't make progress on gender by talking about the weather.

Tackling Race As An Issue The Average Person Way
The Grassroots Power Woman
Muscular Gender Agenda

I feel like there is an urgent need to declare a global war on domestic violence with a just say no kind of firmness. And I don't mean just domestic violence, big as that problem is: more than a third of the women in India end up getting beat up by their husbands. I am also talking the global trafficking of women. Which is worse, picking cotton or getting raped under bondage?

Global Trafficking Of Women

Women in America face gender as an issue on a daily basis. This country is nowhere close to resolving family and career as issues. Women end up facing a false choice. The outwardly suggestion is that women are free to pursue careers. But the reality is, well, not really. The American workplace has been designed for bodies that do not bear children. That is fundamentally wrong. Birthing children should not hamper your career at all. Both spouses should take maternity leaves. Both spouses should share the raising of children. There is a part about redesigning the workplace, and telecommuting options should make it easier over time. But then there is the part about changing gender attitudes of men. Men need to go to class on gender.

And then there are the legal battles waiting to take place on the question of equal pay. Sexism is a tool designed to give women less money for the same work. Racism is also a tool like that.

The important thing is to stake out policy positions that will take race and gender to the next level, and then to build progressive coalitions around those policy positions. So progress on race is not about saying, okay, black people, holler up. Progress on gender is not just about sounding a wake up call for women. We are not talking identity politics, we are talking issue politics, we are talking policy politics. Although there is not escaping identity politics when talking race and gender.

Sexism is not good for men, it is unhealthy, it is suffocating. Racism is not good for white people.
So making progress on race and gender is about building a progressive coalition of men and women, white and nonwhite.

Black Hispanic

I am surprised there is no major effort at the community level of black community leaders supporting Obama reaching out to the Hispanic communities across the country. Instead of the feeling that we are both Blac - Black, Latino, Asian Coalition - there is almost this antagonism among blacks and Hispanics. Who is the bigger minority? They ask each other in a foolish way. Both of you are minority, big time. That is a sign of a lack of political consciousness that such an antagonism exists.

Don't Do The Bill Richardson Thing
Barackface: Blacks, Hispanics At The Core Of The Democrat Rainbow ...

Minority Women

Black men and white women have the privilege of debating which is the bigger issue. Between those two groups, race is. But minority women don't have the privilege of asking that question. They are at the receiving end of both. A race gender ticket is needed for minority women more than for black men and white women.

Race Gender Coalition Got The Numbers

Between them, they got 65% of the country, and that is not even counting the progressive white men. Going together is the only way for Barack and Hillary to move forward to make the big gains they want to make on behalf of historically marginalized groups.

Only if both are in the White House together they will feel bold enough to give both race and gender the boldness they ask for. It is about time. Let's shape the 21st century as the one when race and gender no longer mattered, race and gender no longer held you back.

Grassroots Organizing

Barack will need more of that as president than while running for president. The black community has got to build family and community for the sake of it, to make use of opportunities that already exist, and to fight to expand the opportunities for blacks at all levels. One medicine for three challenges.

Tackling Race As An Issue The Average Person Way

New York City Women

Women in NYC have to take the lead on behalf of women nationwide. You build a huge, leaderless organization that is seamless 2.0 and 5.0. I believe that is the best way to make progress on gender. Women in NYC need to reach out to women in small town America. There is a culture among politically active women in NYC that says we just get together and socialize and partake in small political action, with the emphasis on socializing. I am all for socializing. But when it takes so little extra effort to reach out to women in small town America, why will you not do it as residents of the progressive capital of America and the world?

Martha Outed Kenton And Women With Issues

Michelle's Time To Shine

If Barack wants to carry February 5, he has to make sure America learns two things before then, that his mother was white, and that his wife is a South Side native, she really knows what it means to grow working class.

NYC Effort For Obama

From day one I have refused to sit on any committee, become part of any structure, refused any leadership role. But I have been big for Barack from day one. Of course there are so many more Obama volunteers today in the city than there were only a few months back. So many new leaders have emerged. And that is great. I try to show up and experience events, get to know a few people, collect a few emails to share my blog, but primarily I keep looking at the big picture to offer tips to the people running the show at the Chicago headquarters. I act like I were Obama 2008's self-proclaimed shadow national campaign manager. 2.0 makes that possible. If what you have to say is important, word will get through.

Yesterday I went to an Obama event. There were a few old-timers, but mostly I saw new faces. Mostly people who had come in after Barack's Iowa victory. I expect the crowd to swell during the final week before February 5.

It was a good event on West Houston. This guy Todd was the organizer, Brooklyn dude. I met some interesting people. I am so glad I went. I need to go to many more of these events to build my social muscles. I sure am going to the big rally tomorrow. (Barackface: Building Social Muscles)

I will have to work hard to get back my easy social ways of back in the days. I am recuperating. Physical exercise helps, eating oranges helps, but face time is where it really happens. You end up with many awkward moments while you are working at it.

"I am a nobody. I got a young startup."

"No, I am not Republican." The response I got to that was, I wouldn't give a damn even if you were.

I don't know where that comes from. I have got that a few times before. At Barack's Washington Square Park rally, one dude asked me if I was a Ron Paul supporter. Once I was in the Bronx for Fernando Ferrer, and one guy said to me earnestly, "Take Bloomberg's money if he gives it to you, just don't do the work." The first time Rudy, the state director for Obama 2008, met me, he asked me if I was a "spy!" Spy for who? Hillary? Rudy? My blog cured him, but that was an interesting start.

Once not long after I cut my hair short, I showed up at Drinking Liberally, and these two women were talking to each other, once in a while glancing at me: "Bloomberg has infiltrated the liberal groups in the city!"

It is not like I dress fancy. I am blaming Bobby Jindal.

Barackface: NYC, Obama, Structure, Me

Leah and Sylvan were there. Arthur was there. Sylvan said, "Come to the rally tomorrow with your video camera." Sure will. Leah asked me about my company.

"I found a great business partner. And that is making all the difference."

In The News

South Carolina Democrats Head to Polls After Spirited Campaign
U.S. News & World Report Obama had 38 percent, Clinton 30, and Edwards 19, with blacks overwhelmingly backing Obama and whites split between Edwards and Clinton. ...... much of the talk in the past few days has focused on former President Bill Clinton, who has gone on the attack against Obama, prompting some of his ex-advisers and friends to say he is going too far with his harsh tone ...... He's playing the role of a vice presidential candidate, the attack dog. He is becoming too much of an issue ..... accused Obama, his wife's main rival, of putting out a "hit job" on him. He also scolded a CNN reporter in South Carolina for playing up the racial issue, which he said the Obama campaign was "feeding" the media. ...... the Clinton strategy is working, at least in the short term, by causing Democrats to have second thoughts about Obama. To that end, the Clintons are questioning his experience, his toughness, his commitment to "progressive" ideas, and his electability. ...... "Obama is going to have to do something dramatic, something that shows he represents a new politics, or Hillary is going to win" ....... Clinton is favored to win the biggest states that have primaries on February 5, when 24 states will hold contests. Among her strong spots are California, New York, and New Jersey. It turns out that Clinton is benefiting from a sorting-out process within the Democratic Party. While African-Americans and many young people are gravitating toward Obama, Clinton is gaining support from women, Hispanics, and blue-collar workers
McCain Leads Giuliani in NY, NJ U.S. News & World Report
France, India fire up military cooperation, nuclear energy ties AFP
Was Al-Qaeda Behind Beirut Bombing? TIME heightened activity by al-Qaeda-related groups in Lebanon. ..... bin Laden described the U.N. peacekeeping force in south Lebanon as "Crusaders" sent to Lebanon "to protect the Jews" of Israel ..... Al-Saadi Nahed, a Saudi extremist and veteran of the insurgency in Iraq, has been appointed "emir" for al-Qaeda in Lebanon ...... al-Qaeda's coordinator for Lebanon, Jordan and Syria ..... the truth behind Eid's death lies lost in the depths of Lebanon's Gordian knot of intrigue, conspiracy, prejudice and deceit.
The Democrats' Turnout Triumph Democratic primaries and caucuses in record numbers, doubling, tripling or even quadrupling the turnout totals ...... In Iowa, some 239,000 Democrats turned out at the caucuses, almost twice the all-time record. ..... In New Hampshire, some 287,000 Democrats turned out to vote, up from 156,862 in 2000 ..... In Nevada, more than 116,000 voters attended Democratic party caucuses in a state where, eight years ago, the gatherings attracted only about 1,000 votes. .... As of now, the level of primary participation is nearing the levels seen in general elections. ...... Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada are all closely contested swing states in presidential elections ..... Barack Obama, whose age and cross-party appeal has helped attract unusual numbers of independents and young people
Obama eyes South Carolina win, Clinton urges calm AFP Local councillor Bernice Scott asked: "If all the black people in the world voted for the black people where would we go?" ..... "I love you," someone shouted from the crowd "I love you back!" he joked. ...... being an ex-president does not give you license to abuse the truth. Things have been said about Barack Obama's positions that are just plain untrue." .... Obama's standing among whites in the southern state had plunged 10 percent in just one week ...... troubling signs for Obama, showing Clinton now leads the Democratic race nationally among white Americans 53 percent to 24 percent, compared to a 40-23 percent margin last month.
Obama looks ahead to countrywide votes after South Carolina contestThe Canadian Press she's got an attitude of entitlement." .... South Carolina, which is plagued by a deep racial divide and economic inequities that include severe underfunding for rural schools where the vast majority of students are black ...... noting that he and his wife were once paying more each month on education loans than their mortgage. ..... told NBC she wouldn't stop responding to barbs from Obama.
Senior Dems to President Clinton: Back Off Bill NPR
Should Obama campaign against Clinton or against the Clintons? Chicago Tribune
Clinton calls for calm as Obama attacks Times Online
Delegate Math, Super Tuesday and Clinton Washington Post Clinton is urging her delegates to vote to seat delegates from Michigan and Florida ..... "I feel very good about Super Tuesday," she said. .... The audiences at Clinton's events over the last two days -- with the exception of a rally at a black college in Columbia on Friday -- have been largely white
Poll: Clinton maintains lead in Ariz., but Obama closing gap AZ Clinton had 37 percent to Obama's 27 percent compared with a similar November poll that showed Clinton further ahead, with 44 percent to Obama's 14 percent. ...... Clinton clings to a lead that appears to be shrinking ..... "What you see now won't be what you see a week ago."
Obama attacks Hillary over Iraq war vote Clinton aides hold out hope that they could squeeze a surprise victory that would effectively kill off Mr Obama's hopes. .... Obama accused Mrs Clinton of having "simply blamed the civilian and military leaders who carried out the policy she authorised". ...... "You can't undo a vote for war just because the war stopped being popular." ..... white voters and Hispanics are increasingly supporting Mrs Clinton.