Thursday, August 23, 2007

W Writes A Book On Vietnam

This is not exactly a guy known for his smarts. And now he has decided he wants to do some out of the box thinking and overturn history on Vietnam. If you think you know what happened back then, look again. That is what he is saying.

First it was that Saddam has to be punished for 9/11. And that is no exaggeration. Cheney still maintained that lie in a fairly recent speech. 40% of Republicans believe that. The truth is Saddam was not behind 9/11, it was Bin Laden, they don't even look alike.

Then it was that Saddam might not attack directly but he might provide WMDs to Bin Laden. Bin Laden and Saddam were enemies like Bin Laden and dictator Musharraf are enemies today. Saddam was an ugly Arab. Bin Laden is an ugly Arab. But that doest not mean they were friends. The fact is they were enemies. And not only they were enemies, it turned out Saddam had no WMDs to share even if he wanted to. Cheney cooked the intelligence to make it look like Saddam did have WMDs.

When that did not fly and it was proven on the ground that there were no WMDs, they shifted the goal post again. Now it was about spreading democracy. If it costs half a trillion dollars to spread democracy into a country of 27 million, I wonder where America will be after it is done spreading democracy into China. Will it borrow even that much more money from China? To liberate a billion people you will need 20 trillion dollars that you don't have.

The democracy thing did not fly either. I can't think of one democracy anywhere that has a civil war. They might talk of democracy, but what they really pumped into Iraq was statelessness. Instead of democracy, there was intense sectarian violence.

So they shifted again. Forget democracy, we came in here to calm down the sectarian violence. Mind you, that sectarian violence did not exist before they got there. They put the house on fire, and now they were going to firefight.

Then they shifted the goal post again. You are worried about sectarian violence? Wait until there is a full fledged civil war. We need a surge to make sure there is no civil war. So you are supposed to go along with them as they do the surge thing.

And now W is waving the ultimate flag. If you don't go along with his plan for a surge now, and American troops in large numbers in Iraq for as far as the eyes can see, you are going to have blood on your hands. You are going to see a regional genocide. Remember Vietnam?

This is not blackmail, because it is not a black guy doing it. This is whitemail. This is emotional whitemail.

Dumbo, the mistake was made during step one. The mistake was made when you decided war was the first option. And mistake is being made now in not realizing there is no military solution to Iraq, there is only a political solution.

A smart withdrawal coupled by a super intense diplomatic and political effort will lead to stabilization, not just in Iraq, but in the region, with positive repurcussions for the cause of a Palestinian state - yet another Arab democracy - and democracy and human rights in the region.

Hillary Messed Up On Iraq, And Al Qaeda Is Strong, America Insecure
Iraq, Energy, Global Warming: All Interlinked
Obama Gameplan: Stable, Democratic Iraq
Iraq On My Mind

In The News

Report Cites Grave Concerns on Iraq’s Government New York Times deep doubts that the government of the Iraqi prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, can overcome sectarian differences ....... any military gains would be ephemeral if Iraqi politicians were not able to bridge sectarian divides ..... what we’ve been doing hasn’t been working, but we can’t let up, or it’ll get worse ...... On Wednesday, as a second Democratic senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, called for Mr. Maliki to quit, he lashed out at American lawmakers who have questioned his competence. ....... an intense White House initiative to shape the debate on Capitol Hill in September ...... a new interest group, Freedom’s Watch, led by allies of the Bush administration — including Sheldon G. Adelson, a Las Vegas casino magnate who ranks sixth on Forbes Magazine’s lists of the world’s billionaires — began a monthlong, $15 million campaign intended to support the president’s policy. ....... the war in Vietnam, asserting that the American pullout there 32 years ago led to tens of thousands of deaths in that country and Cambodia ....... Bush was doing something few major politicians of either party have done in a generation: rearguing a conflict that ended more than three decades ago but has remained an emotional touch point. ...... “Invoking the tragedy of Vietnam to defend the failed policy in Iraq is as irresponsible as it is ignorant of the realities of both of those wars,” Mr. Kerry said. ...... two World War II veterans, John Rocca and Anthony Cellucci, said they had qualms about Mr. Bush’s speech. They said they agreed with Mr. Obama’s call for United States troops to refocus their efforts to find Osama bin Laden and his deputies in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
News Analysis: Historians Question Bush’s Reading of Lessons of Vietnam War for Iraq (August 23, 2007) The American withdrawal from Vietnam is widely remembered as an ignominious end to a misguided war — but one with few negative repercussions for the United States and its allies. ....... the Khmer Rouge would never have come to power in the absence of the war in Vietnam .... Bush did not offer a judgment on what, if anything, might have brought victory in Vietnam or whether the war itself was a mistake. ..... “If one is really concerned about the Iraqi people, and the fate that may be awaiting them as this war winds down, then we ought to get serious about opening our doors, and to welcoming to the United States those Iraqis who have supported us and have put themselves and their families in danger.” ..... some members of Congress and human rights groups have urged the Bush administration to drop the limits on Iraqi refugees admitted to the United States. ..... Germany and Japan were homogenous nation-states with clear national identities and no internal feuding among factions or sects, in stark contrast to Iraq today. .... The comparison of Iraq to Germany and Japan “is fanciful” .... “The occupation of Germany and Japan lasted for years — and not a single American solider was killed by insurgents.” ..... the essential elements that brought victory in World War II — a total commitment by the American people and the government, and a staggering economic commitment to rebuild defeated adversaries — do not exist for the Iraq war. The wars in Korea and Vietnam also involved considerable national sacrifice, including tax increases and conscription.
Transcript of President Bush’s Speech at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention (August 22, 2007)
The Lede: Bush’s Iraq-Vietnam Parallel (August 22, 2007) “What is Bush suggesting? That we didn’t fight hard enough, stay long enough? ..... “We’ve been in Iraq longer than we fought in World War II. It’s a disaster .... the disaster is the consequence of going in, not getting out.” .... the mayhem of Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge regime “was a consequence of our having gone into Cambodia and destabilized that country.” ....... “Vietnam was not a bunch of sectarian groups fighting each other,” as in Iraq. In Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge toppled a U.S.-backed government. ...... The support for the war of course has diminished to almost a disappearing point.
Video Video: Speech Excerpt
Behavior: To Reap Psychotherapy’s Benefits, Get a Good Fit since psychiatric disorders fluctuate spontaneously with time, like most illnesses, many patients would get better even if they got no treatment at all. ...... Many patients have problems with relationships in the first place; they can find it difficult to extricate themselves from bad or ineffective therapy. ..... the obvious financial incentive to hold on to a patient.
Many Found Sexually Active Into the 70s Most Americans remain sexually active into their 60s, and nearly half continue to have sex regularly into their early 70s ..... many older people also report struggling with sexual problems, like reduced desire and erectile difficulties .... women were significantly less likely than men to report being sexually active from age 57 on .... Women were more often without a partner .... more likely to say they no longer derived much pleasure from sex. .... for many people sexual activity does not diminish much at all ..... 84 percent of men from 57 to 64 reported having had some sexual contact with another person in the last year, compared with 62 percent of women in the same age group. Those figures dwindled to 38 percent and 17 percent, respectively, in people 75 and older. ...... among those adults who were sexually active, about two-thirds had sex at least twice a month into their 70s, and more than half continued at that pace into their 80s. ...... Nearly half of those who were sexually active reported at least one sexual problem, with 43 percent of women reporting diminished desire, and 39 percent vaginal dryness, and with 37 percent of men reporting erectile difficulties. ...... only about a third of the men and just a fifth of the women in the study had discussed sex with a doctor since age 50.
Six Killers | Diabetes: Looking Past Blood Sugar to Survive With Diabetes heart disease, which eventually kills nearly everyone with diabetes. .... Blood sugar control is important in diabetes, specialists say. It can help prevent dreaded complications like blindness, amputations and kidney failure. But controlling blood sugar is not enough. ..... Nearly 73,000 Americans die from diabetes annually, more than from any disease except heart disease, cancer, stroke and pulmonary disease. ...... largely because of a misunderstanding of the proper treatment, most patients are not doing even close to what they should to protect themselves ..... just 7 percent are getting all the treatments they need. ...... people are not aware of their risks and what could be done about them .... Most people who have diabetes are treated by primary care doctors who had just a few hours of instruction on diabetes, while they were in medical school. Then the doctors typically spend just 10 minutes with diabetes patients, far too little for such a complex disease ...... the impression that diabetes is a matter of an out-of-control diet and sedentary lifestyle and the most important way to deal with it is to lose weight. .... most of the time it progresses as years go by, no matter what patients do. ..... like 90 percent of diabetes patients, has Type 2 diabetes, the form that usually arises in adulthood when the insulin-secreting cells of the pancreas cannot keep up with the body’s demand for the hormone ...... misconceptions about diabetes. ....... A main artery to his heart was 90 percent blocked. .... thought his biggest risk from diabetes was blindness or amputations. He never thought about heart disease and had no idea how important it was to control cholesterol levels and blood pressure. ...... only 18 percent of people with diabetes believed that they were at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. ...... it’s not the diabetes that kills you, it’s the diabetes causing cardiovascular disease that kills you ...... you can decrease that risk substantially ...... The science is clear on the huge benefits for people with diabetes of lowering cholesterol and controlling blood pressure. ...... levels of LDL cholesterol, the form that increases heart disease risk, should be below 100 milligrams per deciliter and, if possible, 70 to 80. ...... diabetes patients with LDL cholesterol levels of 100 to 139 often are told that their levels — ideal for a healthy person without diabetes — are terrific. ........ “Many practicing doctors just don’t know that an LDL cholesterol number that is normal for someone without diabetes is not normal for someone with diabetes” ...... Only 5 percent to 10 percent of obese people have diabetes, and many with diabetes are not obese. ...... Type 2 diabetes is genetically determined — if one identical twin has it, the other has an 80 percent chance of having it too. ........ most who lose weight are not cured of the disease ...... the metabolic process of weight loss lessens diabetes. Once weight is lost, he added, and people stabilize at a lower weight, their diabetes may remain. ...... new diabetes regimen: a statin to drive his cholesterol level very low, two drugs to lower his blood pressure, an aspirin, insulin and two drugs to reduce his blood sugar levels. That new list of drugs was what he should have been taking all along. ..... A quarter to a third of all heart attack patients have diabetes, even though diabetes patients constitute just 9.3 percent of the population. Another 25 percent of heart attack patients are verging on diabetes with abnormally high blood sugar levels. ........ should be stringently controlling their cholesterol and blood pressure. ..... There is something about diabetes itself, researchers say, that leads to high levels of LDL cholesterol and a form of LDL cholesterol particles that is particularly dangerous. Diabetes also leads to increased levels of triglycerides, which are fats in the blood that increase heart disease risk, and in diabetes is linked to high blood pressure. ........ LDL levels of 70 to 80 are even better for people with diabetes who already have overt heart disease. ...... achieving the recommended cholesterol levels usually means taking a statin ..... lowering cholesterol with statins, Dr. Hirsch and others said, is much simpler than anything else diabetes patients are asked to do. And, he added, the drugs are among the best studied and the safest on the market. ..... If he had to rate the different regimens for a typical middle-age person with Type 2 diabetes, the first priority would be to take a statin and lower the LDL cholesterol level. ..... if everyone did these things — taking a statin, taking a blood pressure medication, and maybe taking an aspirin you would reduce the heart attack rate by half ..... the start of a journey that diabetes specialists say ends up fundamentally changing a person’s world ...... as happens with most diabetes patients eventually, he feels he is reaching a point where he just cannot continue to do all that he should to protect his health. ....... it runs in his family. ..... medications to control blood sugar that make patients gain weight. ..... On his first visit, Dr. Hirsch gave him a fistful of prescriptions, including a statin, blood pressure medications and one for the drug Mr. Umbarger dreaded — insulin. He also told Mr. Umbarger to have regular checks for eye, nerve and kidney damage. And he has to watch what he eats and count carbohydrates. ....... The problem for him, as for most diabetes patients eventually, is the blood sugar monitoring. He is supposed to prick his finger six or more times a day to measure his glucose levels and adjust his insulin dose accordingly. ...... “Pricking your finger, seeing that number day after day, it wears on you,” Mr. Umbarger said. “It’s like a ball and chain.” ....... no matter what they do, most people with Type 2 diabetes get worse as the years go by. Patients make less and less insulin and their cells become less and less able to use the insulin they do produce. ....... “That is why it is not uncommon to start initially with diet therapy, then after a few years we need to add a drug that improves insulin sensitivity,” Dr. Kahn said. “Then when that drug isn’t enough, we add a second drug that improves insulin sensitivity by a different mechanism. Then we add a drug that stimulates that pancreas to make more insulin.” ..... “We already have the miracle pills” — statins and blood pressure medications, he said. And they are available for pennies a day, as generics.
Arab media condemn Bush flip-flop on Iraq prime minister International Herald Tribune
Iraq PM rejects US criticism The Australian
Nepal says takes over ownership of king's palaces San Diego Union Tribune
Pakistani supreme court approves exiled former PM's return
Xinhua the exiled former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif could return to the country and to take part in the forthcoming parliamentary elections. ..... Earlier this month, President General Pervez Musharraf said that former prime ministers Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif should not return home until after the forthcoming general elections in the country
Pak. govt. to respect court verdict allowing Sharif to return Hindu
Pakistan’s exiled former PM cleared to return Financial Times
Edwards Turns Campaign Message to Change
ABC News
Edwards Goes After Clinton, Obama
Guardian Unlimited
The Pragmatic Obama
Washington Post, United States He's Shaping the Debate on Foreign Policy .... he's not a left-wing devil. .... When a local reporter asks him if he's surprised by the "warm response" he got, Obama displays the almost eerie self-confidence that has marked his rise as a candidate. ....... indisputable star power. ..... the high-voltage connection he can establish with people. ..... persona is closer to a rock star than a typical politician. ..... dozens of African Americans here crowd around him with obvious pride and passion. ..... Obama is now attempting to translate this charisma into a serious political movement -- one that would allow him not simply to win the Democratic nomination but also to govern effectively as president. He is emphasizing defense and foreign policy, where voters have often not trusted Democrats to protect the country. ........ he's putting more substance into his pitch than candidates often do. ....... over the past month, Obama has been shaping the foreign policy debate for the Democrats -- and getting the best of the arguments. ........ Obama's postulate that "strong countries and strong presidents meet and talk with our adversaries." ........ he expects there will still be U.S. troops in Iraq when the next president takes office ....... "For getting out in an orderly way, withdrawing one to two brigades a month is realistic," he said. With 20 combat brigades in Iraq ....... Obama says he would support keeping U.S. forces in and around Iraq for protection of U.S. personnel there, for counterterrorism operations against al-Qaeda, for protecting Iraq's borders and perhaps for continued training of Iraq's military if that country's political situation permits. He also said U.S. troops should be available to help stop any future "bloodbath" in Iraq, but only as part of a wider international effort. .......... Obama said he would talk to Iranian leaders about stabilizing Iraq ..... he would make suspension of nuclear enrichment by Iran a topic for discussions rather than a condition for talks ....... Obama is deftly managing to outflank his Democratic rivals on both the left and right on key foreign policy issues. .... "He is totally pragmatic. He asks what would work and what wouldn't."
Online "friends" could be pivotal in 2008 US race
Washington Post, United States start hanging out on Facebook ..... social-networking sites like Facebook and MySpace as tools to win over young voters who are difficult to reach through more traditional campaigning. ..... Obama is the clear favorite so far -- the Illinois Democrat even gained the support on Facebook, however briefly, of Giuliani's Harvard-bound daughter, Caroline. ...... Obama has drawn nearly twice as many online "friends" who link to his profile than any other candidate, and many of them have become volunteers for the campaign. .... The Obama campaign has also built its own social-networking site,, which it credits for boosting fund-raising and attendance at rallies. ...... "Barack Obama is not going to lose a single voter from here on out. People are with him through the end of this thing" ...... 1996, when Republican candidate Bob Dole gave out the wrong address for his Web site during a debate ....... McCain pioneered online fund-raising in the 2000 race, and in 2004 Howard Dean rode the blogosphere to the front of the Democratic field ....... Facebook had 52 million unique visitors in June, while MySpace had 114 million. ...... Democrats outnumber Republicans 5-to-1 on Facebook and 3-to-1 on MySpace ...... Obama has drawn 299,000 supporters on the two networks ...... Giuliani has drawn only 7,400 supporters on MySpace. ...... midterm elections. .... "We were shocked, to be honest," Cutler said. "We didn't know if all these people on Facebook would show up."
Obama invades 'Daily Show' for a few laughs Chicago Sun-Times, United States greeted by a studio audience chanting, "Barack, Barack" ..... Asked by host Jon Stewart if he should consider running a smaller country before taking over as commander in chief, the Illinois Democrat responded, "What I did think about, though, was invading a smaller country." ..... Obama said, "I think having Oprah's support is wonderful," but in places like Iowa and New Hampshire, "people just want to talk to you. They want to lift the hood, they want to kick the tires . . ."
Australia’s Obama-Like Timetable Korea Times, South Korea John Howard .... reported to be losing patience with the current Iraq government and mulling over options for an Australian troop withdrawal. ..... The Australian people have soured on the war effort, to which their country has committed a troop contribution of about 1,500. ...... Australians will choose their next government later this year. .... prime minister since 1996, has seen his opinion ratings deteriorate and faces the prospect of leading his Liberal Party to defeat. ...... Howard is looking for a way out that avoids the appearance either of defeat or of a timetable. ...... the Australian leader, it seems, thinks timetables for withdrawal are sort of unwise and unmanly. ..... Just a few months ago Howard, in a utterly gratuitous commentary on the U.S. presidential debate, lambasted Illinois Sen. Barack Obama ...... those running Obama's presidential campaign might well be justified now in throwing the Howard's angry words right back in the Aussie's face. ..... as if in response to the snap of the president's fingers, three prime ministers were in short order at Bush's feet: Blair of Great Britain, Koizumi of Japan and, of course, Howard of Australia. ....... Might not it have been better for the United States to have had real friends courageous enough to challenge the administration's thinking, instead of pimping it to their domestic publics and around the world? ...... the United States has lost more than 3,600 soldiers in Iraq _ and more than 27,000 have been significantly injured. The British have had 168 killed ... the Aussies have lost two soldiers. ...... this unnecessary war. .... if it turns out Afghanistan (which was a necessary war) is to be lost because of the diversion of too many resources to Iraq. ......With miscalculating, fawning friends like Howard _ and Blair and Koizumi _ Bush, in the end, really didn't need enemies, did he?
Hedge-Fund Con Men at Heart of Credit Crisis The recent market meltdown had much less to do with bad subprime loans than advertised. It was caused more fundamentally by excesses at hedge and private equity funds. Those contraptions, invented by the sinfully wealthy barons of Wall Street, have lied to themselves and their investors about the efficacy of their schemes. Now they are quiet in their sins as bad home loans take the rap for a global meltdown that the U.S. housing market is not large enough to cause. ...... when hedge funds multiply, they essentially bet against one another and require one another to validate their bets ....... akin to a Las Vegas bookie taking only bets on the Washington Redskins and none on their opponents, while financing the book on money borrowed from a New York bank .... a modern-day run on the bank, where the banks become the depositors and the hedge and equity funds are the banks. ...... Roosevelt did more than provide liquidity, he closed the banks in 1933 so that depositors could not withdraw their savings and stopped the banks from foreclosing on farm and home loans until sanity resumed. ..... the ECB and Fed need to reassure markets through steady, calm action and not behave as the ECB did, like a frightened child.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Barack In Brooklyn

Video: New York City For Barack Obama 3

DL21C Annual Summer Bash: Barack Won The Straw Poll

I took the train to the venue. I walked back home after the event. I did sit-ups before I headed that way. Bruno told me I looked all fired up. If you did sit-ups, you would also look all fired up.

This was going to be my second time seeing Obama in person.

I was dressed in all black. Does that make me black enough? (Barack: Black Enough For Me)

There was a very long line outside the Marriott. I kept walking, and walking, and walking. Finally when I reached the end of the line, I said, I kept telling myself, if you keep walking, you will get there.

Annerenda I last met at the Union Square voter registration that Jeff had organized. When I saw her walk to the end of the line, I pulled her to come stand with me. She cut line, you could say.

Carlos walked by. Andrew walked by. I tried to pull Andrew. He showed me his big volunteer badge. Andrew is one of the top three or so people on Brooklyn For Barack, the organization. He was like an official. A volunteer. He was not trying to get in line.

After the event was over I learned from Carrington that not everybody was able to get in. Apparently the event got oversold. Obama greeted them outside. That was nice of him. Carrington is one of the top three people on Queens For Obama. I guess he gets to see my video of the event. My video is like the Bourne movies. Half the time the camera is shaking.

Carlos is easily one of the most visibly dynamic members of the five families, my name for the top 20 or so people who seem to be taking the lead in the four boroughs. He is Cuban. The recent debate on Cuba reminds me of him when I am following it. (Hillary On Cuba And Bush On Tax Cuts)

Jordan is Marlon Brando. He has this gravitas about him. He also has the Christopher Columbus air about him. Jordan Thomas. He is the one who launched Brooklyn For Barack. He is the one who introduced Barack at the first event that I got to see him in person. (I Touched Obama: Babel, Barack)

"Man, I have always wanted to shake your hand. Here, let me shake your hand," I teased him after the event was over and most people were gone. These guys put in a whole bunch of work into the Obama effort. It is like a part time job. Only you don't get paid.

When I walked out of the building, there were the key people waiting outside. Kirstine was one. I met her Sunday the yard sale Daniel and Allison did in Kensington. We both were there at the earliest Obama meetings in the city. She works at a place in Long Island that has six Nobel Prize winners.

"We are all waiting for Jordan. Where is Jordan?"

Oops. I was just talking to him. He is up there in the lobby. She walked back into the building to go up to the lobby.

I am a free agent. I am not a member of the five families. I have to stay unstructured. (NYC, Obama, Structure, Me)

I do put in the hours too. But those are unstructured hours. I put a lot of hours just to maintain this blog, my primary contribution to Obama 2008.

Before checking in, I saw Jeff. I gave him a cheery greeting. Then I was sent to the far end of the check in table, because I had not printed my ticket. Saving trees, one ticket at a time. But my name was on the list. You show your ID and you are in.

And I walk in and there is Jeff again. He is the gatekeeper.

"What's going on, man? I keep seeing you."

He promptly closed both his eyes. I can't see you, so that must mean you can't see me.

Molly whizzed by. Molly does not want to be videoblogged. Since all my editing happens while filming, I made sure I did not get her on camera. Once I got pretty close, like two feet to her right.

The guy who introduced Obama today was a Jamaican American who had made a $25 contribution. He worked as a gatekeeper somewhere, one of the gatekeepers at the venue told me. "Now he is a hero, he is in the newspapers."

My favorite part of the speech was the story he told at the end. I was too busy filming for posterity to really, truly experience the speech for myself. The first time I got to shake his hand, there were at least two people between us, and the paparazzi were swarming all around. Paparazzi with TV cameras.

Then I went to the other end, the end he had already worked. Astonishingly he came back to that end and shook some more hands. I managed to touch his hand. Our eyes met once. I gave him a huge, fired up smile. He smiled back and looked to the floor.

The bodyguards were really impressive, the "secret people." Obama is into his speech, the crowd is into his speech. But these "secret people" are totally tuned out. They are doing their job. They are scanning the horizon. They looked so thorough.

Alexis and Jonta were there. Those are two top people in Queens.

One guy from Long Island approached me. "Hey, I remember seeing you at the very fist Obama event in the city," he said to me.

"Man, that looks so good on me for you to say that. Will you please say that again for the camera?" I said.

It was time to break down the railings around the stage towards the end. Beatina tricked me into holding two of them at once. That immobilizes you. You can only handle one at a time. You put the railing onto the cart one at a time.

The guy who introduced Barack got interviewed by a whole bunch of TV people. One TV reporter also got me.

"Why do you like Barack Obama?"

"Oh, he is Third World, and I am Third World, that's why."

New York City For Barack Obama 1
New York City For Barack Obama 2

In The News

Obama on Daily Show: "Judgment" is everything Chicago Tribune, United States "everybody knows a lot of 50-, 60- and 70-year-olds that don't have good judgment, because they keep on making the same mistakes over and over again." ...... his wife's usual stump speech -- which, to be fair, focuses very heavily on stories of her own family and her personal attempts to maintain a health family life.
In Brooklyn, Cheers for Obama New York Times, United States Obama came into the heart of Hillary country Wednesday night for a fundraiser organized by the group Brooklyn for Barack. ...... wide-ranging 40-minute speech ..... the audience, which packed the reserved room at New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge in Brooklyn, as well as another room where the rally was simulcast. ...... “What a speaker,” said Barbara Barran,59. “This is like John Kennedy, and for those of us of that vintage, he’s that inspirational.” .... “He was a breath of fresh air” said Charles Barron, a New York City councilman, who represents parts of East New York. “But I wish he would bring it to the neighborhoods, not just the Marriott.”
Brooklyn Celebrity Sighting National Review Online
Obama hosts second Brooklyn fundraiser Crain's New York Business
US presidential hopeful Obama attends fund-raisers in New York
People's Daily Online, China
GENERATION NOBAMA: Wildly Overbooked Campaign Event Leaves Barack ... Huffington Post upwards of five hundred people were lined up on the sidewalk .... Jenny Yeager, the New York Finance Director for Obama'08, and she informed us that the hotel had closed the room because it had reached fire-code capacity. ..... People had brought their aunts and uncles with them unannounced, local politicians may have invited their friends along, event locales sometimes used larger stages than planned ..... the crowd waiting outside was at least a quarter of the capacity of the main room ...... campaign spokesman Bill Burton .... "Due to the overwhelming grassroots support for Senator Obama, we simply couldn't accommodate everyone interested in attending" ...... Strangely, despite the large crowd and the long-ish wait, no one seemed terribly upset. ..... Obama is not dating material. He's a presidential candidate, and an admittedly once-in-a-generation one at that. ...... at the beginning of Sunday's Debate when George "Let's Start A Catfight" Stephanopoulos led with the question, "Is Barack Obama ready to be president, experienced enough to be president?" and then let all the other candidates have a go at the junior Senator from Illinois.
Obama Stumps On Clinton's Home Turf NY1
Obama Opportunity in Brooklyn Is Seen
New York Sun, NY
Barack Obama: Obama Welcomes Support of Key Elected Officials ...
All American Patriots (press release), Sweden
Lining Up in Brooklyn For Obama
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, NY
Obama appears on US comedy show

Absent Wife The Talk Of Sen. Obama's NYC Stop
WCBS-TV New York, NY On Wednesday Sen. Barack Obama once again invaded Sen. Hillary Clinton's turf. The Illinois senator is campaigning in New York City as the political world buzzes over comments made by his wife. Appearing at a West Side union hall, Obama's first words concerned his wife. ......... "She has been making that speech constantly about the decision we made to make sure that our family was strong," Barack Obama said, "because if our family wasn't that strong then we couldn't be a strong leader in the White House." ......... "In America a lot of wives have been kind of, uh, reserved since the 90s and it's nice to see someone else who's dynamic come out there and be bold and outspoken on the campaign trail" ...... Barack Obama was scheduled to hold another event Wednesday night at the Marriott in Brooklyn.
Obama campaigns on Hillary's turf Newsday, NY
Obama gets Stewart treatment tonight
Boston Globe, United States
Lining Up in Brooklyn For Obama
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, NY
Obama Stumps On Clinton's Home Turf NY1
Obama campaigns on Hillary's turf
Newsday, NY
Obama steps on Hillary's turf amNewYork rallying volunteers at an auditorium near Times Square, sharing laughs during an afternoon taping of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," then pumping hands with zealous supporters at a $25 per-person fundraiser in Brooklyn. ....... "What's up, Brooklyn?" a visibly confident Obama asked a roaring audience at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge. Many attendees had waited in chilly drizzle to hear the one-time Brooklynite speak. Obama briefly lived in Park Slope while at Columbia University. ........ a packed ballroom of about 1,200 people. ...... New York is considered a key fundraising state because of its concentrations of deep-pocketed residents, as are California, Texas, Florida and Illinois. ....... Obama's first public appearance Wednesday came at the Elliott Godoff Auditorium at Seventh Avenue and West 43rd Street, where he acknowledged the endorsement of several local politicians, including Suffolk County legislators Jon Cooper, Elie Mystal and Vivian Viloria-Fisher, and members of the New York City Council and the New York State legislature. .......... Moments before the TV taping with Stewart, a favorite source of current events among younger voters whose enthusiasm is helping to fuel Obama's campaign, Obama spoke before volunteers who participated in a three-day grassroots training session.

Barack Obama in Brooklyn Wednesday 1010 Wins, NY Barack Obama brings his presidential campaign to Brooklyn Wednesday. It's the second time in four weeks that the junior senator from Illinois is in Brooklyn. He will hold a fundraiser at the Brooklyn Marriott on Wedneday evening. The unofficial kick-off took place on July 24 at the home of Brooklyn Heights doyenne Nina Collins, where people paid $1,000 to meet Obama. Obama lived in Brooklyn, briefly, in the 1980s. ..... organized by Brooklyn for Barack .... Through June 30, Clinton raised $424,000 in the borough to Obama's $231,000.

Will Obama's Stance on Cuba Hurt Him? TIME Conventional political wisdom in the bellwether state of Florida has always focused on Cuban-Americans .... Cross them, says the presidential candidate handbook, and say adios to the Sunshine State's 27 electoral votes. ...... Obama knows a new conventional wisdom may well be taking shape in the state — one that could actually make his declarations this week an asset ...... "It's almost as if you have to decide ahead of time when a relative is going to die ...... by playing that safe card in Florida, Clinton may have allowed herself to be "outmaneuvered by Obama on this one ...... more than 55% of Cuban-Americans in Miami favor unrestricted travel to Cuba. ...... Unlike their elders, the younger generation believes that the 45-year-old economic embargo against Cuba has utterly failed to dislodge its communist leader. ........ The exiles have traditionally voted Republican ever since they abandoned President John F. Kennedy because of his botched direction of the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. ...... the rules in Florida are really ready to be broken.
Obama Denies Wife Took Swipe At Clinton Guardian Unlimited, UK
Obama is outflanking rivals on the left and right
Daily Star - Lebanon, Lebanon

New Google Sky tool turns computer into virtual telescope San Jose Mercury News The tool provides information about various celestial bodies, from stars to planets, and includes imagery from the Hubble Space Telescope and other sources. It also allows users to take virtual tours through galaxies, including the Milky Way. .... see planets in motion and witness a supernova explosion. ... Google, the leading Internet search engine, already provides surface images of Mars and the Moon through its Web site, along with animated and satellite-based maps of Earth. ...... Google Sky was developed at the company's Pittsburgh engineering office.
Google Earth Gets Cosmic Addition
Google turns its attention to the stars Times Online
Google launches first advertising on YouTube Video website YouTube is to feature advertising for the first time ... has allowed 20 companies to run trial adverts on 200 videos over the last few weeks. ..... from today it is opening up the advertising model to anyone, and will allow companies to place ads on the videos of a small number of the one thousand of its content providers, or partners. ....... YouTube claims the new advertising method is five to ten times more effective than any other display advertising. .... video abandonment skyrockets as pre-roll adverts get longer in length ...... animated semi-transparent banners, or "overlays", that run along the bottom of the screen about 15 seconds into the video. ...... They stay there for 10 seconds, allowing viewers to click on the overlay, which launches a deeper interactive video advert, while the main video is temporarily paused. Or viewers can ignore the overlay, and it will disappear. ...... Google acquired YouTube last year despite the site having no proven revenue model.
Google will carpet YouTube with 'overlay' ads Register
Google Market Share Larger than Thought
PC Magazine
Dell: Fancy laptop colors are harder than they look
Dell Product Delays a Portent? eWeek
Change course or cook the books? Dell chose latter
Houston Chronicle
Dell surprises with server growth

Iraq PM bristles as tensions grow with US Reuters Canada
Iraq Prime Minister Rebuffs US Criticism NPR no one has a right to put timetables on his democratically elected government. ..... at the end of a three-day visit to Syria. .... "Those who make such statements are bothered by our visit to Syria. We will pay no attention. We care for our people and our constitution and can find friends elsewhere," al-Maliki said. ....... the political situation in Iraq remains fractured, with wide distrust between Shiite and Sunni factions and no progress by al-Maliki's government on key issues. ...... Ousting al-Maliki would require a majority vote in the 275-member Iraqi parliament. As long as the Kurdish parties and the main Shiite bloc stand beside al-Maliki, his opponents lack the votes to do that.
After Rove’s exit An ebbing Bush presidency Monday Morning
Report details CIA's failures ahead of 9/11 Baltimore Sun The CIA had no documented game plan to fight al-Qaida and failed to marshal its resources fully to counter the threat in the years leading up to the 2001 terrorist attacks ...... a "persistent strain in relations" between the CIA and the National Security Agency that continued into 2001 and had "a negative impact" on the intelligence agencies' collective effort to fight al-Qaida. ..... Many of the problems stemmed from a failure to follow up on al-Qaida-related issues ...... communication has improved but continues to be an obstacle. .... Poor cooperation between agencies led to a failure to place two Sept. 11 hijackers - Nawaf al-Hamzi and Khalid al-Midhar - on watch lists, even though 50 to 60 people read one or more CIA cables on their travels. There was a "systemic breakdown" in communication, including with the FBI and the NSA. ....... the bin Laden Unit overworked, poorly trained and understaffed. ..... Tenet said he had a "robust plan" to counter al-Qaida, as demonstrated by a proposal for invading Afghanistan that he sent to President Bush four days after the Sept. 11 attacks ...... 20 systemic problems
Obama: Troop surge may work Chicago Sun-Times
No military solution for Iraq: Obama
Clinton's success so far can't be debated
Newsday Clinton's brain trust spent the days before her April 26 debate debut prepping her on policy, role playing her rivals during practice sessions, and fretting. ...... Some members of Clinton's team didn't think she could match the loquacious Sen. Barack Obama at the lectern. Others, such as Clinton's longtime adviser Mandy Grunwald, didn't know how she would hold up as the main target in an eight-candidate melee. Adding to the anxiety were polls showing Obama within 5 percentage points nationally. ..... No candidate has benefited as much from primary debates since Ronald Reagan in 1980 .... She was very reluctant to engage in these debates ..... She has had more gravitas than other people on the stage and she seems completely unrattled ..... Clinton's most famous debate moment in 2000 was a flinch - after Rick Lazio made his ill-advised trip to her podium. ..... Preparation has been a key. Clinton often stages elaborate multiplayer practices in Washington or on the road, with a rotating cast of aides, friends and consultants. No one actor has adopted the role of Obama, but Democratic Leadership Council president Bruce Reed does a dead-on Edwards. ...... Clinton's debate consigliere is Robert Barnett, a former high school debate champ-turned-corporate lawyer who has served as a Democratic verbal coach for 30 years. ...... On the stump, critics say she's stiff, cold, wonky and schoolmarmish. Yet in the presence of her opponents, those same attributes come across as dignity, composure, intelligence and maturity. ........ Obama's camp marks that exchange as the start of his comeback. .... At Sunday's Iowa debate, many in the audience thought she seemed testy, an impression supported by pollster Frank Luntz, who said Obama won among his focus groups. ...."Obama is finally learning to master the 50-second answer," said Luntz. "That's bad for her because when he's good, he's better than she is."
If president, Obama will lift Cuba sanctions Xinhua, China The Miami-Dade Democratic Party is in favor of lifting the restrictions last week. Obama will speak at a fund-raiser for the chapter Saturday at the Miami-Dade Auditorium, the same Little Havana site where Ronald Reagan won over many in the Cuban community more than 20 years ago. Joe Garcia, the group's chairman, praised Obama's proposal. "It shows courage, and it shows commitment to move beyond the status-quo politics of rhetoric, which is all the Cuban-American community has received from any party for the last half century," said Garcia, a former head of the Cuban-American Foundation. None of the other top presidential candidates have sought to ease the restrictions.
It's all about priorities for Michelle Obama Los Angeles Times, CA So Michelle Obama -- still in maternity clothes -- strapped her newborn daughter, Sasha, in the stroller and headed out to meet Michael E. Riordan, president and chief executive of the University of Chicago Medical Center. .... Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama, 43, is not your mother's political spouse....... reaches out to and embodies a new generation of American women -- those much-studied multitaskers who hope to change the workplace but, in the process, inspire headlines like "Damned or Doomed," "Opt Out or Pushed Out," "One Sick Child Away From Being Fired." ...... 'I'm a professional, and here's my infant.' " ...... she never leaves home without two BlackBerrys, one for the job and one for the campaign. ....... as a mother, wife, professional, campaign wife, whatever it is that's on my plate, I'm drowning. And nobody's talking about these issues. In my adult lifetime, I felt duped ...... "People told me, 'You can do it all. Just stay the course, get your education and you can raise a child, stay thin, be in shape, love your man, look good and raise healthy children.' That was a lie." ....... needs universal healthcare, access to child care and better schools ..... she, herself, is looking "for someone -- not just a woman -- but someone who understands my struggles." ...... she had heard someone say what she has silently believed for many years: "We can't do it all." ....... for African American women .. who often "have to be the mother and father and the breadwinner. There's so much pressure. ...... women belong to his chief rival, and the two split the African American vote pretty much down the middle. ......... Obama has a lock on Democrats with an idealistic strain ..... pragmatic voters who worry about tangibles like paying the bills right now are solidly in Clinton's camp. ........ vice president for community and external affairs, a position heavy on strategy and persuasion ....... Obama set off a cybersquall of second guessing when she announced that she would work only 20% of the time and she would play her continued employment by ear as the campaign heats up. ....... "Damn it all, Michelle Obama has quit her $215,000 dream job and demoted herself to queen," ranted an article in, whose author described herself as "in a feminist fury." ........ political spouse is probably one of America's toughest unpaid jobs ...... Obama's mother still lives in the small brick apartment where her children grew up -- a one-bedroom unit whose living room was trisected by fake wood paneling into bedrooms for Michelle and her brother, Craig Robinson, and a separate space for homework. ....... Obama followed Robinson to Princeton -- a place that "made me far more aware of my 'blackness' than ever before," she wrote in her undergraduate thesis ......... "No matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus." ...... the university in the early 1980s as the kind of place where white students passed by black classmates without a shred of recognition. ...... "They didn't mean to be rude," she said. "Because they didn't even think they might know a black person, they'd just walk by. All of those things reminded you every single second that you're black, you're black, you're black." ...... Just as the issue of race was inescapable at Princeton, it is an integral part of campaign 2008. .... Race "resonates all through the comments about education," she said in an interview. "It resonates throughout the comments about my upbringing, my childhood, my access to college. It is there. Because it is me." ........ The Obamas live in a $1.65-million brick mansion with big white columns, multiple chimneys and Secret Service agents parked at the curb in Chicago's storied Hyde Park neighborhood. ..... she limits political travel to two days a week and doesn't stay overnight unless the girls come along. She tries to return home in time to kiss them good night, but it's a struggle. ....... "He's a wonderful man, he's a gifted man," she said at an April event, "but in the end, he's just a man." Lately, however, she sounds much more reverent. He is, she said at a Harlem event, "the answer" for America. ...... "Take care of my daughters, to make sure they're OK being in the White House." ..... I don't worry about a career. That will always be there. What I am worried about are my girls
Clinton Takes the Bait on Cuba Yahoo! News
Obama expresses sentiments of majority of Americans on Cuba ...
International Herald Tribune, France
Bush 'Amused' By 'North American Union' Fears, VA
Obama Sees a ‘Complete Failure’ in Iraq New York Times “No military surge, no matter how brilliantly performed, can succeed without political reconciliation and a surge of diplomacy in Iraq and the region,” Mr. Obama said. “Iraq’s leaders are not reconciling. They are not achieving political benchmarks.” ......... “What I had been clear about, I think, even before the surge started was that if we put an additional 20,000 or 30,000 American troops in Baghdad that it’s going to have an impact,” Mr. Obama said. “They are doing an outstanding job in carrying out their military operations. The question has always been, What then?” ........ “Whatever disagreements we have on policy, there will be no daylight between us when it comes to honoring the men and women who serve and keeping faith with our veterans,” Mr. Obama said.
Democrats' Purity Primary Washington Post
Fundraising in Vacationland Washington Post
Obama, Durbin push to get suspect back
Chicago Sun-Times, United States
Labor unrealistic on Iraq, says Howard Sydney Morning Herald
US would need old allies under new leadership Sydney Morning Herald

Ouch! Obama’s Mrs. rips Hillary: Barack cooks up strategy as wife ... Boston Herald The wife of Barack Obama told an audience in Atlantic, Iowa: “If you can’t run your own house, you can’t run the White House.” ....... “Let me tell you, if I beat the Clintons, folks aren’t going to ask whether I’m tough enough,” he said. ..... One reason the former first lady has a huge national lead with Democratic voters is her backing from the political machine built by her philandering husband, former President Clinton.
Obama again stirs up decades-old debate on Cuba CNN What to do about Fidel Castro is a question that dates back five decades and 10 U.S. presidencies. ...... Obama wrote that he would grant Cuban-Americans "unrestricted rights to visit family and send remittances to the island." .... Gov. Mitt Romney was quick to pounce, saying in a statement "unilateral concessions to a dictatorial regime are counterproductive" and that Obama's position proves the Illinois senator "does not have the strength to confront America's enemies or defend our values." ..... Current restrictions allow Cuban-Americans to send family members $300 a quarter and limit visits to up to 14 days once every three years. ..... Sen. Chris Dodd would do more; he favors allowing all Americans unrestricted travel to Cuba. ..... Cuban-Americans account for less than 1 percent of the U.S. population. But they are heavily concentrated in the key presidential battleground of Florida, where they constitute 8 percent of the state's electorate. ....... Cuban-Americans are the most reliably Republican of the nation's Latino voters, leading some strategists to wonder why Obama would be interested in inflaming the passions of the Cuba debate. ...... President Clinton's decision to return Elian Gonzalez to Castro's Cuba provoked outrage among Cuban-Americans, and, according to a Florida International University Study, Republican candidates received more than 80 percent of the Cuban-American vote in Florida in the 2000 presidential and the 2002 gubernatorial elections