Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Fawad Khan Controversy: A Particular Kind Of Stupid

मैंने खुबसुरत पिक्चर देखी। सोनम कपुर नयी एक्टर आयी है। देखते हैं कैसी है। बहुत अच्छा लगा। The material has been handled very well. I think India is at a crossroads. आर्थिक तरक्की करनी है। लेकिन उसका मतलब आँख मुंद के westernization करना नहीं होता। सोंच समझ के कदम लेने होते हैं।

सीता मैया का स्वयंवर हुवा था। कृष्ण ने अर्जुन को कहा अपने बहन को ले जाने को। क्यों कि बहन अर्जुन को पसंद करती थी। लड़का लड़की खुद एक दुसरे को पसंद करे वो अच्छी बात है। लेकिन family values बहुत अच्छी बात है। परिवार और diet के मामले में जो है उसे खोना नहीं चाहिए।

तो मैंने देखा कोई नया लड़का है। कितना लाजबाब acting है। नाम नहीं मालुम था। थोड़ा हट के acting style था।

जैसे ये एक सीन देखो। जब पेंट गन से लगती है तो ये जनाब जब अपने शरीर के पेंट को छुते हैं तो वो कितना measured gesture है। नहीं तो बॉलीवुड वाले रोना धोना शुरू कर देते हैं। यहाँ एक restraint है जो कि it is a breath of fresh air.

बाद में जो controversy हुइ तो नाम तो मेरे को मालुम था नहीं। बहुत बाद में पता चला कि ये तो उसी एक्टर के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं।

मुंबई में ढेर सारे backbenchers of patriotism भरे पड़े हैं। उतनी ही शौक है तो जाओ बॉर्डर पर बन्दुक ले के पहरेदारी दो। ये hate filled armchair patriotism? Patriotism is supposed to be a love statement. Hate and love don't go together.

दो देश को जोड़ेंगे तो कलाकार ही जोड़ेंगे। नेता लोगों से तो हो नहीं रहा।

कला की कद्र करो। बेबकुफी बंद करो।

STD rates reach record high in United States
There were more reported cases of sexually transmitted diseases last year than ever before in the United States ..... the rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis -- the three most commonly reported STDs in the nation -- increased between 2014 and 2015, reaching an all-time high. ..... most infections go undiagnosed and untreated ..... One of the most disturbing findings in the report revealed an increase in syphilis rates among newborns.
Diabetes Latest | Features | CDC
29 million people in the United States (9.3 percent) have diabetes. 1.7 million people aged 20 years or older were newly diagnosed with diabetes in 2012.

हाल ही में फिर देखा एक म्युजिक वीडियो। वीडियोग्राफी देख के मैं चकित हो गया। एक सेकंड में कितना डाला जा सकता है देखो। वहाँ भी कॉन्ट्रोवर्सी। इस फिल्म के हेरोइन पर भी ताला चाभी।

बैन करना ही है तो अमिताभ और शाहरुख़ दोनों को करो। दोनों ५०% पाकिस्तानी। एक की माँ पाकिस्तान से दुसरे का बाप।

हद हो गयी।

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Donald Trump: Health Care For Everyone

Donald Trump said something about health care for everyone a few days back.

He took on the Republican establishment during the primary season and came on top. Democracy is like capitalism. There is creative destruction involved. In Manhattan, where Trump is from, since every square inch of space is already taken, when you have to erect a new building, you demolish an old one. When you want to preserve the exterior of an old building, you gut it from inside. This is all real estate language, familiar to Trump.

If Trump sticks by his pledge of health care for everyone, he ends up ideologically gutting the Republican Party. The brand name stays, but the party is fundamentally changed from inside.

I was, of course, rooting for Hillary 2016. You can dig into this blog's archives and see. But it did not escape my attention that Trump absolutely ate 16 otherwise stellar Republican candidates for lunch without spending much money at all. More noteworthy than lack of funds was the fact he did not have much in the name of a political operation. He was his own political consultant, for the most part. His approach to the whole endeavor was entrepreneurial. Never underestimate a man with a Twitter account, I guess.

If he can end the Cold War with Russia once and for all, that would be a good thing.

Sticking by the mantra of health care for everyone is the only way he can honor many of the people who voted for him.

I think it is possible. The US government is the largest customer of the biggest pharmaceutical companies. There is room to bargain and bring down the prices on drugs.

If Trump will stick to the health care for everyone pledge, I will take a second look at him.

Trump's Stealth Health Plan Could Be 'Medicare For All'

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Get Well Soon, Priyanka Chopra

Street Food Delight: Lamb Over Rice

A photo posted by Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) on

@priyankachopra Pride of India, Get well soon. From the good people of the Woodside Gurudwara.

A photo posted by Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) on

Pigeons by St. Patrick's

A video posted by Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) on

Candle Offering

A video posted by Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) on

Sunday 10:15 AM Service, St. Patrick's

A video posted by Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) on