Saturday, May 01, 2010

A Dirty Bomb Just Went Off In The Gulf Massive Gulf Oil Spill From Space

Bill Clinton on his way out told Bush the Al Qaeda was the number one security threat he needed to worry about as president. Bush did not pay attention. 9/11 changed that. 9/11 has gone on to define an era, or at least a decade; it sure hijacked the Bush presidency.

By now many of the smart people in the relevant government agencies are on the lookout for the dirty bomb. The terrorist threats persist and are real, but the environmental threats are much bigger. It is like a dirty bomb just went off in the Gulf Of Mexico.

This spill - the word does not quite capture it - just might destroy the fishing and tourism industries in a few different states. That alone is tens of billions of dollars.

The scale of this thing is mind boggling.

Gulf Coast oil spill could eclipse Exxon Valdez - Yahoo! News
Louisiana Oil Spill 2010 PHOTOSOil Spill Gulf Oil Spill Photos...
Oil Leak from Damaged Well in Gulf of Mexico : Natural Hazards
Gulf Oil Spill Containment Efforts Photos- CBS News
Gulf oil spill: latest NASA satellite photo| Greenspace | Los...
Oil spill approaches Louisiana coast - The Big Picture -

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

First Ever British Television Debate

In South Africa They Had Apartheid, In America They Got Immigration

June 3 Immigration Court Date

America is a country of immigrants. Even the Native Americans crossed the landmass into Alaska back in the days. Expressing hostility towards immigrants in America is like saying you might be at McDonald's but you don't get to order a quick sandwich.

Race is America's original sin. Only now finally there is a black man in the White House. (Jupiter And Obama) The anti-immigration people are racists. You can draw a line that threads up slavery and segregation and anti-immigrant hostility. The emotional content is the same in each case. Hatred might be in your heart, but you don't get to translate that into policy. Policy is in the public domain.

America is not a landmass. It is an idea. That idea is democracy. Until we as a planet become fully democratic, until we have managed to create decent living standards everywhere, America is going to have to allow a steady flow of immigrants. Granted there is a smart way to do it, but saying no is not an option. That is off the table.

The American economy fundamentally owes its number one position to immigrants, and that is true at both high and low ends. Say thank you to those who put food on your tables.

Immigration Is Today's Civil Rights Movement
Immigration, Duh
Immigration Makes Economy Sense, Democracy, Justice, Family Sense

Reshma Saujani: Comprehensive Immigration Reform To Create Jobs And Secure Our Future
Reshma Saujani: Innovation, Ethnic Pride, Thought Leadership

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