Tuesday, July 02, 2024

2: Disha Patani

Kalki: The Movie

Want to have better, deeper conversations? Try this Put away your phone (and other distractions) ....... mind-wandering — when your focus shifts away from the present moment and towards your internal thoughts and feelings — can lead to decreased mood, task performance and reading comprehension. So when you find yourself zoning out or daydreaming during a conversation, just recognize that it’s happening and bring yourself back to what’s going on right in front of you. ........ Reflect back what you’ve heard .......... Let nonverbal cues speak for you, too ....... Try to maintain eye contact 50 percent of the time when speaking, and 70 percent of the time when listening. ........ “Be open to new ideas. Stop multitasking,” Hirway says. “Let the other person know that you’re engaged, and do it without taking your focus away from them and turning it onto you.”