Sunday, February 27, 2022

YouTube: February 27

Human Warfare Is People Coming Out Into The Streets Of Moscow In Large Numbers

Putin's supposed nuclear deterrent is going to be helpless in the face of hundreds of thousands of Russians flooding the streets of Moscow. I think that is how this war will end. The Russian people are in shock that Putin did what he did. Nobody really believed he might do it. And he did it. And this is not going to go down well.

The Putin regime is a dictatorship for sure. But the Soviet Union was much more of a dictatorship and the Russian people faced it down. To them the Putin regime is a child's play.

This is not about wanting the West, or joining the West. This is about liberty ringing in the human heart. It also rings in Russian hearts. The battle of hearts has begun. With every TikTok video of Putin's aggression that circles the globe, Putin is getting hemmed in. He has already lost the battle of hearts and minds.

Putin has been in power long enough. It is time for him and his entire clique to go. The KGB needs to go the way of the Soviet Communist Party. They need to vacate the scene. Let the Russian people elect their new set of leaders. This has gone far enough.

The tide has turned. Liberty is on the march again.

A democratic, prosperous Russia that actively trades with all its neighbors and the world at large will be a major power for a long time to come. That is a given. Nobody wants to take that away.