Coronavirus News (133) https://t.co/LtaoULun3X #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronavirusFacts #india #UnitedStates #BlackLivesMatter #COVIDー19 #COVID #Lockdown5 #Pandemia
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) June 7, 2020
Coronavirus News (133) https://t.co/LtaoULun3X #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronavirusFacts #india #UnitedStates #BlackLivesMatter #COVIDー19 #COVID #Lockdown5 #Pandemia
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) June 7, 2020
Albert Einstein giving a lecture on relativity in 1946 (after the war, before the civil rights movement). His peers criticized this appearance. The press purposefully didn't cover it. He simply wanted to inspire young minds with the beauty and power of science. pic.twitter.com/kLeaoGPMcs
— Lex Fridman (@lexfridman) June 6, 2020
The unstoppable joy in front of The White House today: pic.twitter.com/H55oL1Bi8Q
— Jessica Contrera (@mjcontrera) June 6, 2020
It’s more than 4 arrests: These are some of the concrete actions that have stemmed from 1 week of protests for George Floyd and Black lives pic.twitter.com/0jxgguovGq
— Shakthi Vadakkepat (@v_shakthi) June 6, 2020
— Lee Camp [Redacted] (@LeeCamp) June 6, 2020
- Since 2005 only 35 officers had been convicted of ANY crime after killing someone. Assuming the US averaged 900 police killings per year (a very low estimate), this means cops are convicted .28% of the time. Less than ONE percent.
I now have so many infuriated NYPD cops sending me info, it’s impossible to get it all out.
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) June 6, 2020
I’ve never seen morale this bad and it’s all because of @BilldeBlasio.
Yesterday, 50,000 people in Sydney, Australia, defied police and a Supreme Court order banning the planned march, and protested in support of Black Lives Matter. pic.twitter.com/fpxcKRjbW2
— Rebecca Kavanagh (@DrRJKavanagh) June 6, 2020
‘The only reason we’re here is to make sure you have a voice, that’s it.’ — Flint Sheriff Chris Swanson laid down his helmet and baton to march with #BlackLivesMatter protesters pic.twitter.com/UWHDbcq1LV
— Shakthi Vadakkepat (@v_shakthi) June 6, 2020
Libs will still tell you to this day that it’s unsafe for us to church.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 6, 2020
America has been lied to.
You should be furious.
I am.
The Maine swab factory that Trump visited said that they will have to throw away everything produced while he was there because he didn't wear a mask. https://t.co/jIXnrcTbqL via @politicususa
— Progressive Push (@progressivepush) June 6, 2020
ENTREPRENEURS: All politics aside, this is a stunning rebound in the US stock market, which is a reflection of consumer sentiment. If you had big plans in January for your business, it might be time to pull them off of the shelves once again. pic.twitter.com/2ENAHZv3Be
— Michael K. Reynolds (@M_K_Reynolds) June 6, 2020
Protesters in Seattle gave food to a homeless person sitting inside a tent along the march route pic.twitter.com/nxdpEi50iz
— Shakthi Vadakkepat (@v_shakthi) June 6, 2020
BBC News coverage tonight was little more than an extended promo for the demonstrators, full of heavy editorialising about Britain "not being innocent" and euphemisms about "clashes" with police.
— Patrick O'Flynn (@oflynnsocial) June 6, 2020
A disgrace.
“Agree to disagree” is reserved for things like “I don’t like coffee.” Not racism, homophobia, and sexism. Not human rights. Not basic common decency. If I unfriend you during this, it IS personal. We do not have a difference of opinion. We have a difference in morality.
— corina (@cdvaughn16) June 5, 2020
Sometimes you feel like a nut. pic.twitter.com/JxdGJP3zej
— 💖CherryPinkCat💖 (@CherryPinkCat) June 6, 2020
Why is ending racism a debate?
— Broderick Hunter (@BroderickHunter) June 5, 2020
It amazes me the amount of Westerners who feel they need to "save the #Chinese" from their gov. Most have never been to #China, and in their minds they feel China is like #NorthKorea (news flash - it's not) the world is too diverse for only one type of gov to exist. #democracy
— Cyrus Janssen (@thecyrusjanssen) June 6, 2020
Imagine if you called firefighters and they just beat the shit out of you instead of putting the fire out
— Ethel (@Ethelmonster) June 5, 2020
SNIPERS. Jesus Christ, America. https://t.co/Pe9uofAKTx
— Elizabeth C. McLaughlin 🩸🦷 (@ECMcLaughlin) June 6, 2020
Asking not to get killed is not asking for very much.
— Andrew Yang🧢🇺🇸 (@AndrewYang) June 6, 2020
We did the impossible.
— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) June 6, 2020
On Monday NYC will open phase one.
We didn’t just flatten the curve — we crushed it. #NYTough
June 6, 1944. Largest ANTIFA operation in history. pic.twitter.com/TlpfsySKwr
— Matt Duss (@mattduss) June 6, 2020
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) June 6, 2020
Dads, bruh... pic.twitter.com/Kce3LoSKcR
“Public-health experts, caught between their science and their politics, are trying to talk around this harsh fact [that protest are hot spots], and in doing so they’re destroying their own hard-won authority.” https://t.co/DTcvgQgUJo
— Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) June 6, 2020
Coronavirus News (132) https://t.co/a1aEsicA0p #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID #BlackLivesMatter #Lockdown5 #lockdownlessons #Pandemia #GeorgeFlyod
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) June 6, 2020