Thursday, May 28, 2020

Coronavirus News (124)

GOP's no-mask caucus: 'Can you smell through that mask?' - CNNPolitics

GOP operatives worry Trump will lose both the presidency and Senate majority   "Put it this way, I am very glad my boss isn't on the ballot this cycle," said one high-ranking GOP Senate aide. ........ Trump's response to the pandemic and the subsequent economic fallout have significantly damaged his bid for a second term — and that the effects are starting to hurt Republicans more broadly. .......... the trend is bleeding into key Senate races. The GOP already had a difficult task of defending 23 Senate seats in 2020. The job of protecting its slim 3-seat majority has only gotten harder as the pandemic has unfolded. States like Arizona and North Carolina, once thought to be home to winnable Senate races now appear in jeopardy. .......... could be a wipeout for the GOP. ........ The broader fear among Republicans is that the election becomes a referendum on Trump's performance during the pandemic. Coupled with a cratered economy, the effect could be devastating by both depressing the Republican faithful and turning off swing voters. .......... "This is the one thing he (Trump) cannot change the subject on," said a Republican strategist. "This is not a political opponent, this is not going way and he has never had to deal with something like this." ...............  there is a serious worry about bleeding support from both seniors and self-described independent men. ......... GOP-held Senate seats in Georgia and Montana could be in trouble   

GOP's no-mask caucus: 'Can you smell through that mask?'   A contingent of House Republicans continues to defy the recommendations of public health experts and Congress' top physician to wear face coverings to limit the spread of Covid-19, refusing to wear them on the floor of the chamber, in the hallways of the Capitol or when chatting with aides and colleagues -- even when they're unable to maintain a social distance. ..........  "Can you smell through that mask?" Rep. Clay Higgins, a Republican of Louisiana, told CNN on Thursday. "Then you're not stopping any sort of a virus. It's part of the dehumanization of the children of God. You're participating in it by wearing a mask." ..............  "What you're wearing is a bacteria trap; it's not helping your health or anybody else's," said Higgins, who had just gotten off a cramped elevator with two other GOP members, none of whom were wearing masks. .................. Higgins' statement is not supported by the science. Smells do not carry viral particles. ....... Asked about Fauci's and Adams' recommendations to wear masks, Biggs said sarcastically: "Yeah, of course, see they've been right on everything, haven't they?" .........  People can catch coronavirus at any time, even immediately after testing negative. And people can spread the virus before they develop any symptoms. ............ "I wear it for the reason that I believe it is effective," Fauci said on CNN. "It is not 100% effective -- I mean, it's sort of respect for the other person and have that other person respect you. You wear a mask. They wear a mask. You protect each other." ............ And even though the government's top scientists have repeatedly briefed members of Congress, some Republicans seem to have misinterpreted what the science says. ............ Some Republicans seem to misunderstand the science. Rep. Ted Yoho, a Florida Republican, told CNN earlier this month that "there's just no need" to wear a mask, citing "herd immunity." The Florida Republican added: "Viruses do what viruses do," contending that the "only way you're going to get" immunity "is to get exposed." ............  "I have a different medical opinion," he said of wearing masks. ........... When Republican Rep. Greg Walden of Oregon, who was wearing a face covering, approached a maskless Scalise late last month, Walden said to him: "Nice mask." Scalise responded by pointing to his face: "I wear this for Halloween," prompting laughter from a handful of members surrounding them. ............. "It's harder to do with a mask," Scalise said of talking with his colleagues. "Also, it's better to talk in person than do it over the phone." ....... He added that sometimes he stays in the chamber rather than return to his office quickly, because he sees "someone on the floor and you have something to talk" about. "That's the best way to work through these issues."  

Coronavirus News (123)

Thinking About Flying? Here’s What You Need to Know Now Airplane travel is inching back, but staying safe remains a concern. Here’s how to think about approaching a trip. ........ From the curb to the plane, each portion of the journey has new rules and new things to think about. ............ you should carry — and use — a mask, wipes and hand sanitizer. ........ Some experts suggest wearing gloves ....... Most airlines suggest that travelers download their app for touchless boarding, which will minimize the number of times you have to hand over documents or touch screens. .........  touchless kiosks that allow customers to print bag tags using their own devices to scan a QR code. ......... Airports have been cleaning everything from the floors and surfaces to the air more rigorously. ........ not all airlines are serving food on flights, so you may want to bring your own food for the plane. ....... Do as much of the process on your airline’s app as you can. Bring hand sanitizer in case you need to hand over documents or your phone, or if you need to key anything in at a kiosk. Pay attention to the floor markers indicating the proper social distancing. Even though crowds have been thin, maintaining social distancing may be difficult, so wear your mask. .................. After scanning, you should hold your boarding pass up for an agent to inspect it. ........ If you have food, don’t put it into your carry on. Put it into a clear plastic bag and then put that bag into a bin. ...........  To reduce the number of things that go into the reusable plastic bins, put items, including belts, wallets, keys and phones, into your carry-on bags, rather than into a bin. ....... most airlines are asking passengers to wear masks to board and on flights. .......... airlines say they have stepped up the deep cleaning of planes, sometimes between every flight .........  On average, flights are carrying about 39 passengers, down from the first two months of the year, when flights were carrying about 85 to 100 passengers. ........  most flights — about 73 percent — are less than 50 percent full. How to build mental strength for endurance sports, from ultra running to mountaineering and ocean rowing You are not born mentally strong, but develop grit over time and you can increase that strength like any other muscle with practice ........ The unquantifiable quality of mental strength, or grit, is undeniably a component in endurance sports, and the longer you go, the more important it becomes. ........ To make a muscle stronger, you have to repeatedly put it under stress and push it to its maximum capacity. The same goes for the mind. You do not wake up mentally strong, you become mentally strong.......  Always finish what you set out to do ...... Quitting is a habit. If you practice completing your training, even when you want to quit, you will find it easier to finish your race or challenge even when your body screams to drop out. .......... you always need to finish your session, no matter what. .......  Train when you are mentally drained ......... sometimes you train for your heart, sometimes for your head. By training when you are low on mental energy, you will practice for the latter end of a race or challenge, when your mental stores are depleted. .........  plans long, tough training sessions for post-work on a Friday. The long week will have taken its toll, and all you want is a beer, a relax and a chance to recharge. This is the perfect time to get out and push your mind. ......... Get comfortable being uncomfortable  ....... Be mindful of past experience  ....... When you are in training, practice talking to yourself (even if it’s just in your head), with positive reinforcement and mantras. Have specific times you overcame adversity in your mental armoury, ready to deploy when you hit the pain cave. ......... Don’t beat yourself up ...... understand, internalise and remember what went right when you hit your goals and use that for fuel next time. When you come up short, draw a line under it, go and relax and have a beer.

Want the U.S. to Go Back to Work? Here's How The critical role of employers as America reopens ...........    despite our best efforts at prevention, infections will strike in the workplace. What should employers do then? ......... employers must take a comprehensive approach to COVID-19 that goes well beyond the current focus on workplace safety. .......... four key pillars: prevention, early detection and expedited testing, clinical support and recovery, and contact tracing and isolation. ........... How employees are managed across the virus's life cycle -- from symptom detection to diagnosis to management and recovery -- will have a material impact on the next wave of the pandemic. .......... the best way to achieve early detection is through on-site testing ......... Generalized fatigue and weakness, which can negatively impact employees' capacity to work, can persist after the infection has cleared. ...........  Success also requires that employers have high rates of engagement with employee communications. New policies won't have the intended impact if they don't drive timely changes in employee behavior. We recommend that employers create multiple channels for pandemic-related communications, such as dedicated email addresses or team work-space channels for COVID-19-related questions, and rigorously track open, click-through, and view rates to continuously iterate and improve their communications. 

Huge Study Throws Cold Water on Antimalarials for COVID-19 No support for continued use seen in analysis of 15,000 patients who got controversial drugs

Autopsies Turn Up Strange Feature of COVID-19 LungsStudy finds more thrombi and a new puzzle in the vessels

Masks and Morality ZDoggMD explains why COVID-19 is so divisive .......... family members are at each other's throats. Everyone online is hating everyone else. Are masks good or are they the devil? Is lockdown good? Is it a disaster? Does the economy matter? Do people matter? Is there a difference? All these questions we see all the time, it's polarized across the cable news networks, which are designed to polarize us, and in social media, which is designed to polarize us. ...........  how we can transcend this to actually be better citizens, more productive, less angry, and actually have debates instead of shutting down debates saying, OK, let's actually talk about this. Because we're all gonna assume that we're coming from a place where we wanna do good in the world. .......... you'll have psychopaths, you'll have extremists who are so entrenched that you cannot reach them. .........    "Elephant and Rider," elephant being our unconscious emotional mind and rider being our conscious strategizing, planning mind that's much smaller and newer to the scene. .......... humans are not rational creatures. We are emotional, moralizing creatures. ..........  so that we can understand why it is people go so nuts about the whole mask thing 

Trump is courting a landslide defeat US president’s bungled coronavirus response has alienated crucial older voters .......... Donald Trump’s 2016 victory caught most people by surprise, including him. ....... 
Mr Trump’s worsening odds can be gauged by his rising sense of panic. ....... Twice this year, including on Mother’s Day, Mr Trump tweeted more than 100 times when most of America was asleep. ........  I cannot find an example in any country, including the US, where an elected head of government has claimed their own system is rigged against them. ........ It is almost as hard to find instances of leaders trying to shrink voter turnout. ........ older voters are turned off by Mr Trump’s pandemic record. In late February, Mr Trump had a double-digit lead over Mr Biden among voters aged over 65. Average recent polls showed Mr Biden 10 points ahead. .........   Even deeply Republican Georgia and Texas show Mr Biden within striking distance. Were such numbers to hold in November, Mr Trump would lose by a landslide. .......  Two things could prevent this. The first is Mr Biden. The November election will be a referendum on Mr Trump. All Mr Biden need do is not interrupt the president while he is defeating himself.  ........... Mr Biden suffers from foot-in-mouth disease. So far the coronavirus is playing to Mr Biden’s advantage by keeping him off the hustings.