Sunday, May 10, 2020

Coronavirus News (86)

Administration health officials to answer senators' questions via videoconferencing
Chinese authorities flag northeastern province as high-risk coronavirus outbreak spot
Global report: Anthony Fauci and two other White House Covid-19 taskforce members to self-quarantine Fauci and heads of CDC and FDA potentially exposed to coronavirus
Trump White House adviser says unemployment rate could pass 20% during coronavirus pandemic br> Trump charges Obama with 'biggest political crime in American history' Retweet storm after justice department drops Flynn case

Good Leadership Is About Communicating “Why” In an ongoing crisis, clear communication is more important and more difficult than when things seem normal. Employees and customers are hungry for information, so we’re tempted to pull together presentations and communicate with urgency instead of with careful planning. But if we present without addressing our audience’s core questions of what, how, and why, we’ll sow more confusion than we bring clarity.

'F*ck Elon Musk': Democrat rebukes magnate over coronavirus restrictions row Carmaker sues authorities and threatens to move HQ out of California after factory stopped from reopening
‘Finally, a virus got me.’ Scientist who fought Ebola and HIV reflects on facing death from COVID-19

Spain reports uptick in daily coronavirus deaths; Australia plans reopening in 3 stages
The groundbreaking way to search lungs for signs of Covid-19

‘Back to where we started’ — New York coronavirus hospitalizations fall to March levels, Cuomo says
Canada succeeded on coronavirus where America failed. Why? Canada beat the US on coronavirus because its political system works.

Armed 'mob' allegedly tried to enter black family's North Carolina home, white deputy charged Among the people demanding to enter the home was a person carrying an assault weapon and another with a shotgun, according to local reports.
Hundreds gather in Hong Kong malls as anti-gov't rallies reemerge Riot police disperse protesters seeking to revive pro-democracy movement after months of being curtailed by coronavirus.
Bolsonaro called 'biggest threat' to Brazil's coronavirus response as cases spike
A cluster of coronavirus cases in California was traced to a coughing patient at a birthday party

The Most Irresponsible Head Of State On The Planet

Bolsonaro called 'biggest threat' to Brazil's coronavirus response as cases spike Bolsonaro came out in support of a small protest Sunday that defended military intervention, infringing his own ministry's recommendations to maintain social distancing and prompting fierce critics. ...... Bolsonaro has repeatedly downplayed the spread of the virus -- which has killed more than 270,000 people worldwide. Recently, a journalist asked him about the rapid spread of coronavirus in Brazil, to which the far-right president responded: "So what? What do you want me to do?" ....... Bolsonaro’s history of budget cuts to health and science services, and “a more general demolition of social security and public services.” ........ “Such disarray at the heart of the administration is a deadly distraction in the middle of a public health emergency and is also a stark sign that Brazil's leadership has lost its moral compass, if it ever had one” .......

Brazil has fast become a global hotspot for the virus, confirming 10,611 new cases on Saturday, bringing the reported total to 156,061 with more than 10,000 deaths..... Bolsonaro has exacerbated the crisis by openly ignoring the lockdown measures introduced by mayors and governors around the country.

........ Bolsonaro, a retired army captain, has come under heavy criticism for repeatedly breaking social distancing rules. On April 20, he joined a protest calling to end social distancing and revive military dictatorship-era decrees. ....... On Friday, Bolsonaro said he planned to “commit a crime” by hosting a barbecue for friends, cabinet members and other public servants ........ He joked that he wouldn’t serve alcohol and that guests would have to chip in to cover the costs of the party. ......... “Brazil as a country must come together to give a clear answer to the “So what?” by its President. He needs to drastically change course or must be the next to go.”