Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Coronavirus News (63)

They were together for 73 years and died 6 hours apart -- both from coronavirus
'Heads we win, tails you lose': how America's rich have turned pandemic into profit As 26 million Americans lose their jobs, the billionaire class has added $308bn to its wealth ....... Never let a good crisis go to waste: as the coronavirus pandemic sweeps the world, America’s 1% have taken profitable advantage of the old saying. ......

Some of the richest people in the US have been at the front of the queue as the government has handed out trillions of dollars to prop up an economy it shuttered amid the coronavirus pandemic.

At the same time, the billionaire class has added $308bn to its wealth in four weeks - even as a record 26 million people lost their jobs.

Dad of NY doctor Lorna Breen says she ‘was in the trenches’ before suicide

Covid-19 has blown apart the myth of Silicon Valley innovation The pandemic shows that the US is no longer much good at coming up with technologies relevant to our most basic needs. ........ the coronavirus pandemic has revealed much of what is broken and decayed in politics and society in America. ...... Big tech doesn’t build anything. It’s not likely to give us vaccines or diagnostic tests. We don’t even seem to know how to make a cotton swab. ........ The pandemic has made clear this festering problem: the US is no longer very good at coming up with new ideas and technologies relevant to our most basic needs. We’re great at devising shiny, mainly software-driven bling that makes our lives more convenient in many ways. But we’re far less accomplished at reinventing health care, rethinking education, making food production and distribution more efficient, and, in general, turning our technical know-how loose on the largest sectors of the economy. ...........

innovation is the only way for an advanced country like the US to grow over the long run ...... a lack of business- and government-funded R&D is a big factor

....... Even before the pandemic, Van Reenen proposed “a massive pool of R&D resources that are invested in areas where market failures are the most substantial, such as climate change.” ....... one of the most important failures revealed by covid-19: our diminished ability to innovate in areas that truly count, like health care and climate change.

Elon Musk Tweets 'FREE AMERICA NOW' As His Coronavirus Predictions Prove Very Wrong
Google Meet, Google’s Zoom competitor, is now free for everyone Google did video before Zoom, but a lack of focus means it wasn't ready for COVID-19.
India should be placed on religious freedom blacklist, US panel says Commission says religious minorities face ‘increasing assault’ under Narendra Modi but state department unlikely to take action
Trump still seems to not understand how bad the coronavirus crisis is
Trump set to travel to Arizona next week amid push to lift coronavirus restrictions
State bankruptcy furor shakes up McConnell reelection bid
FDA reportedly will approve Covid-19 treatment remdesivir, which US-funded trial shows has 'positive effect' on recovery
Half of Americans won’t trust contact-tracing apps, new poll finds Respondents trust public health agencies, but not tech firms, with their data.
U.S. coronavirus outbreak soon to be deadlier than any flu since 1967 as deaths top 60,000

Coronavirus News (62)

pandemic hair don’t care
Posted by Exec Chef Ricky Kirk on Monday, April 27, 2020

Flattening The Curve Of Economic Benefits: The Real Reasons For Re-Opening The Economy Georgia governor Brian Kemp explained that the decision was based on data and guidance from leading Georgia scientists. ......... However, the state’s 23, 773 confirmed cases have been steadily rising. With 942 deaths so far, Georgia ranks #10 out of 50 states.
कति घातक छ ‘बहुराष्ट्र राज्य’को धारणा ?
Get Ready for a Postcoronavirus World. The Economy Will Never Be the Same.
Arizona businesses say they will re-open Friday regardless of Governor Ducey's decision
अस्पतालका बिरामीको सेवा गर्दा परिवारै संक्रमित : ‘सपरिवारै बिरामी हुँदा यसरी जित्यौं कोरोना’

Suicides in Queens rise since mid-March compared to 2019 as concerns about mental health grow during coronavirus pandemic
In four U.S. state prisons, nearly 3,300 inmates test positive for coronavirus -- 96% without symptoms
San Francisco had the 1918 flu under control. And then it lifted the restrictions. A cautionary tale about the dangers of reopening too soon.
Germany ready to tighten lockdown as coronavirus infection rate climbs again
स्वास्थ्यकर्मीको अथक् प्रयासले कोरोना संक्रमितलाई निको बनाएर पठाइरहेका छौं : डा. पोखरेल
De Blasio blasts Jewish community for massive Brooklyn funeral
I’ve worked the coronavirus front line — and I say it’s time to start opening up
Sweden says its coronavirus approach has worked. The numbers suggest a different story
Hong Kong facing threat of worst recession ever, finance chief Paul Chan warns, as he predicts coronavirus will have ‘long-lasting’ impact Paul Chan says economy could shrink by between 4 and 7 per cent, with recession worse than during global economic tsunami or Asian financial crisis ..... Financial secretary urges lawmakers to pass his budget and calls on people to resolve their differences
Singapore expects spike in job losses as coronavirus pandemic hits demand and economists predict ‘darkest year’ ahead Government policies to safeguard jobs could see retrenchments affecting foreigners more, leading to knock-on effects on the rental market ..... Singapore is bracing for a deeper-than-expected recession with people saving instead of spending even after circuit-breaker measures are lifted
China’s economy is recovering from the coronavirus, but don’t expect it to ‘save’ the global economy The latest data gives confidence that China’s economy should slowly return to normal by the end of the year. But developed economies’ recovery won’t mirror China’s ....... Beijing’s priority is to steady the economy. It’s likely to favour measured support over any large-scale stimulus that could risk its financial stability
Indian actor Irrfan Khan, who starred in movies like Slumdog Millionaire and Life of Pi, dies at 53 Khan starred in a number of Bollywood films and made his mark in Hollywood films ...... He died after a prolonged battle with cancer, a spokesman confirmed

NHS (National Health Service) rejects Apple-Google coronavirus app plan