Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Defunding WHO: A Crime Against Humanity

The WHO needs to be boosted. If the US was giving it half a billion, it needs to add to that 20 billion. But instead, the clown in the White House has decided to defund it. Not cut some funding. But totally defund it. This is a fascist's wet dream on its way to becoming true. Let Donald Trump's name on every stimulus check be a warning sign. One can not think of a better punch to the gut just when the global economy is seeing a possibly unprecedented low with no light at the end of the tunnel.

You can not resurrect the economy, any economy, without successfully fighting the pandemic. America never was an island. It is not one today. Either all economies will rise again together, or the American economy will go deep down with it. Donald Trump is taking America to Mad Max days.

America is printing money by the fistful. And the only way America is being able to print money by the fistful is because the dollar is the de facto global currency. As the emerging markets make their strides to become developed economies, the demand for the dollar has been ascendant. And so America can print money and not risk hyperinflation. To him much is given much is asked.

This guy Donald Trump is insane. He wants a Depression. Because that is what will be best for his truest political ambitions. He has fascist tendencies. This guy wants Hunger Games in America and across the globe. Why did you not impeach him when you could? There is a madman in the White House. President Snow?

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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Coronavirus News (41)

MORE RECOVERED CORONAVIRUS PATIENTS ARE TESTING POSITIVE AGAIN THIS IS BAD NEWS. IS IT REALLY TIME YET TO START EASING RESTRICTIONS? ...... “We need a very cautious approach because any premature easing of social distancing could bring irreversible consequences, and have to ponder deeply about when and how we switch to the new system”
EXPERT: CORONAVIRUS FORCING RATS TO CANNIBALISM, INFANTICIDE “A restaurant all of a sudden closes now, which has happened by the thousands in not just New York City but coast to coast and around the world,” urban rodentologist Bobby Corrigan told NBC News, “and those rats that were living by that restaurant, some place nearby, and perhaps for decades having generations of rats that depended on that restaurant food, well, life is no longer working for them, and they only have a couple of choices.” ..... “They’re mammals just like you and I, and so when you’re really, really hungry, you’re not going to act the same — you’re going to act very bad, usually,” Corrigan told NBC News. “So these rats are fighting with one another, now the adults are killing the young in the nest and cannibalizing the pups.” ...... In the age of coronavirus, rats are getting unprecedented access to city streets
The Pope Just Endorsed Universal Basic Income Andrew Yang's response: "Wow." ...... many workers, including “street vendors, recyclers, carnies, small farmers, construction workers, dressmakers, the different kinds of caregivers” were being “excluded from the benefits of globalization,” while “the lockdowns are becoming unbearable.” ....... A Canadian basic income pilot involving 4,000 people saw early successes, finding that people kept working, and even got healthier over time. ....... Canada, for instance, unveiled a $2,000 per month Emergency Response Benefit in response to the coronavirus.
THIS SMART RING USES AI TO SPOT COVID-19 — BEFORE SYMPTOMS BEGIN IMAGINE IF HOSPITAL WORKERS COULD BE RELIEVED DAYS BEFORE THEY BECAME CONTAGIOUS. ...... One of the trickiest parts of tracking the COVID-19 pandemic is how good the coronavirus is as hiding out undetected in the human body. ........ In some cases, it can take as many as five days for people infected by the coronavirus to start showing symptoms. During that time, they could be further spreading the disease to new people, without realizing that they themselves are sick. ....... One team of scientists and doctors is trying to detect the disease earlier than ever before, by examining data recorded by a wearable smart ring that they say they can spot a budding COVID-19 case before noticeable symptoms begin. ....... a smart ring that constantly records temperature, sleep patterns, activity levels, and heart rate variability. ........ clear correlations between changes in temperature and the onset of COVID-19. ........ the privacy implications of constant biometric monitoring ....... because there are no known pharmaceuticals to treat COVID-19, public health experts are left exploring non-pharmaceutical interventions like surveillance and quarantines. .......

Until we have a vaccine, Rezai told Futurism, COVID-19 isn’t going to go away for good.

IMF says the world will ‘very likely’ experience worst recession since the 1930s
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Va. bishop who defied social distancing recommendation dies of coronavirus complications
Putin Warns That Russia's COVID-19 Pandemic Is Getting Worse

So the results came in, and I tested Positive.. will isolate myself.. had some symptoms before, but nothing major now.....

Posted by Alex Romanovich on Monday, April 13, 2020