Monday, April 06, 2020

Coronavirus News (30)

Parts of the US will endure a devastating week from coronavirus, health officials say. But there are also signs of hope
UK PM Boris Johnson admitted to hospital for tests
Coronavirus: Japan to declare emergency as Tokyo cases soar
9 charts showing what coronavirus is doing to the economy Jobless claims are already at record numbers, and it’s getting worse.

The Apocalypse as an ‘Unveiling’: What Religion Teaches Us About the End Times For people of many faiths, and even none at all, it can feel lately like the end of the world is near. ....... called the coronavirus pandemic a “divine reset.” ...... Not only is there a plague, but hundreds of billions of locusts are swarming East Africa. Wildfires have ravaged Australia, killing an untold number of animals. A recent earthquake in Utah even shook the Salt Lake Temple to the top of its iconic spire, causing the golden trumpet to fall from the angel Moroni’s right hand. ....... The crisis is revealing health care inequalities, class divisions and the fact that the most important workers in American society are among the least paid ...... “What is being revealed are the fault lines in the system that always existed,” he said. “We are just noticing it now because the system is stressed.” ........ About 44 percent of likely voters in the United States see the coronavirus pandemic and economic meltdown as either a wake-up call to faith, a sign of God’s coming judgment or both ....... the pandemic “the most apocalyptic thing that has ever happened to us.” ....... the story of the defeat of an evil beast, a final divine judgment and the coming of a New Jerusalem. ....... Some of the earliest apocalyptic speculation is found in Jewish scriptures, in stories like the Book of Daniel, as the Hellenistic age gave way to the Romans around the second and first centuries B.C. and Jewish communities experienced violent persecution. Some Jews speculated again about the end of time when the Roman army destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem in A.D. 70. ........... The rabbis developed a system where Jews could live anywhere, under any government and live meaningful lives connected to neighbors and to God. ........ the Quran tells stories of plagues and of a final earthquake that will tear the earth apart .......In Buddhist traditions, apocalypse comes as a result of collective karma — everyone’s actions toward one another and the world — which means its outcome can change, even in the present circumstance. “Now people are kinder to each other, they are spending more time with families,” Dr. Wallace said. “It’s like a warning to change the course of actions, to bring back compassion, empathy, develop social equality.” ......... “People are advocating that we throw our grandparents to the slaughter, sacrifice them on the altar of capitalism,” she added, referring to Republican leaders who have suggested that older Americans might be willing to sacrifice themselves to save jobs. ........

For too long America has been on “spiritual life support,” trusting its own invincibility

India observes nationwide candlelight vigil in a show of solidarity in the fight against coronavirus
AOC says coronavirus proves US is a ‘brutal, barbarian society’ the coronavirus pandemic has exposed the United States as a "brutal, barbarian society" for the "vast majority of working-class Americans." ........ certain policies she wishes Congress would adopt to combat the coronavirus, including canceling rent payment and reforming healthcare ........ what this crisis is showing us is that this is only a rich society for a very small amount of people. And it is a brutal, barbarian society for the vast majority of working-class Americans.

Americans are underestimating how long coronavirus disruptions will last, health experts say Americans are underestimating how long the coronavirus pandemic will disrupt everyday life in the country, warning that the Trump administration’s timelines are offering many

a false sense of comfort

. ....... quickly reopening businesses or loosening shelter-in-place rules would inevitably lead to a new surge of infections ......

an “intensive period of social distancing and a national semi-voluntary lockdown” will last for months.

....... “Decisions to reopen society should not be about a date, but about the data” ....... Some activities, like reopening schools, might be deemed low risk and of societal benefit, Gates said. But mass gatherings “may be, in a certain sense, more optional.” Until large numbers of people can be vaccinated against the virus “those may not come back at all,” he said. ....... Though vaccine development is proceeding at a historic pace, in a best-case scenario a product won’t be available for the general public for at least 18 months, and likely longer. Early supplies, which will be limited, would be used to protect health workers. ....... People who are still vulnerable to the virus will see the risk as over, leaving open the possibility of resurgent spread. ......... people in high-risk groups — those over 65 or 70 and people with chronic conditions — may need to practice physical distancing even after restrictions have loosened for others, at least until vaccine is ready. ...... our best case scenario is we can pull off what South Korea seems to be managing, which is get the curve down.

Can Donald Trump wait out the coronavirus?
'He's answered that question.' Trump interrupts when reporter asks Fauci about hydroxychloroquine
HHS watchdog paints bleak picture for hospitals fighting coronavirus
Coronavirus mortgage bailout: ‘There is going to be complete chaos,’ says industry CEO
Coronavirus threatens the next generation of smartphones
'Trump more dangerous than coronavirus': Iranian admiral Ali Shamkhani says US sanctions imposed on crucial medical equipment are 'illegal' and an 'inhumane act'.
Ireland's prime minister to work as doctor amid coronavirus pandemic
Man shot five people for 'talking too loud' during coronavirus lockdown, investigators say

Germany And South Korea Have Shown What The US Needs To Be Doing

Measures taken in China a few months ago might come across as "draconian" to some, but South Korea and Germany have also shown the way. There is real-time data to show the approaches taken by South Korea and Germany have been working. The best way to get people back to work is to test widely so as to track down people who need to be isolated. The US has not been able to decide that, yes, that means free testing. You should not have to pay for it. A $100 test is much cheaper than the $1200 check going out to everybody. This is not a cost thing. This is a being able to do it thing. There is disorganization. And, yes, the lack of leadership is apparent. The only social distancing Trump is practicing is with Dr. Fauci. It's not just on climate, Trump denies science also on the corona.

Coronavirus News (30) Coronavirus News (29)
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Remote Work And Excellence
TikTok Distant
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The Virus And The Politicians
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Working Remotely Permanently To Solve Global Warming
The Police: Don't Stand So Close To Me
AOC Is Joshua?
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Make Believe
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Imagine FDR Delegating World War II To Governors