Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus News (10)

What COVID-19 means for people with diabetes people with chronic medical conditions are at higher risk for experiencing more serious complications from the new coronavirus, and are at a higher risk for death. ..... diabetics are not more likely to get COVID-19, the problem lies with the seriousness of the virus once infected. ..... “if diabetes is well managed, the risk of getting severely sick from COVID-19 is about the same as the general population.”....... COVID-19 is much more serious than the seasonal flu, and precautions to avoid it should be followed more strictly by people with diabetes, like washing your hands and avoiding close contact with people who are coughing or sneezing.

Some children with coronavirus develop serious illnesses, study finds
Coronavirus shows off Donald Trump's single greatest accomplishment as President There may be differing views about Ronald Reagan, but no reasonable mind can deny the comfort he provided us after the Challenger explosion in 1986. Contrast that with Trump on Sunday, who during a formal coronavirus briefing, while surrounded by uniformed public health officers (not modeling responsible "social distancing" behavior, mind you) couldn't resist whining about "fake news." Trump was unhappy about the natural skepticism from reporters about a misleading (or at least confusing) claim regarding access to information about coronavirus testing...........Any goodwill the President might deserve for suddenly adopting a more reasonable tone at coronavirus press conferences is undercut by his Twitter demeanor, which remains as petty as ever. ........ The President regularly bullies or attacks the credibility of anything or anyone that isn't fully in lockstep with him: the intelligence community, federal prosecutors, career diplomats, the Federal Reserve Board, federal courts, the National Security Council, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and top military officials, to name a few. ....... patently false or misleading remarks like "when you have 15 [coronavirus cases in the United States], and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero," to utter nonsense like "[Coronavirus is] going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear" — a statement that would be laughed at by a 9th grade biology student.

Sorry, America, the Full Lockdown Is Coming Politicians won’t admit it yet, but it’s time to prepare—physically and psychologically—for a sudden stop to all life outside your home. ......... The window of opportunity to relocate has closed for residents of the Bay Area. .......

Where, and with whom, do you want to spend the next six to 12 weeks of your life, hunkered down for the epidemic duration?

...... Your time to answer those questions is very short—a few days, at most. Airports will close, trains will shut down, gasoline supplies may dwindle, and roadblocks may be set up. Nations are closing their borders, and as the numbers of sick rise, towns, suburbs, even entire counties will try to shut the virus out by blocking travel. Wherever you decide to settle down this week is likely to be the place in which you will be stuck for the duration of your epidemic......... The United States, for example, is currently tracking exactly where Italy was about 10 days ago. France and Germany, which track two to five days ahead of the United States, are now revving up measures akin to those taken by Italy, including lockdowns on movement and social activity. In a matter of days, the United States will follow suit........ While panic-buying has led to stockpiles of toilet paper and hand sanitizer, getting through eight months of confinement with others will require a great deal more, both physically and psychologically. This is especially true for households that span generations. ...... Long-term confinement that includes children undergoing remote schooling and adults trying to work requires designated spaces for each individual, a powerful Internet signal and Wi-Fi router, and a great deal of shared patience. ......... The virus is transmitted by droplets and fomites—it isn’t like measles, capable of drifting about in the air for hours. It dehydrates quickly if not inside water, mucus, or fomite droplets. The size of the droplets may be far below what the human eye can see, but they are gravity-sensitive, and will fall from an individual’s mouth down, eventually, to the nearest lower surface—table, desk, floor. You do not need to clean upward. ........... the virus survives in “aerosols for up to three hours, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.” This means an uncleaned surface can pose a risk to members of the household for a very long time—a doorknob, tabletop, kitchen counter or stainless steel utensil......... Give special attention to the most commonly shared surfaces in your home or work area: door knobs, light switches, phones, faucets, toilet handles, kitchen utensils, computer keyboards, and remote controls...... The virus is killed by ultraviolet sunlight, and air flow will hasten dehydration........

It’s also important to prepare psychologically. Every family or couple has its issues, and tensions can amplify during long confinement. Common sense can ease the shared suffering.


UK braces for coronavirus shut down as London stations close virtual shut down of London as underground train stations across the capital closed ....... London’s transport authority said it would close up to 40 underground train stations until further notice and cut down other services including buses and trains ...... Britain has so far reported 104 deaths from coronavirus and 2,626 confirmed cases, but UK scientific advisers say more than 50,000 people might have already been infected......

Britain faces a “massive shortage” of ventilators

...... Supermarkets have been forced to limit purchases after frantic shoppers stripped shelves.

Coronavirus: France President Macron suspends rent, taxes and utilities
Forced To Finally Take Coronavirus Seriously, Trump Turns To Racism
New Analysis Suggests Months Of Social Distancing May Be Needed To Stop Virus

As Beijing, Hong Kong face second coronavirus onslaught, quarantine gets serious

China is now reporting more imported new cases than domestic infections

Coronavirus: WHO official denounces stigmatising language such as that used by Donald Trump
This is the biggest blunder in presidential history
More than 80 national security professionals break with tradition and endorse a presidential candidate — Biden

A New York Doctor’s Coronavirus Warning: The Sky Is Falling Alarmist is not a word anyone has ever used to describe me before. But this is different. ....... Today, at the hospital where I work, one of the largest in New York City, Covid-19 cases continue to climb, and there’s movement to redeploy as many health care workers as possible to the E.R.s, new “fever clinics” and I.C.U.s. It’s becoming an all-healthy-hands-on-deck scenario. ........ Alarmist is not a word anyone has ever used to describe me before. I’m a board-certified surgeon and critical care specialist who spent much of my training attending to traumas in the emergency room and doing the rounds at Harvard hospitals’ intensive care units. I’m now in my last four months of training as a pediatric surgeon in New York City. Part of my job entails waking in the middle of the night to rush to the children’s hospital to put babies on a form of life support called ECMO, a service required when a child’s lungs are failing even with maximum ventilator support. Scenarios that mimic end-stage Covid-19 are part of my job. Panic is not in my vocabulary; the emotion has been drilled out of me in nine years of training. This is different............

We are living in a global public health crisis moving at a speed and scale never witnessed by living generations. The cracks in our medical and financial systems are being splayed open like a gashing wound.

....... today, and likely tomorrow, even M.D.s do not have straightforward access to testing across the country. ....... I say this not to panic anyone but to mobilize you. ....... Doctors across the globe are sharing information, protocols and strategies through social media, because our common publishing channels are too slow.

86% of people with coronavirus are walking around undetected, study says
Coronavirus patient on hellish ordeal: ‘I was screaming for mercy and praying to God’

It started out as a tickle in his throat before bed, but by the next morning, it felt like the worst flu ever.......And by the time Kevin Harris was admitted to a hospital in Ohio five days later, he thought he was suffocating.

...... Harris, a father of four children with three grandchildren, believes he was exposed to the coronavirus at another hospital when he went in for an appointment that wound up being canceled. ..... Within a couple of days, he said, he felt like he couldn’t clear his throat. He couldn’t stop coughing. By the next day, he had a fever and headaches. But the worst part was the body aches.......

On a scale of 1 to 10, he said, the pain was 15. ...... “The pain is off the charts. Everything hurts, nose, toes and ears,” said Harris. “I was like one big ball of pain.”

As Cities Around the World Go on Lockdown, Victims of Domestic Violence Look For A Way Out For women who are experiencing domestic violence, mandatory lockdowns to curb the spread of COVID-19 (the disease caused by the new coronavirus) have trapped them in their homes with their abusers, isolated from the people and the resources that could help them....... their abusers are using COVID-19 as a means of further isolating them from their friends and family...... One out of three women in the world experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the World Health Organization, making it “the most widespread but among the least reported human rights abuses.” But during times of crisis—such as natural disasters, wars, and epidemics—the risk of gender-based-violence escalates. In China, the number of domestic violence cases reported to the local police tripled in February compared to the previous year, according to Axios. Activists say this is a result of enforced lockdown....... “We know that domestic violence is rooted in power and control,” says Ray-Jones. “Right now, we are all feeling a lack of control over our lives and an individual who cannot manage that will take it out on their victim.” She says that while the number of abuse cases may not rise during the coronavirus crisis, people who were already in an abusive situation will likely find themselves facing more extreme violence, and can no longer escape by going to work or seeing friends.

A day-by-day coronavirus symptoms. It shows how the disease, COVID-19, goes from bad to worse. A worth watching video !

Posted by Jiba Lamichhane on Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coronavirus News (9)

Copied!! A detailed post to dismantle Jim O’Neill’s bigoted claim “thank god this didn’t start in India”. This will show how India has dealt with the treat of COVID-19 with far greater tenacity and firmness than ALMOST ALL countries.
  1. Firstly, despite sharing a border of 3,488 kilometres with China, India has only reported 78 cases and 1 death- compare that with 596 cases and 8 deaths in the UK.
  2. India is the only country in the world to evacuate its citizens 6 times (and counting) and evacuated the most number of foreign nationals.
  3. The Indian Air Force evacuated a total of 723 Indians, 37 foreign nationals from Wuhan. India evacuated 119 Indians and 5 foreign nationals from Japan. IAF also evacuated 58 Indian pilgrims from Iran on the 10th of March. Total: 900 Indians and 48 foreign nationals.
  4. India is leading the fight against COVID-19 in the South Asian region, offering diplomatic, humanitarian and medical assistance to its neighbours.
  5. A total of 56 Virus Research Diagnostic Laboratories (VRDLs) have been set up in India to test its citizens as well as foreign citizens in a record time, with a plan to build 56 more VRDLs in the next month. This insane level of efficiency hasn't caught the eye of the media.
  6. India currently has one of the world’s most efficient and reliable testing systems, reducing the time taken to get test results back from 12-14 hours to four hours. US health officials have admitted that their system is failing and has testing has been very sluggish
  7. As a result, from Iran, Afghanistan up to Timor Leste, countries in Asia have been requesting India to help set up testing facilities in their countries.
  8. India has sent 6 top scientists to set up a make-shift lab and testing facility in Iran to test 6000 of its citizens because Iranian officials refused to test Indians due to their high load. India plans to send 3 more airplanes in the next week to airlift its citizens.
  9. India has provided 15 tonnes of medical assistance comprising masks, gloves and other emergency medical equipment to China.
  10. India has sent Maldives a 14 member medical team comprising of pulmonologists, anaesthetists, physicians & lab technicians and also a large composite of COVID-19 medical relief to assist Maldives health authorities.
  11. India has screened 1,057,506 people from 30 airports and 77 seaports.
  12. India has suspended all visas to India as well as visa-free travel facility for OCI cardholders. It has closed its border with Myanmar. The Indian nationals coming from COVID-19 hit nations after 15 February will be quarantined for 14 days. This in contrast with the UK with far more cases but no quick action whatsoever.
  13. India has the world’s biggest state-sponsored health assurance scheme, covering over 500 million beneficiaries (approximately 8 times the size of the UK).
  14. Indian drug prices are among the cheapest in the world. Medbelle ranks India as one of the five countries with the lowest median prices for drugs around the world due to an elaborate price control mechanism for drugs and the government’s Jan Aushadi project to provide cheap affordable medicines to the poor.
  15. China had silenced the doctor who identified COVID-19 and he died 6 weeks later. China let this brew. On the other hand, when Nipah virus was found in India in 2018, 3 doctors identified it and authorities immediately reported it to WHO. 2000 quarantined and 17 died in total.
India would have NEVER allowed it to become a pandemic.

The Indian civilization, being one of the most advanced in the world, has been way ahead of its time with gifting the world the Namaste- which is now propagated by every world leader. Ancient India idealised vegetarianism.

and expounded Ayurveda, and as a result, did not come in contact with any serious threat from plagues/ diseases in its millenniums of existence. India NEVER created any pandemic in the history of its existence.

You are highly misinformed, Mr. O’Neill.

Give the credit where it's due!!

How can you do social distancing at home? Tips for families as coronavirus spreads
Italian nurse: 'An experience I would compare to a world war'
Republicans suddenly find a bailout they can back
Florida governor refuses to shut down beaches amid spread of coronavirus
These retailers are closing stores to slow coronavirus outbreak
Coronavirus can persist in air for hours and on surfaces for days: study
Mnuchin warns senators of 20% US unemployment without coronavirus rescue, source says
Coronavirus cases top 200,000 worldwide, death toll passes 8,000
U.S. Virus Plan Anticipates 18-Month Pandemic and Widespread Shortages
Newsom: 'I don't think the schools are going to open again'
Republicans Adopt Andrew Yang’s Cause. He Isn’t Celebrating.

Coronavirus: global recession in 2020 now seen as guaranteed as outbreak ravages Europe, US
How the coronavirus will humble America and Donald Trump, and strengthen China’s position on the world stage
Chinese social media shocked as huge concerts go ahead in UK amid coronavirus pandemic
Coronavirus: doctors slam India’s limited testing as fears of community spread grow
Coronavirus: Italy says 99 per cent of people who died had other illnesses
Coronavirus: White House stimulus plan includes US$1,000 cash payments to Americans more than US$50 billion for the airline industry as well as US$250 billion for support of small businesses. ..... a direct transfer of US$1,000 to individual Americans but said that the figure could be higher ...... about $250 billion of the stimulus plan would cover the cost of sending cheques to Americans.
Coronavirus: Angela Merkel urges unity in Germany’s ‘biggest challenge since World War II’ Germany could have up to 10 million infections in two to three months if residents don’t follow recommendations
Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17
Coronavirus: South Korea fears worst is not over as new clusters emerge A spate of new cases near densely populated Seoul is raising concerns of runaway cases nationwide
Coronavirus ‘highly sensitive’ to high temperatures, but don’t bank on summer killing it off, studies say

Pathogen appears to spread fastest at 8.72 degrees Celsius .... it is ‘a false hope’ to think Covid-19 will just disappear like the flu

Coronavirus can travel twice as far as official ‘safe distance’ and stay in air for 30 minutes, Chinese study finds