Monday, March 16, 2020

Coronavirus News (8)

20 Pictures That Show How Differently Americans Are Dealing With Coronavirus Compared To The Rest Of The World

The UK Only Realised "In The Last Few Days" That Its Coronavirus Strategy Would "Likely Result In Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths" Scientists advising the government say an aggressive new approach adopted to attempt to "suppress" the virus may have to be in place for 18 months. ..... the strategy previously being pursued by the government — dubbed "mitigation" and involving home isolation of suspect cases and their family members but not including restrictions on wider society — would "likely result in hundreds of thousands of deaths and health systems (most notably intensive care units) being overwhelmed many times over". ....... predicted as many as 250,000 deaths in Britain. ........ "We therefore conclude that epidemic suppression is the only viable strategy at the current time." ..... A suppression strategy, along the lines of the approach adopted by the Chinese authorities, "aims to reverse epidemic growth, reducing case numbers to low levels and maintaining that situation indefinitely". ....... requires "a combination of social distancing of the entire population, home isolation of cases and household quarantine of their family members", and "may need to be supplemented by school and university closures". ....... An "intensive intervention package" will have to be "maintained until a vaccine becomes available (potentially 18 months or more)", the report said, painting an extraordinary picture of what life could be like in the UK for the next year and a half. ........

Everyone in the UK should now stop "non-essential contact" with other people and avoid pubs, clubs, cinemas, and theatres to slow the spread of the coronavirus ... Families have also been urged to stay at home together for 14 days if any member is showing symptoms of the virus — a new, continuous cough or a fever.

....... “This is a very fast-moving situation.

Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus The president’s red-capped followers were united against a socialist candidate. And they had economic winds at their backs to propel Trump toward reelection. Now everything is suddenly scrambled. ........... On one side are those like Bill Mitchell, who dismiss it as nothing worse than the flu, and the drive to eradicate it as “climate change 2.0” — as in, a media-lefty mass hysteria. ...... the message among his supporters is increasingly unanimous: If Trump fails to control the virus, prevent its spread and prove his leadership, much less save the economy, he will lose the election and cripple his movement. ....... Sean Hannity, called it “fear-mongering by the deep state.” ........ “80 percent of these cases are mild, meaning you get common cold, like people are recovering. I just don't see the need for all the panic,” said Students for Trump founder Ryan Fournier .........

the rapid flip on the right from triumphal unity to existential terror happened in less than two weeks.

....... over the next two weeks, that future shattered with the one-two punch of Joe Biden trouncing every candidate during the next 22 primaries, placing Sanders' campaign on death watch, and the sudden, complete shutdown of Italy over coronavirus fears ..........

“Trump was comparing flu statistics to coronavirus statistics”

........... “And if it looks like he tried to save the economy at the expense of the public health aspect of it — if voters think that’s what he did, and also he failed at both — then yeah, you can imagine that it’s absolutely a real threat to his reelection. And again, he doesn't have Bernie to lean back on.”

The best thing everyday Americans can do to fight coronavirus? #StayHome, save lives
Globalists May Soon Become an Extinct Species The disruptions caused by the spread of the coronavirus mean supply chains will be moved closer to home rather than in foreign lands. ............ the theory first articulated by Englishman David Ricardo (1773-1823) that free trade among nations benefits all of them. He argued for the comparative advantage of free trade and industrial specialization. Even if one country is more competitive in every area than its trading partners, that nation should only concentrate on the areas in which it has the greatest competitive advantage. He used the example of English-produced wool being traded for French wine—and not the reverse. .............. But Ricardo’s simple trade model requires economies in static equilibrium with full employment and neither trade surpluses nor deficits, and similar living standards. These aren’t true in the real world. Also, Ricardo didn’t consider countries at different stages of economic development and different degrees of economic and political freedom, or exchange rate manipulations and competitive devaluations since gold was universal money in his day. ......... Ricardo also didn’t factor in trading partners with huge wage differences such as the U.S. and China. As a result, China can produce almost any manufactured good cheaper than America. ........ The coronavirus’s disruption of supply chains not only unhinges U.S. imports but also raises national security concerns. China is the world’s biggest supplier of active pharmaceutical ingredients and the Indian generic drug industry, which the Food and Drug Administration says supplies 40% of U.S. generic drugs, relies on China for most of its active ingredients. ........ As in the 1930s, the economy-depressing effects of trade barriers will dominate.

Time For Universal Basic Income Has Arrived
Coronavirus News (7)
Coronavirus News (6)
Coronavirus News (5)
Coronavirus News (4)
Coronavirus News (3)
Coronavirus News (2)
It Was Stupid To Inject 1.5 Trillion Into The Stock Market
Coronavirus News (1)
The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Like The Spanish Flu (1918-1922)
The Most Responsible Head Of State On The Planet