Saturday, March 14, 2020

Coronavirus News (4)


Coronavirus News (3)
Coronavirus News (2)
It Was Stupid To Inject 1.5 Trillion Into The Stock Market
Coronavirus News (1)
The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Like The Spanish Flu (1918-1922)
The Most Responsible Head Of State On The Planet

Coronavirus News (3)

Worst-case coronavirus models show massive US toll

more than a million Americans could die

...... between 160 million and 210 million Americans could contract the disease over as long as a year. .......... as many as 21 million people might need hospitalization, a daunting figure in a nation with just about 925,000 hospital beds ....... 1.6 million if the virus carries a mortality rate of just 1 percent. ...... half of Americans will contract the virus. ......... between 20 percent and 60 percent of everyone on earth — or between 1.4 billion and 4.2 billion people — could eventually contract the disease..... If the virus only kills 1 percent of those who contract it, somewhere between 14 million and 42 million people are at risk. ....... China’s harsh crackdowns and enforced quarantines to South Korea’s vast army of testers who screen motorists at drive-through stations. ...... New York has even rolled out its own plan to make tens of thousands of gallons of hand sanitizer every day.

Trump shared table with another Mar-a-Lago guest who tested positive for coronavirus: White House doctor there was no need for the president to be quarantined. ....... the highly contagious virus, according to media reports, which has spread to more than 120 countries and killed at least 5,000 people worldwide....... He said that Trump’s exposure to Wajngarten was “extremely limited (photograph, handshake).” ...... While the president shared the same dinner table and “spent more time in closer proximity with the second case, all interactions occurred before any symptom onset.” ....... He said he will monitor Trump closely, but that “given the President himself remains without symptoms, testing for COVID-19 is not currently indicated.”

Gov. Cuomo says New York has most coronavirus cases in US as new cases jump 30% overnight to 421 New York state now has more cases than any other state in the U.S. as the number of newly confirmed infections surged by 30% overnight to 421, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Friday. ....... “This is not going to be a quick situation. This is going to be weeks, months,” Cuomo said at a press conference in Albany, N.Y. “My guess is there are thousands and thousands of cases walking around the state of New York.” ......

The nation’s first COVID-19 patient flew into the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Jan. 15 from Wuhan, China.

....... New York’s “numbers are spiking because our testing capacity is going up,” Cuomo said, adding New Yorkers will see 1,000 more cases next week. ....... Cuomo said his own daughter is under “precautionary” quarantine after she was possibly exposed to the virus. ...... “How could I protect my daughter? Why didn’t I protect my daughter? Because it’s impossible. It’s impossible,” he said. ........... On Thursday, Cuomo said the state is likely to see a spread of COVID-19 similar to that of China, South Korea and Italy, where the new coronavirus has millions of people under lockdown and has shuttered commerce. ............ “What makes you think that the virus in China, the virus in South Korea, the virus in Italy wasn’t going to react any differently than the virus here?” he said. “You are going to see the same trajectory that you saw in China, South Korea and Italy, and it is going to happen here as the virus spreads, because of the way it is actually contagious.”

Coronavirus News (2)
It Was Stupid To Inject 1.5 Trillion Into The Stock Market
Coronavirus News (1)
The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Like The Spanish Flu (1918-1922)
The Most Responsible Head Of State On The Planet

Thank God coronavirus didn't start in India: British economist Jim O'Neil Jim O' Neill, the former Goldman chief economist said, there’s no way India could react in the way China has. ..... lauded the model China has adopted to contain the coronavirus pandemic, and said western countries should try and emulate it.