Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus News (1)

The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Like The Spanish Flu (1918-1922)
The Most Responsible Head Of State On The Planet

America is shutting itself down There are big panics like the selloff on Wall Street. There are little panics, like stores being cleaned out of toilet paper. But everywhere, there seems to suddenly be panic. Travel is canceled. Schools are canceled. Broadway is canceled. Basketball is canceled. Disneyland is canceled. ...... The worldwide coronavirus pandemic undercuts the entire system on which modern society is based. ...... While the virus promises to test the capacity of the US health system, it is already testing the economy and the social system. Fighting this requires keeping people apart when so much of the economy is built around gatherings and services. ....... Help is not on the way. Not yet ..... no one really knows how to deal with this pandemic. And that's the most frightening thing of all.

As coronavirus recession threatens, economists recommend cash for people Jason Furman, an economic adviser to President Obama, has called on the government to send $1,000 to every individual, and an additional $500 per child.

Coronavirus altering 2020 election in fundamental ways Trump's behemoth ground operation, which is a joint effort between the Republican National Committee and the campaign (Trump Victory), had planned "national week of training" set to begin Friday with events taking place across the country (including states heavily impacted by the virus) —and as of now, the campaign events are moving forward as normal ...... "Unfortunately, this virus laid bare the severe shortcomings of the current administration. Public fears are being compounded by a pervasive lack of trust in this president. Fueled by adversarial relationships with the truth that he continues to have," Biden said

Trump attacks CDC over coronavirus preparedness, though he eliminated an office dedicated to pandemic prevention President Trump on Friday morning attacked the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a federal agency he oversees, over the slow federal response to the coronavirus outbreak, and he attempted to lay blame for the lack of testing on his predecessors despite having disbanded a White House office focused on pandemic preparedness. ..... Trump has repeatedly claimed that testing has gone smoothly, and falsely said last week that anyone who wants a test can get one.

Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus at least 1 percent of the population in the state has the virus.....

Not everyone with the virus has symptoms, and about 80 percent of people with the virus do not end up needing hospitalization

....... The possible numbers in Ohio are a stark illustration of how many cases could be in other states as well ..... They are closing schools in the state for three weeks and banning large gatherings of 100 or more people. ..... the number of cases of the virus doubles every six days. ...... "there are only so many ventilators," referring to machines that allow people to breathe when they cannot on their own .....

Models indicate the number of cases could peak in late April to mid-May

...... "This will be the thing this generation remembers"

The Coronavirus Outbreak Could Spread To Millions In The US. We Don’t Have Nearly Enough Hospital Beds If It Does. the US could be headed toward 150,000 COVID-19 cases by the end of the month, with only 45,000 ICU hospital beds nationwide. ..... Total case numbers have grown at a rough average rate of 30% a day in the US since the last week of February. ...... the US will have more than 8,000 cases by next week, 40,000 cases in two weeks, and nearly 150,000 cases by the end of the month ...... A “severe” outbreak would hospitalize 9.6 million people. .... Since the most severe symptom associated with COVID-19 is the respiratory failure associated with severe pneumonia, the biggest worry aside from capacity at hospitals is about the number of ventilators, as well as the specialists who can staff them. There are an estimated 150,000 respiratory therapists in the US, and about 160,000 machines. ....... A tidal wave of sudden cases in just a few weeks will swamp emergency rooms, but the same number of cases spread over months will test the surge capacity of hospitals without overwhelming them. Two hundred thousand ICU cases in the “moderate” pandemic scenario hitting hospitals in the next three months would overwhelm the 46,500 ICU beds we might have available. But spread over a year, those 200,000 cases would be a difficult, but possible, strain for our hospitals to handle....... a country waking up daily to hidden blooms of cases suddenly revealed by fresh testing.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Like The Spanish Flu (1918-1922)

The Most Responsible Head Of State On The Planet

The coronavirus pandemic is like the Spanish flu from a hundred years ago. That is the parallel that comes to mind. The projections are rather drastic. If half the global population gets infected, or even one third, and the fatality rate ends up being just 1%, then

Population: 8 billion
1/3rd of that: 2.6 billion
1% fatality rate: 26 million
2% fatality rate: 52 million
3% fatality rate: 78 million

These are World War II-style numbers.

This could play out over a period of 18 to 36 months. The global economy will see a major hit. The geopolitical map will be looking fundamentally different.

There is no cure. Social isolation seems to be the only thing that works. But it is hard to organize.