Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Biden's Momentum Now

Joe Biden is in the lead now, and the favored to win the nomination. He wants to strengthen Obamacare, add the public option to it, a tall task in itself, and keep the private insurers in the game. Medicare For All makes too many people jittery. That is a slogan, that is no plan, they think. They hear Bernie say, we will blow up the building first before we build a new one. And a lot of people go, but where do I live in the meantime?

I have noticed since the beginning, Bernie is doing worse this time than he did in 2016 on all sorts of metrics. And as AOC went away, so did the young voters.

Coronavirus will beat Trump. Biden might benefit. He will also benefit from the Bloomberg infrastructure, which is formidable.

Does the number two spot go to Warren or Bloomberg? Or could it be Bernie?

Joe Biden was another one who sat out in 2016 because he thought it was Hillary's year.

Bloomberg considering dropping out after Biden rout
What Went Down On Super Tuesday
Bloomberg on Warren: 'I didn't realize she's still in'
Democrats Decide That Joe Biden, as Risky as He Ever Was, Is the Safest Bet The former vice president had the Super Tuesday of his dreams, winning in places he hasn’t even set foot in recently. ....... But a week ago, the result would have been something close to unthinkable. ...... Lifted by a hasty unity among center-left Democrats disinclined toward political revolution, Mr. Biden has propelled himself in the span of three days from electoral failure to would-be juggernaut..... tactical voters who think little of Senator Bernie Sanders and fear that his nomination would mean four more years of President Trump. ..... Bloomberg’s first brush with national voters yielded meager returns on a colossal financial investment...... When it mattered most, though, the judgment came swiftly from Sanders-averse Democrats. ...... All right, we’ll take him. ...... “John Kerry, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton,” said Rebecca Kirszner Katz, a veteran progressive strategist. “All safe choices.” ....... Certainly Mr. Trump would appear to have his preferences: Last year, he was impeached after trying to enlist a foreign power’s help to damage Mr. Biden. ...... That Mr. Biden’s fortunes have changed says more about the context of this primary than the content of his campaign......... Mr. Bloomberg flailed on the debate stage as he stepped out from behind the reputational curtain of his ubiquitous advertisements. And many in the party have remained uncomfortable with the kind of unswerving progressivism that Mr. Sanders demands. ...... a Biden-Sanders matchup is the logical venue for the party’s foremost ideological debate about the proper scope and ambition of government

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Imran, Imran

Imran Khan is the leader Pakistan needs today: thoughtful and empathetic

Pakistan is trying to change. It won’t happen in two years, perhaps, not in five years. It may even take a decade...... Khan’s intentions are clear, coherent, and blemish-free. ..... I voted for Khan. I trust Khan. So far....... On December 10, 2019, Khan tweeted: “Inspired by the ideals preached by our Prophet PBUH, especially in his last sermon, and duties enshrined in our Constitution, my govt is committed to the protection of human rights for all its citizens without discrimination.” .... Not a very kind and just place at the moment but based on Khan’s words and actions it is a safe assumption that Pakistan may become the best of itself someday...... Khan sees those who thought their life didn’t matter.