Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Hong Kong Bill

I Agree With Bill Gates On Huwaei

Bill Gates: Paranoia on China is a 'crazy approach' to innovation Microsoft founder suggests 'objective test' of security claims against Huawei ......... Microsoft founder Bill Gates decried the "paranoid" view fueling the current high-tech rivalry between the U.S. and China, telling an audience here Wednesday that trying to stop Beijing from developing innovative technologies is "beyond realistic." ........ "Huawei, like all goods and services, should be subject to an objective test," Gates said at The New York Times DealBook Conference. "The rule that everything that comes from China is bad ... that is one crazy approach to trying to take advantage of innovation." ....... The billionaire philanthropist said the U.S. and China should take advantage of each other's innovations, rather than turn against one another. ....... Microsoft has provided Windows source code to governments in the past, Gates said, and those officials became comfortable with the American company's products after examining the system. Huawei could adopt the same approach ....... When the event moderator said the Trump administration is unlikely to consider that approach as sufficient to solve security concerns, Gates replied: "Anyone with tech expertise would think so." ...... If Washington does not trust Chinese tech equipment, why would Beijing trust American products such as a jet engine, which theoretically could be shut off remotely. ....... "You should use objective measures," Gates continued, throwing up his hands. "There are people born in foreign countries who write software, honest to God."