Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hong Kong: The Protest Looking For A Safe Landing?

Of course, I can’t say that in five years later Hong Kong will have free elections suddenly, and that [a member of] the pro-democracy camp can be the leader of Hong Kong. But at least freedom from fear is what we hope for.
--- Joshua Wong, Hong Kong democracy leader

Look at what the most visible face of the movement is saying. The guy is already resigned to the fact that the fifth demand will not be met. And that posture matters.

A Criticism Of The Hong Kong Protestors
I Worry For The Hong Kong Protestors
The Hong Kong Protest Lacks Political Sophistication

Friday, September 27, 2019

I Am Rooting For Imran To Succeed In Pakistan

इमरान ने जनरल असेम्ब्ली में छक्का मारा
Imran On Kashmir In New York
Formula For Peace: Iran-Saudi-US, Taliban-US, India-Pakistan
Howdy Modi, Says Imran
Imran Wants To Lift 100 Million Pakistanis Out Of Poverty
The Blockchain Will Make A Global Wealth Tax Possible
How Will Democracy Come To The Arab Countries?
Kashmir: Not Normal Yet
Modi's Big Political Mistake On Article 370 In Kashmir
Imran Khan: India's Last Hope For Lasting Peace
Bihar 2020: Race For Chief Minister
War With Iran: Super Bad Idea For All Parties Concerned
Imran Khan On Kashmir
Imran Is Playing A Very Difficult Game
Universal Basic Income (aka Freedom Dividend) Is Not Free Money

I am.

Kashmir should have a right to self-determination. But why only Kashmir? Why not Punjab? Why not Sindh? Why not Balochistan? Why not Bihar? Why not Assam?

Scotland has a right to self-determination. It can vote to break away. It can and has organized its own referendum.

But let's face it. The democracies of South Asia have not evolved to that stage. I hope they do someday. But that time is not now.

Imran has plenty of challenges with the Pakistani economy. Kashmir is too big a distraction. But there is no way around it. He can not ignore Kashmir. It is understandable.