Thursday, September 26, 2019
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
President Pelosi? Trending On Twitter
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2019
“President Pelosi” is trending because it just might happen.
— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) September 25, 2019
I'm not going to lie, it's not something I was thinking about, but President Pelosi does have a certain ring to it.
— Ēva K (@uxordie) September 25, 2019
I rarely read intentionality into what Trump does -- he's mostly id -- but tying Pence to this is a pretty great way to signal to GOP Senators "If you vote to remove me, you gotta remove him. Do you WANT President Pelosi?"
— Emily VanDerWerff (@tvoti) September 25, 2019
Oh look just casually calling today's trending topic of President Pelosi back on OCTOBER 9, TWENTY SEVENTEEN
— Virginia Heffernan (@page88) September 25, 2019
Stick with me, Twitter, your prophetess
Holy Shit
— YourPresidentIsARacist (@battletested5) September 25, 2019
trump is telling us Pence was involved in the Ukraine treason too
I mean I am fucking floored right now..he incriminating the Vice President of the United States
Hello President Pelosi!!!!!!!!!#TrumpImpeachment
There's a twisted logic here: Trump is gambling that if he shits up Pence enough, they won't dare break support with him because then the VP goes down, too.
— Nash Across the 8th Dimension (@Nash076) September 25, 2019
And if that happens, it's President Pelosi.
Practicing “President Pelosi”
— ChristineP (@ChristineParini) September 25, 2019
The moral of the story is: if you and your party allow a bully to embarrass and humiliate you, then you’ll end up with a president who has the likability of a teacher who replies to "Can I go to the bathroom?" with "I don't know can you?" Enjoy President Pelosi, GOP cowards.
— Marie Connor (@thistallawkgirl) September 25, 2019
Honestly, a President Pelosi, who refuses to run for the job in 2020 and makes her only goal until next January starting the process of rooting out the extensive Republican corruption in government sounds pretty great to me.
— Jason Karsh (@jkarsh) September 25, 2019
Ok. So, the President breaks the law. In his press conference he implicates his VP and AG and his clown attorney implicates the State Department. If they all keep this up, it will end with President Pelosi. You cannot make this stuff up.
— Fred Guttenberg (@fred_guttenberg) September 25, 2019
Remember Pence may be implicated so get ready for President Pelosi!
— Rodney Santos (@thefinpundit) September 24, 2019
Dick Morris: Impeachment? Over What?
— Gary Akin (@GaryAkinMLM) September 25, 2019
President Pelosi? Trending On Twitter #TrumpImpeachment #presidentpelosi #Trump #impeachment
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 25, 2019
Trump lashes out at Pelosi over impeachment: "She’s no longer the speaker of the House"
— The Hill (@thehill) September 25, 2019
Here's a copy the actual police report of the arrest of six-year-old Kaia by Orlando cop Dennis Turner.
— Rebecca J. Kavanagh (@DrRJKavanagh) September 25, 2019
Note her first-grade teacher wanting to pursue charges and testify in court against her.
This is a huge game changer. @AOC is pushing a vision that is inclusive for all.
— Guy Ben-Aharon (@gbenaharon) September 25, 2019
The same billionaires crushing our right to organize are crushing our children's future. American workers need a @GreenNewDeal.
— Fight For 15 (@fightfor15) September 25, 2019
Solidarity to @VarshPrakash and the @sunrisemvmt #FightFor15
An entire presidency teetering because a couple of outer-borough goombahs are punching above their weight and tried to shake down a foreign leader like he's the Brooklyn land commissioner.
— Gary Legum (@GaryLegum) September 25, 2019
No. You *don't* ask foreign governments for help in our elections. That *is not* right.
— Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) September 25, 2019
— heykim (@heykim) September 25, 2019
BREAKING: There's a second whistleblower who says Trump is interfering with the automatic IRS audits of POTUS and Pence.
— Dirk Schwenk (@DirkSchwenk) September 25, 2019
Dick Morris: Impeachment? Over What? Just to be sure, they are also piling on everything they can think of and have been seeking to dredge up through their congressional subpoenas, all packaged into impeachment resolutions. Trump’s tax returns, his foundation activities, his hotel rentals for public events, and everything else is now fair game and likely to be wrapped into impeachment resolutions. ...... Their actions are not the considered opinions of responsible lawmakers. They are the desperate attempts of incumbent congressmen to avoid losing primary battles against pro-impeachment insurgents. ......